Campus "Unrest" Demonstrations, 1970
1970-05-12 Statement by President Willard L. Boyd Page 1
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THE UNI A Never Used May 12, 1970 STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT WILLARD L. BOYD: The University plans to have the Faculty Senate's recommendation concerning ROTC considered as expeditiously as possible, consistent with consultation with all interested campus constituencies, including, in addition to the Faculty Senate, students and appropriate colleges. To this end, I have already referred the Faculty Senate resolution to the Deans of the undergraduate colleges, with the request that the colleges report back within 15 days. In addition to asking the Deans to convene faculty meetings to consider the resolution, I have asked each Dean to provide for student input into whatever recommendation is made. The Faculty Senate has appointed a three-member committee to assist in implementing the Senate's recommendation. I ask that this group work with representative administrative officers and students to assure that the matter is considered with all dispatch. To represent the administrative officers I have appointed Provost Heffner and Dean Barnes of the College of Business Administration. To assure that the student point of view is represented, I will ask Robert Beller, President of the Student Senate, and _________ to work with the group. I request that this representative group report to me within three weeks of receiving the Collegiate recommendations, or as soon thereafter as the group deems possible, but in no event later than one month after receiving reports from the colleges. Under the timetable I have established, the recommendation should be in my hands no later than days from today. It should be understood that referring the qeustion to the Colleges is necessary and consistent with the majority report of the Faculty Senate Committee to the effect that the ROTC curriculum" is essentially a collegiate matter." It should also be understood as recognized in the same report that "ROTC at the University of Iowa is a creation of the predecessor to the present Board of
THE UNI A Never Used May 12, 1970 STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT WILLARD L. BOYD: The University plans to have the Faculty Senate's recommendation concerning ROTC considered as expeditiously as possible, consistent with consultation with all interested campus constituencies, including, in addition to the Faculty Senate, students and appropriate colleges. To this end, I have already referred the Faculty Senate resolution to the Deans of the undergraduate colleges, with the request that the colleges report back within 15 days. In addition to asking the Deans to convene faculty meetings to consider the resolution, I have asked each Dean to provide for student input into whatever recommendation is made. The Faculty Senate has appointed a three-member committee to assist in implementing the Senate's recommendation. I ask that this group work with representative administrative officers and students to assure that the matter is considered with all dispatch. To represent the administrative officers I have appointed Provost Heffner and Dean Barnes of the College of Business Administration. To assure that the student point of view is represented, I will ask Robert Beller, President of the Student Senate, and _________ to work with the group. I request that this representative group report to me within three weeks of receiving the Collegiate recommendations, or as soon thereafter as the group deems possible, but in no event later than one month after receiving reports from the colleges. Under the timetable I have established, the recommendation should be in my hands no later than days from today. It should be understood that referring the qeustion to the Colleges is necessary and consistent with the majority report of the Faculty Senate Committee to the effect that the ROTC curriculum" is essentially a collegiate matter." It should also be understood as recognized in the same report that "ROTC at the University of Iowa is a creation of the predecessor to the present Board of
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