University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1970-1971
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are open to all interested students. Interviews for staff positions are conducted early in the fall. Seniors receive Hawkeye free; other students may purchase copies by signing "Hawkeye notes" in the fall and paying the purchase price at the beginning of the spring semester. IOWA DENTAL BULLETIN The Bulletin's purpose is to report on-going programs of teaching,service and research in the College of Dentistry. The Bulletin is distributed without charge to alumni, faculty, students and friends of the College. The editorial board consists of faculty and students in the College of Dentistry, and a managing editor. Dental students interested in gaining publication experience should contact the Dean's Office. IOWA LAW REVIEW Membership on the student board of editors of the Iowa Law review is the highest recognition attainable by a student in the College of Law. The board comprises law students invited to write for the Review, which is published six times yearly. The seven-member editorial staff of the Review is selected from the board of editors in the spring. KICR RADIO NETWORK Owned by Associated Residence Halls, the KICR network is operated exclusively for the benefit and entertainment of residents of ARH member units. Any U of I residence hall may become a KICR network member by agreeing to KICR network contact terms. Any student interested in KICR staff membership should contact his residence unit's ARH representative or the KICR network manager. IOWA TRANSIT Engineering Building The Iowa Transit is published monthly by Associated Students of Engineering. The editor and other staff members are selected by application to the Transit board. WSUI AND KSUI-FM Engineering Building University operated radio stations WSUI (910Khz) and KSUI-FM(91.7Mc) broadcast educational, cultural and informational programs. They are FCC licensed and have full time professionally licensed staffs. For interested and qualified students, they offer part-time employment in research, writing, announcing, and control board operation. Union Board The Union Board is probably most widely known for its contribution to University life through the sponsorship of a wide variety of educational and entertaining programs of interest to all segments of the University. To those involved with planning and producing of these programs, however, Union Board membership can mean opportunities to learn many skills in a completely informal atmosphere - to experiment free from the pressures of the "academic world." All University students, graduate as well as undergraduate are invited to take advantage of one or both facets of this two-fold opportunity offered by the following Union Board Areas BLACK AREA The newly formed Black Area was developed by Union Board in recognition of the need for concentrated programming for black members of the University and for promoting understanding through informal communication through such events as dances, concerts and speakers. Programming in this area is planned and implemented by black students. CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS AREA The Contemporary Affairs Area will attempt to promote understanding of contemporary issues by presenting authorities to the campus and by providing for discussion of local and world issues. The Speakers Committee will aim to bring in two speakers of national fame outside the University who present controversial opinions. The Issues and Answers Committee will provide forums designed to explore issues on and off campus, using especially knowledgeable personnel from the university. The Campus Quiz Bowl Committee sponsors a quiz bowl patterned after the television series. Symposium Committee will attempt to present in-dept symposia centered around various issues, utilizing University and outside personnel. The Interesting Personalities on Campus Committee recognizes a need for students to meet faculty and administration who have distinguished themselves in some way. An informal coffee hour in the afternoon will be presented twice a month for people to come in and talk. ENTERTAINMENT AREA Entertainment Area endeavors to provide the greatest amount of entertainment to the greatest number of people at the lowest possible cost through a "mini-concert" series. Wheel Room entertainment, dances, semi classical evenings, festivals, and indoor recreation. The mini concert series will bring in national talent on the way up. This new series will provide quality "pop" entertainment regularly. Wheel Room entertainment is local talent, usually of folk nature. Semi Classical evenings also provide an opportunity for local artists to gain performing experience. Dance Committee books local rock bands for those who enjoy "grooving to the tunes." while Festivals programs anything from folk to rock festivals. Indoor Recreation will plan and provide for such indoor sports as billiards, chess, and bridge in the Union. EXECUTIVE AREA This internal service for Union Board areas provides such basics as stationary, room rental, bookkeeping, and secretarial aid, and seeks to promote communication with other Big 10 schools and with schools in the region. it also sponsors trips to conventions at other schools for the purpose of exchanging program ideas. The vice-president provides Union Board representation to various groups on campus, and is responsible for communicating with other Big 10 and regional schools. The Finance Committee is in charge of bookkeeping for Union Board. The Secretariat orders stationary, handles room rental , and performs other secretarial duties for Union Board. 14
are open to all interested students. Interviews for staff positions are conducted early in the fall. Seniors receive Hawkeye free; other students may purchase copies by signing "Hawkeye notes" in the fall and paying the purchase price at the beginning of the spring semester. IOWA DENTAL BULLETIN The Bulletin's purpose is to report on-going programs of teaching,service and research in the College of Dentistry. The Bulletin is distributed without charge to alumni, faculty, students and friends of the College. The editorial board consists of faculty and students in the College of Dentistry, and a managing editor. Dental students interested in gaining publication experience should contact the Dean's Office. IOWA LAW REVIEW Membership on the student board of editors of the Iowa Law review is the highest recognition attainable by a student in the College of Law. The board comprises law students invited to write for the Review, which is published six times yearly. The seven-member editorial staff of the Review is selected from the board of editors in the spring. KICR RADIO NETWORK Owned by Associated Residence Halls, the KICR network is operated exclusively for the benefit and entertainment of residents of ARH member units. Any U of I residence hall may become a KICR network member by agreeing to KICR network contact terms. Any student interested in KICR staff membership should contact his residence unit's ARH representative or the KICR network manager. IOWA TRANSIT Engineering Building The Iowa Transit is published monthly by Associated Students of Engineering. The editor and other staff members are selected by application to the Transit board. WSUI AND KSUI-FM Engineering Building University operated radio stations WSUI (910Khz) and KSUI-FM(91.7Mc) broadcast educational, cultural and informational programs. They are FCC licensed and have full time professionally licensed staffs. For interested and qualified students, they offer part-time employment in research, writing, announcing, and control board operation. Union Board The Union Board is probably most widely known for its contribution to University life through the sponsorship of a wide variety of educational and entertaining programs of interest to all segments of the University. To those involved with planning and producing of these programs, however, Union Board membership can mean opportunities to learn many skills in a completely informal atmosphere - to experiment free from the pressures of the "academic world." All University students, graduate as well as undergraduate are invited to take advantage of one or both facets of this two-fold opportunity offered by the following Union Board Areas BLACK AREA The newly formed Black Area was developed by Union Board in recognition of the need for concentrated programming for black members of the University and for promoting understanding through informal communication through such events as dances, concerts and speakers. Programming in this area is planned and implemented by black students. CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS AREA The Contemporary Affairs Area will attempt to promote understanding of contemporary issues by presenting authorities to the campus and by providing for discussion of local and world issues. The Speakers Committee will aim to bring in two speakers of national fame outside the University who present controversial opinions. The Issues and Answers Committee will provide forums designed to explore issues on and off campus, using especially knowledgeable personnel from the university. The Campus Quiz Bowl Committee sponsors a quiz bowl patterned after the television series. Symposium Committee will attempt to present in-dept symposia centered around various issues, utilizing University and outside personnel. The Interesting Personalities on Campus Committee recognizes a need for students to meet faculty and administration who have distinguished themselves in some way. An informal coffee hour in the afternoon will be presented twice a month for people to come in and talk. ENTERTAINMENT AREA Entertainment Area endeavors to provide the greatest amount of entertainment to the greatest number of people at the lowest possible cost through a "mini-concert" series. Wheel Room entertainment, dances, semi classical evenings, festivals, and indoor recreation. The mini concert series will bring in national talent on the way up. This new series will provide quality "pop" entertainment regularly. Wheel Room entertainment is local talent, usually of folk nature. Semi Classical evenings also provide an opportunity for local artists to gain performing experience. Dance Committee books local rock bands for those who enjoy "grooving to the tunes." while Festivals programs anything from folk to rock festivals. Indoor Recreation will plan and provide for such indoor sports as billiards, chess, and bridge in the Union. EXECUTIVE AREA This internal service for Union Board areas provides such basics as stationary, room rental, bookkeeping, and secretarial aid, and seeks to promote communication with other Big 10 schools and with schools in the region. it also sponsors trips to conventions at other schools for the purpose of exchanging program ideas. The vice-president provides Union Board representation to various groups on campus, and is responsible for communicating with other Big 10 and regional schools. The Finance Committee is in charge of bookkeeping for Union Board. The Secretariat orders stationary, handles room rental , and performs other secretarial duties for Union Board. 14
Campus Culture