State University of Iowa Code for Coeds, 1956-1962
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committees attracting your special interests. This, your first year at SUI is the idea; time to begin participation in such groups, as chairmanships are usually reserved for those possessing previous committee experience. Heading AWS is a general council composed of the various committee chairmen, housing unit representatives, and the organization's executive officers who are selected each spring in the all-campus elections. Taking over the controls for year 1960-61 are: Kay Ackerman, president; Marilee Olson, vice president; Linda Rieke, secretary, Sharon Hamill, treasurer; and Judy Erickson, sophomore representative. Miss Helen E. Focht, counselor to women, acts as adviser for this group. It is through the General Council as a whole that the diverse activities of AWS are co-ordinated into one functioning unit. Regular weekly meetings deal with any problems which have arisen in a specific project and the study of new areas into which the organization may expand, Their concern is with the betterment of the campus community and its coed population. On the next pages you will find the various AWS activities briefly described. Take advantage of their Open House this fall to learn more about them. As a member, take it upon yourself to support this organization and assure its continued success in the years ahead. FRESHMAN COUNCIL A voice reserved especially for you is the AWS Freshman Council, which forms a bridge between the freshman women on campus and the active body of AWS. Composed of one representative from each housing unit, its twenty one members are chosen each fall on the basis of their potential in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and all-around campus participation. Meeting weekly, this council works closely with the various AWS committees, each of its members being assigned to some specific project. The group also functions as a whole while working on such things as teas, nursing home and hospital visits, the tabulation of student questionnaires etc. Keeping General Council informed of their activities is the Freshman Council president, who automatically become a member of this senior body. Interested in becoming a voice of first year coeds at SUI? Sign up for an interview at the AWS Open House. CENTRAL JUDICIARY Entering into the life of every coed are the rules and regulations regarding hours and conduct. These principles are outlined in the 24
committees attracting your special interests. This, your first year at SUI is the idea; time to begin participation in such groups, as chairmanships are usually reserved for those possessing previous committee experience. Heading AWS is a general council composed of the various committee chairmen, housing unit representatives, and the organization's executive officers who are selected each spring in the all-campus elections. Taking over the controls for year 1960-61 are: Kay Ackerman, president; Marilee Olson, vice president; Linda Rieke, secretary, Sharon Hamill, treasurer; and Judy Erickson, sophomore representative. Miss Helen E. Focht, counselor to women, acts as adviser for this group. It is through the General Council as a whole that the diverse activities of AWS are co-ordinated into one functioning unit. Regular weekly meetings deal with any problems which have arisen in a specific project and the study of new areas into which the organization may expand, Their concern is with the betterment of the campus community and its coed population. On the next pages you will find the various AWS activities briefly described. Take advantage of their Open House this fall to learn more about them. As a member, take it upon yourself to support this organization and assure its continued success in the years ahead. FRESHMAN COUNCIL A voice reserved especially for you is the AWS Freshman Council, which forms a bridge between the freshman women on campus and the active body of AWS. Composed of one representative from each housing unit, its twenty one members are chosen each fall on the basis of their potential in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and all-around campus participation. Meeting weekly, this council works closely with the various AWS committees, each of its members being assigned to some specific project. The group also functions as a whole while working on such things as teas, nursing home and hospital visits, the tabulation of student questionnaires etc. Keeping General Council informed of their activities is the Freshman Council president, who automatically become a member of this senior body. Interested in becoming a voice of first year coeds at SUI? Sign up for an interview at the AWS Open House. CENTRAL JUDICIARY Entering into the life of every coed are the rules and regulations regarding hours and conduct. These principles are outlined in the 24
Campus Culture