Student handouts ca. 1970
1971-08-03 Other Ways: A Bi-Weekly Community Newsletter Page 1
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OTHER WAYS August 3, 1971 A Bi-Weekly Community Newsletter No. 2 WHAT WE ARE: First of all we are a calendar of events. There is no serious attempt in Iowa City to keep people and organizations working for peace, social change, and new solutions for old problems informed and aware of what each other is up to. We need to know who we are, where we are and most important - that we exist. And other people who want to help need to know about us. You can help by informing us of what your group (or you as an individual) is doing and what you know about that is happening around the country. Call Jim Moore at the American Friends Service Committee office, 338-7250 or Shelley Lowenberg at 351-1174. All information to be included in the next newsletter must be received by Friday, Aug, 13. We also want to be a place where indepth articles about particular events/organizations/ideas can be printed. WE NEED: Your reaction to what we do or don't do. Your help: to write articles, distribute the newsletter, type encouragement, anger, anything that will help us change and grow and keep us going. We also need money. We want to continue giving the newsletter away, but this means we need individual contributions. we have no organization support. Help us. CALENDAR OF EVENTS AND GOOD THINGS: Free Medical Clinic - free medical service for students and non-students. The basement of Center East, Monday and Thursday evenings, 7-10pm. Action Studies - courses available in many areas. Or organize your own. Jefferson Bldg., 3rd floor, 1-5pm, Mon.-Friday. Hawkeye Area Draft Information Center - free draft information, 311 N. Linn (basement), Sun., Mon. & Wed.: 1:30-3:30 pm and Thurs. night from 7-9 pm. (calendar cont'd next column) The American Friends Service Committee - peace education activities. Volunteer help needed for office work: new project ideas welcomed. Come in for the booksale. Open 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday-Friday. New Pioneer Co-Operative Society - to begin in September . A way to get good food at reasonable prices. Call Don Mazziotti at 353-5001. National Welfare Rights Organization - "is of, by, and for the welfare recipients and other poor people." Call 338-9586 for more information. Christmas Affirming Life - non-violent political activism. Write 12 Princeton Court, Iowa City for more information. Vietnam Veterans Against the War - 351-7251 Crisis Center - a place to call when you want to talk to somebody or need information. Open between 2pm and 2am Call: 351-0140 Iowa Peace Action Committee - on August 5 there will be another draft lottery (in spite of the fact that there is no draft). At 5pm IPAC will hold a "peace lottery": prominent Iowa Citians, too old for the Selective Service system, will not be forgotten! Their names will be drawn at random and "induction notices" will order them to report for peace work at the American Friends Service Committee office. If they "refuse induction" appropriate action will be taken as is deemed fit, necessary and proper. On the same day Christians Affirming Life will draw attention to the lottery by placing a large number of crosses, symbolic of the Iowa War dead, on the Pentecrest and holding a public meeting to discuss the importance of the lottery. Legal Aid - is now available for those with cases of political significance and/or potential for law reform. The "people's law office," as it is informally refered to, (cont'd page 2, column 1)
OTHER WAYS August 3, 1971 A Bi-Weekly Community Newsletter No. 2 WHAT WE ARE: First of all we are a calendar of events. There is no serious attempt in Iowa City to keep people and organizations working for peace, social change, and new solutions for old problems informed and aware of what each other is up to. We need to know who we are, where we are and most important - that we exist. And other people who want to help need to know about us. You can help by informing us of what your group (or you as an individual) is doing and what you know about that is happening around the country. Call Jim Moore at the American Friends Service Committee office, 338-7250 or Shelley Lowenberg at 351-1174. All information to be included in the next newsletter must be received by Friday, Aug, 13. We also want to be a place where indepth articles about particular events/organizations/ideas can be printed. WE NEED: Your reaction to what we do or don't do. Your help: to write articles, distribute the newsletter, type encouragement, anger, anything that will help us change and grow and keep us going. We also need money. We want to continue giving the newsletter away, but this means we need individual contributions. we have no organization support. Help us. CALENDAR OF EVENTS AND GOOD THINGS: Free Medical Clinic - free medical service for students and non-students. The basement of Center East, Monday and Thursday evenings, 7-10pm. Action Studies - courses available in many areas. Or organize your own. Jefferson Bldg., 3rd floor, 1-5pm, Mon.-Friday. Hawkeye Area Draft Information Center - free draft information, 311 N. Linn (basement), Sun., Mon. & Wed.: 1:30-3:30 pm and Thurs. night from 7-9 pm. (calendar cont'd next column) The American Friends Service Committee - peace education activities. Volunteer help needed for office work: new project ideas welcomed. Come in for the booksale. Open 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday-Friday. New Pioneer Co-Operative Society - to begin in September . A way to get good food at reasonable prices. Call Don Mazziotti at 353-5001. National Welfare Rights Organization - "is of, by, and for the welfare recipients and other poor people." Call 338-9586 for more information. Christmas Affirming Life - non-violent political activism. Write 12 Princeton Court, Iowa City for more information. Vietnam Veterans Against the War - 351-7251 Crisis Center - a place to call when you want to talk to somebody or need information. Open between 2pm and 2am Call: 351-0140 Iowa Peace Action Committee - on August 5 there will be another draft lottery (in spite of the fact that there is no draft). At 5pm IPAC will hold a "peace lottery": prominent Iowa Citians, too old for the Selective Service system, will not be forgotten! Their names will be drawn at random and "induction notices" will order them to report for peace work at the American Friends Service Committee office. If they "refuse induction" appropriate action will be taken as is deemed fit, necessary and proper. On the same day Christians Affirming Life will draw attention to the lottery by placing a large number of crosses, symbolic of the Iowa War dead, on the Pentecrest and holding a public meeting to discuss the importance of the lottery. Legal Aid - is now available for those with cases of political significance and/or potential for law reform. The "people's law office," as it is informally refered to, (cont'd page 2, column 1)
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