University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1970-1971
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Applicants for other agencies, Student Activities Board, Judicial Court and Student Traffic Court, are selected by the Personnel Committee for appointment by the student body president, subject to approval by at least a two thirds majority of the Student Senate. The Senate is the Student Association legislative body. The vice president of the Student Association is the Senate's presiding officer. The Senate's primary function is to promote and protect the interests, welfare and rights of students. The Senate meets weekly to debate and act upon legislation. Bills introduced into the Senate are usually referred to one of these committees: Budgeting This committee is responsible for the allocation of student fees to recognized student organizations. The committee hears all budget requests and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding allocations. Any recognized student organization may request funds from the Student Senate . Personnel This committee interviews all student applicants for positions on University general committees, positions within student government agencies, and vacancies on Student Senate, and present recommendations to the UISA president for appointments. This committee is also responsible for maintaining a liaison between the Senate and the general committees. Student Organizations This committee guides new organizations during their formative stages and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding the chartering of these groups. Ad Hoc Committees The creation of ad hoc committees is dictated by specific issues arising in such areas as academic affairs. housing and student rights and freedoms. Student Activities Board Responsibility for the coordination of all student organizations rests with the Student Activities Board. It decides jurisdictional issues between student organizations, develops the student master calendar, and generally assures that student activities are proceeding in an orderly and effective manner. Traffic Court Composed of seven students, the Traffic Court each week reviews all student appeals of University registration and on campus parking violations. Judicial Court The Judicial Court is an appellate body of five students which hears appeals from the Traffic Court. It also has authority in appeals concerning all campus elections. Residence Unit Government ASSOCIATED RESIDENCE HALLS Purposes of ARH include planning, encouraging, and sponsoring programs to promote personal development within member units; formulating and implementing inter-residence hall policy; and representing residence hall interests to the University and the community. These purposes and pursued through a directorate composed of two representatives of each residence unit, the elected officers of the ARH, the manager of the residence halls' KICR radio network, and the chairmen of ARH standing committees. The directorate meets every other week. INTERDORM SOCIAL BOARD An agency of ARH, the board coordinates and sponsors inter residence hall social activities. Each ARH member unit appoints two representatives to the board. INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL The IFC is the governing body for the 21 national social fraternities at Iowa. Each fraternity has one IFC delegate. The IFC elects its own executive board. With the Fraternity Counselor in the Student Activities Center, the IFC plans programs and sets policies for all U of I men's social fraternities. The following national social fraternities have U of I chapters: Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta PI, Delta Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon WOMEN'S PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION All members of the 16 national sororities with U of I chapters belong to Women's Panhellenic Association which is governed by Panhellenic Council. Each sorority chapter has two council delegates. Six officers elected by 32 delegates make up the Executive Council. Nine standing committees administer Panhellenic Association activities. National social sororities with U of I chapters are: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phu Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Delta Tau, Zeta Tau Alpha. International Groups INTERNATIONAL CENTER ASSOCIATION The International Center Association is an organization of American and foreign students whose purpose is to promote friendship among students of all nationalities. CIRCUNA The Council on International Relations and United Nations Affairs is a programming organization which attempts to give its members insight into the processes and complexities of international diplomacy. CIRCUNA sponsors the Model UN and similar activities. CHINESE STUDENTS CLUB All Chinese professors, staff members and students, as well as anyone interested in Chinese culture, language or activities, are eligible for membership in this organization. Primarily social, the club promotes dinners and other activities that provide opportunities for fellowship. 11
Applicants for other agencies, Student Activities Board, Judicial Court and Student Traffic Court, are selected by the Personnel Committee for appointment by the student body president, subject to approval by at least a two thirds majority of the Student Senate. The Senate is the Student Association legislative body. The vice president of the Student Association is the Senate's presiding officer. The Senate's primary function is to promote and protect the interests, welfare and rights of students. The Senate meets weekly to debate and act upon legislation. Bills introduced into the Senate are usually referred to one of these committees: Budgeting This committee is responsible for the allocation of student fees to recognized student organizations. The committee hears all budget requests and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding allocations. Any recognized student organization may request funds from the Student Senate . Personnel This committee interviews all student applicants for positions on University general committees, positions within student government agencies, and vacancies on Student Senate, and present recommendations to the UISA president for appointments. This committee is also responsible for maintaining a liaison between the Senate and the general committees. Student Organizations This committee guides new organizations during their formative stages and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding the chartering of these groups. Ad Hoc Committees The creation of ad hoc committees is dictated by specific issues arising in such areas as academic affairs. housing and student rights and freedoms. Student Activities Board Responsibility for the coordination of all student organizations rests with the Student Activities Board. It decides jurisdictional issues between student organizations, develops the student master calendar, and generally assures that student activities are proceeding in an orderly and effective manner. Traffic Court Composed of seven students, the Traffic Court each week reviews all student appeals of University registration and on campus parking violations. Judicial Court The Judicial Court is an appellate body of five students which hears appeals from the Traffic Court. It also has authority in appeals concerning all campus elections. Residence Unit Government ASSOCIATED RESIDENCE HALLS Purposes of ARH include planning, encouraging, and sponsoring programs to promote personal development within member units; formulating and implementing inter-residence hall policy; and representing residence hall interests to the University and the community. These purposes and pursued through a directorate composed of two representatives of each residence unit, the elected officers of the ARH, the manager of the residence halls' KICR radio network, and the chairmen of ARH standing committees. The directorate meets every other week. INTERDORM SOCIAL BOARD An agency of ARH, the board coordinates and sponsors inter residence hall social activities. Each ARH member unit appoints two representatives to the board. INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL The IFC is the governing body for the 21 national social fraternities at Iowa. Each fraternity has one IFC delegate. The IFC elects its own executive board. With the Fraternity Counselor in the Student Activities Center, the IFC plans programs and sets policies for all U of I men's social fraternities. The following national social fraternities have U of I chapters: Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta PI, Delta Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon WOMEN'S PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION All members of the 16 national sororities with U of I chapters belong to Women's Panhellenic Association which is governed by Panhellenic Council. Each sorority chapter has two council delegates. Six officers elected by 32 delegates make up the Executive Council. Nine standing committees administer Panhellenic Association activities. National social sororities with U of I chapters are: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phu Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Delta Tau, Zeta Tau Alpha. International Groups INTERNATIONAL CENTER ASSOCIATION The International Center Association is an organization of American and foreign students whose purpose is to promote friendship among students of all nationalities. CIRCUNA The Council on International Relations and United Nations Affairs is a programming organization which attempts to give its members insight into the processes and complexities of international diplomacy. CIRCUNA sponsors the Model UN and similar activities. CHINESE STUDENTS CLUB All Chinese professors, staff members and students, as well as anyone interested in Chinese culture, language or activities, are eligible for membership in this organization. Primarily social, the club promotes dinners and other activities that provide opportunities for fellowship. 11
Campus Culture