State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1956-1962
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Student Council Eighteen representatives from housing units, including married students and town students, compose the student government at SUI. Twenty Student Council committees and their sub-committees offer opportunities, to students who wish to apply for positions. All-University elections, Campus Chest drive, pep rallies, international relations, Homecoming program, and public relations are all under their direction. You can obtain applications at the Studnet Council office, located in the south wing of the Iowa Memorial Union. Union Board Social and cultural activities held in the Iowa Memorial Union are coordinated by the Student Union Board. The group of sixteen students that composes the board are chosen in spring elections to represent the different colleges in the University. Board members serve as chairmen of the various committees, each sponsoring a special Union activity. The committees include games, fine arts, bridge, movies, television, publicity, matinee dances, post-game parties, and special events. To be eligible for election as a Union Board chairman, you must first complete fifteen hours of work on a committee. Central Party Committee The all-University functions held in the Union are organized and produced by the Central Party Committee. They administer at least five dances and two special concerts each year, in addition to any special parties. Three Sophomores, four Juniors, and five Seniors are selected from applciations by the executive boards of Student Council and Union Board each spring. To be chosen for CPC is a coveted honor. Members begin their association with the committee by first serving on sub-committees. 19
Student Council Eighteen representatives from housing units, including married students and town students, compose the student government at SUI. Twenty Student Council committees and their sub-committees offer opportunities, to students who wish to apply for positions. All-University elections, Campus Chest drive, pep rallies, international relations, Homecoming program, and public relations are all under their direction. You can obtain applications at the Studnet Council office, located in the south wing of the Iowa Memorial Union. Union Board Social and cultural activities held in the Iowa Memorial Union are coordinated by the Student Union Board. The group of sixteen students that composes the board are chosen in spring elections to represent the different colleges in the University. Board members serve as chairmen of the various committees, each sponsoring a special Union activity. The committees include games, fine arts, bridge, movies, television, publicity, matinee dances, post-game parties, and special events. To be eligible for election as a Union Board chairman, you must first complete fifteen hours of work on a committee. Central Party Committee The all-University functions held in the Union are organized and produced by the Central Party Committee. They administer at least five dances and two special concerts each year, in addition to any special parties. Three Sophomores, four Juniors, and five Seniors are selected from applciations by the executive boards of Student Council and Union Board each spring. To be chosen for CPC is a coveted honor. Members begin their association with the committee by first serving on sub-committees. 19
Campus Culture