Student handouts ca. 1970
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5 'Faculty Sandbox' The Faculty Senate follows the example of Student Senate. While giving the appearance of democracy, its Constitution reveals its powerlessness. While the Senate 'may discuss and take a position on any subject of university concern,' it can only 'formulate and recommend policies to the President of the University.' All other powers of the Senate are those controlling its own deliberately gerrymanded membership. Occasionally the Faculty Senate slips and makes statements or recommendations that aren't acceptable. When this occurs faculty 'Elites'-- older, management-oriented professors who hold a disproportionate share of [powerful committee position. by presidential appointment - intervene or override Senate decisions. When this is untenable, there is always the University President's veto. Remember, for example, that the Faculty Senate voted to abolish ROTC? What happened to ROTC? It's back, of course, 'better' than ever. The other supposed decision-making bodies of the university -- the University General Committees, the Graduate College Committees, and Vice President's Research Committees- all serve as yes men to the management, the President, the Provost, and the Board of Regents. This rubber stamping operation is accomplished by gerrymandered membership in powerful committee posts, paking committees with management personnel, and by the President's appointment powers. Then , of course, there is always the means to enforce discipline in the falculty 'sandbox' University Managers can not renew the contracts of faculty and graduate assistants who are 'socially unadapatable.'
5 'Faculty Sandbox' The Faculty Senate follows the example of Student Senate. While giving the appearance of democracy, its Constitution reveals its powerlessness. While the Senate 'may discuss and take a position on any subject of university concern,' it can only 'formulate and recommend policies to the President of the University.' All other powers of the Senate are those controlling its own deliberately gerrymanded membership. Occasionally the Faculty Senate slips and makes statements or recommendations that aren't acceptable. When this occurs faculty 'Elites'-- older, management-oriented professors who hold a disproportionate share of [powerful committee position. by presidential appointment - intervene or override Senate decisions. When this is untenable, there is always the University President's veto. Remember, for example, that the Faculty Senate voted to abolish ROTC? What happened to ROTC? It's back, of course, 'better' than ever. The other supposed decision-making bodies of the university -- the University General Committees, the Graduate College Committees, and Vice President's Research Committees- all serve as yes men to the management, the President, the Provost, and the Board of Regents. This rubber stamping operation is accomplished by gerrymandered membership in powerful committee posts, paking committees with management personnel, and by the President's appointment powers. Then , of course, there is always the means to enforce discipline in the falculty 'sandbox' University Managers can not renew the contracts of faculty and graduate assistants who are 'socially unadapatable.'
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