State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1956-1962
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Lime Light Good study habits and faithful class attendance are rewarded by good grades; those who do outstanding academic work are recognized by invitation to join honorary societies. A scholastic honor to work for as a freshman is membership in Alpha Lambda Delta, a national honorary society for freshman women who achieve a 3.5 grade average for the first semester or a cumulative 3.5 for the first two semesters of college. [hand drawing of girl] Phi Beta Kappa In almost every major field of study, there are recognition societies for those who achieve outstanding scholarship; Sigma Xi, for students who are outstanding in science; Alpha Omega Alpha, for outstanding students in medicine; Phi Lambda Upsilon, for excellence in chemistry; Rho Chi, for high achievement in pharmacy; Iota Sigma Pi, for women students outstanding in chemistry; and Sigma Theta Tau, for outstanding scholastic performance in nursing. Students with superior linguistic abilities will be eligible for Delta Phi Alpha (German), Eta Sigma Phi (classical languages), Pi Delta Phi (French), or Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish). Kappa Tau Alpha is the honor society for students in journalism who maintain a 3.2 after their freshman year. Students who excel in business education may join Pi Omega Pi. Phi Gamma Mu is the honorary society for students with high scholarship in the social sciences. Membership in Omicron Nu depends upon achievement in home economics, Purple Mask (National Collegiate Players) is for those who have done outstanding work in the University Theatre and at the same time have maintained high scholarship. Delta Sigma Rho honors distinctive participation in forensics events. Those Liberal Arts seniors who have maintained high scholarship in their four years of college, and who rank in the upper ten per cent of their class scholastically, are eligible for election to Phi Beta Kappa. The equivalent to this honorary society for commerce students is Beta Gamma Sigma. Outstanding junior girls who excel in service, leadership, and scholarship, are "tapped" for election to Mortar Board. Tapping traditionally takes place on Mother's Day weekend. 15
Lime Light Good study habits and faithful class attendance are rewarded by good grades; those who do outstanding academic work are recognized by invitation to join honorary societies. A scholastic honor to work for as a freshman is membership in Alpha Lambda Delta, a national honorary society for freshman women who achieve a 3.5 grade average for the first semester or a cumulative 3.5 for the first two semesters of college. [hand drawing of girl] Phi Beta Kappa In almost every major field of study, there are recognition societies for those who achieve outstanding scholarship; Sigma Xi, for students who are outstanding in science; Alpha Omega Alpha, for outstanding students in medicine; Phi Lambda Upsilon, for excellence in chemistry; Rho Chi, for high achievement in pharmacy; Iota Sigma Pi, for women students outstanding in chemistry; and Sigma Theta Tau, for outstanding scholastic performance in nursing. Students with superior linguistic abilities will be eligible for Delta Phi Alpha (German), Eta Sigma Phi (classical languages), Pi Delta Phi (French), or Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish). Kappa Tau Alpha is the honor society for students in journalism who maintain a 3.2 after their freshman year. Students who excel in business education may join Pi Omega Pi. Phi Gamma Mu is the honorary society for students with high scholarship in the social sciences. Membership in Omicron Nu depends upon achievement in home economics, Purple Mask (National Collegiate Players) is for those who have done outstanding work in the University Theatre and at the same time have maintained high scholarship. Delta Sigma Rho honors distinctive participation in forensics events. Those Liberal Arts seniors who have maintained high scholarship in their four years of college, and who rank in the upper ten per cent of their class scholastically, are eligible for election to Phi Beta Kappa. The equivalent to this honorary society for commerce students is Beta Gamma Sigma. Outstanding junior girls who excel in service, leadership, and scholarship, are "tapped" for election to Mortar Board. Tapping traditionally takes place on Mother's Day weekend. 15
Campus Culture