Campus "Unrest" Demonstrations, 1970
1970-06-16 Office of the President to Mr. Lawrence Kook
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THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA 52240 Office of the President June 16, 1970 Mr. Lawrence Kook Campus Security GHTE Dear Mr. Kook: I apologize for not having written sooner to express my concern about the injury you sustained during the recent demonstrations. I deeply regret the injury and want to express to you the appreciation of the University for your steadfastness under difficult circumstances. I sincerely hope that you are feeling much better and that no permanent injury has been sustained. Mr. Birch Bell Telephone Dear Mr. Birch: I want to express the appreciation of the University for your great help in May. Your cooperation and that of Bell Telephone aided us considerably, and we are most grateful. Sincerely yours, Faculty Monitors I want to express my appreciation for the long hours and sensitive efforts you devoted to the well-being of the University as faculty monitors during May. You were needed, you were there, your efforts were appreciated by all. With best regards. Cordially yours, Fire Watchers I want to express my great appreciation for your devotion and dedication to the University in the fire watch of May. I cannot adequately express our appreciation for your support of the University. With best regards. Cordially yours, Willard L. Boyd Members of the Board of Regents Dear Friends: The University of Iowa has taken good care of me. During the last sixteen years. At the end of each academic year I have happily expressed my appreciation to those who are responsible for my work. In the past that has been Dean Ladd and President Bowen. Since you have taken their places, I do want you to know how grateful I am to be associated with this University. I do think, however, you could have economized more on my salary should have economized more on my remuneration for next year. It was your thought that means much. Dear Stuit Dear Dean Stuite: I have deduced that the offer to the
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA 52240 Office of the President June 16, 1970 Mr. Lawrence Kook Campus Security GHTE Dear Mr. Kook: I apologize for not having written sooner to express my concern about the injury you sustained during the recent demonstrations. I deeply regret the injury and want to express to you the appreciation of the University for your steadfastness under difficult circumstances. I sincerely hope that you are feeling much better and that no permanent injury has been sustained. Mr. Birch Bell Telephone Dear Mr. Birch: I want to express the appreciation of the University for your great help in May. Your cooperation and that of Bell Telephone aided us considerably, and we are most grateful. Sincerely yours, Faculty Monitors I want to express my appreciation for the long hours and sensitive efforts you devoted to the well-being of the University as faculty monitors during May. You were needed, you were there, your efforts were appreciated by all. With best regards. Cordially yours, Fire Watchers I want to express my great appreciation for your devotion and dedication to the University in the fire watch of May. I cannot adequately express our appreciation for your support of the University. With best regards. Cordially yours, Willard L. Boyd Members of the Board of Regents Dear Friends: The University of Iowa has taken good care of me. During the last sixteen years. At the end of each academic year I have happily expressed my appreciation to those who are responsible for my work. In the past that has been Dean Ladd and President Bowen. Since you have taken their places, I do want you to know how grateful I am to be associated with this University. I do think, however, you could have economized more on my salary should have economized more on my remuneration for next year. It was your thought that means much. Dear Stuit Dear Dean Stuite: I have deduced that the offer to the
Campus Culture