State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1956-1962
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service through local social agencies. With their hectic university life, students find it refreshing and a growing experience to give of themselves through this program. Students work with the City Recreation Commission, Girls Scouts and nursing homes. Hospital Service Iowa City is an ideal location for gaining experience in volunteer hospital service. The YWCA takes an active part in this valuable program. In conjunction with the General Hospital. Psychopathic Hospital,. Children's Hospital and the Oakdale Tuberculosis Sanatorium, the "Y" arranges a series of worth-while services. Girls in the organization are recruited to entertain, to read and to plan recreation for the patients in these medical centers. Major in Marriage The committee presents a series of very informative and pertinent lectures on the many phases of marriage. These discussions are led by faculty from the various fields. Areas of discussion range from the economic and legal aspects to the physical and emotion elements of marital relations. This is an important and interesting group with which to work. Social Committee One of the "top spots" on the YWCA calendar is the Silver Tea held annually at the home of President and Mrs. Hancer, SUI coeds, faculty and townspeople attend for a pleasant afternoon of visiting and having refreshments. The "Y" members act as hostesses for the event. It is a marvelous opportunity for meeting new people and introducing yourself to another of the activities of the "Y". Public Relations Word to the Y's is the YWCA's own newspaper sent to active members. Through The Daily Iowan and radio broadcasts the "Y" promotes its cause and campus interest. Girls in the field of journalism or those who enjoy work of this sort might find service on the public relations committee very beneficial. Co-ordinating these different areas of the YWCA are the executive council, commission chairman, and project chairmen. In the all-University elections as of last march 26, the following "Y" officers were chosen: Sara Schindler, president; Sue Graeber, vice president; Sybil Norton, finance chairman; martha Pillars, treasurer and Winnie Files, Freshman "Y" adviser. Becoming a member of the YWCA will be beneficial to you and to those you serve through its efforts. 29
service through local social agencies. With their hectic university life, students find it refreshing and a growing experience to give of themselves through this program. Students work with the City Recreation Commission, Girls Scouts and nursing homes. Hospital Service Iowa City is an ideal location for gaining experience in volunteer hospital service. The YWCA takes an active part in this valuable program. In conjunction with the General Hospital. Psychopathic Hospital,. Children's Hospital and the Oakdale Tuberculosis Sanatorium, the "Y" arranges a series of worth-while services. Girls in the organization are recruited to entertain, to read and to plan recreation for the patients in these medical centers. Major in Marriage The committee presents a series of very informative and pertinent lectures on the many phases of marriage. These discussions are led by faculty from the various fields. Areas of discussion range from the economic and legal aspects to the physical and emotion elements of marital relations. This is an important and interesting group with which to work. Social Committee One of the "top spots" on the YWCA calendar is the Silver Tea held annually at the home of President and Mrs. Hancer, SUI coeds, faculty and townspeople attend for a pleasant afternoon of visiting and having refreshments. The "Y" members act as hostesses for the event. It is a marvelous opportunity for meeting new people and introducing yourself to another of the activities of the "Y". Public Relations Word to the Y's is the YWCA's own newspaper sent to active members. Through The Daily Iowan and radio broadcasts the "Y" promotes its cause and campus interest. Girls in the field of journalism or those who enjoy work of this sort might find service on the public relations committee very beneficial. Co-ordinating these different areas of the YWCA are the executive council, commission chairman, and project chairmen. In the all-University elections as of last march 26, the following "Y" officers were chosen: Sara Schindler, president; Sue Graeber, vice president; Sybil Norton, finance chairman; martha Pillars, treasurer and Winnie Files, Freshman "Y" adviser. Becoming a member of the YWCA will be beneficial to you and to those you serve through its efforts. 29
Campus Culture