University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1970-1971
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accordance with residence halls policy. Other approved housing units, such as fraternities and sororities, may be voluntarily make such option available if they desire, but are not required to do so. Any student who has elected to live in a residence hall with restricted hours and who violates the restricted hours policy may be transferred to another hall without restricted hours and, if the student is under the age of 21, his or her parents or guardian shall be notified of the violation, but no disciplinary action shall be taken. 9. Overnight Register. Each residence hall shall provide a register where residents who will be away from the halls overnight or weekends may sign out and leave an address or telephone number where they can be reached. Such sign-out register is maintained for the convenience and safety or residents, and they are encouraged to sign out but are not required to do so. Recognition of Student Organizations. 1. Eligibility. Any group or organization which consists primarily of University students and whose purposes are consistent with the educational objectives of the University is eligible for recognition by the University. Recognized student organizations must comply with all regulations contained in the Code of Student Life and are entitled to certain privileges such as the use of University facilities and services as hereinafter provided. Recognition of a student organization by the University does not constitute an endorsement of its program or purposes, but is merely a charter to exist. Additional information and regulations concerning student organizations are contained in the Student Organizations Handbook. 2. Membership Policy. It is the policy of the University that all recognized student organizations be able to exercise free choice of members on the basis of their merits as individuals without restriction as to race, color, or national origin. Any student organization whose choice of members is subject to approval by national or other non-University organizations, or which is required by a non-University organization to procure a recommendation from an alumnus or any other person not currently an active member of the local organization prior to admitting a person to membership, in ineligible for recognition by the University. 3. Officers. Only registered University students or members of the faculty or administrative staff may be principal representatives of a recognized student organization. Each organization must identify at least two and no more than four principal representatives. 4. Recognition Procedure. Recognition of student organizations which are residential living units (residence halls, fraternities and sororities) is granted by their respective governing bodies (Associated Residence Halls, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council) with the concurrence of the Committee on Student Life. Recognition of all other student organizations is granted under the auspices of The University of Iowa Student Association Senate: (a) Charters are issued by the Student Senate to student organizations which are eligible for permanent recognition; (b) Provisional recognition not to exceed 12 months may be granted by the Program Advisor in the Student Development Center with the concurrence of the Student Senate Committee on Student Organizations to ad hoc organizations which are eligible for temporary recognition. Application forms for recognition are available in the Student Activities Center, located in the Iowa Memorial Union, and must be signed by a principal representative of the organization. 5. Registration. On or before October 1 of each year, every recognized student organization must submit a registration statement to the Program Advisor setting forth completely and accurately all of the information requested on the registration form. Such forms are available in the Students Activities Center and must be signed by an authorized member of the organization. Thereafter, during the year, recognized student organizations shall, within a reasonable time, report to the Program Advisor any amendments to or changes in their constitutions bylaws, principal representatives, advisors, or programs. Recognized student organizations shall also submit any additional information or data requested from time to time by the Program Advisor or the Committee on Student Life. 6. Annual Report. Before the close of each academic year, every recognized student organization must submit an annual report to the Program Advisor. Such annual report shall consist of a clear and concise statement summarizing the activities and programs of the organization during the year and must be signed by a principal representative of the organization. Failure to file a timely annual report is cause for revocation of recognition. 7. Revocation. Recognition may be revoked by the recognizing agency (Student Senate, Associated Residence Halls, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council) for good cause. The procedure followed must guarantee the student organization reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard prior to any action on the proposed revocation. 8. Appeals. Student organizations may appeal any adverse decision of a recognizing agency to the President of the University or his designated representative. 9. Advisors. Student organizations are encouraged to have advisors who are members of the University faculty or administrative staff; any recognized student organization which is financed, in whole or in part, by an allocation from student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to have such an advisor. 10. Finances. Any recognized student organization financed in whole or in part by an allocation fro student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to utilize the services of and transact all business through the Auditor of Student Organizations. Any other recognized student organization may elect to utilize the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations on a voluntary basis There is no charge for this service. All organizations required to utilize the facilities of the Auditor must deposit all organizational funds and income with the Auditor and shall not deposit funds or maintain an account in any other place. For further information, consult the Student Organizations Handbook. 11. Official Listing. Only recognized and registered student organizations will bee listed in the organizations section of the University directory and other official University publications. Regulation of Student Organizations 1. Use of University Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations may use University space and facilities subject to the requirements of the regular University program. Requests for reservations for the use of University rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities shall be submitted at least one week in advance to the Office of Facilities Planning and Utilization, 102 Jessup Hall, Exceptions: Requests for the use of Iowa Memorial Union facilities are to be submitted to the IMU Scheduling Office, located on the main floor of the Union, and requests 21
accordance with residence halls policy. Other approved housing units, such as fraternities and sororities, may be voluntarily make such option available if they desire, but are not required to do so. Any student who has elected to live in a residence hall with restricted hours and who violates the restricted hours policy may be transferred to another hall without restricted hours and, if the student is under the age of 21, his or her parents or guardian shall be notified of the violation, but no disciplinary action shall be taken. 9. Overnight Register. Each residence hall shall provide a register where residents who will be away from the halls overnight or weekends may sign out and leave an address or telephone number where they can be reached. Such sign-out register is maintained for the convenience and safety or residents, and they are encouraged to sign out but are not required to do so. Recognition of Student Organizations. 1. Eligibility. Any group or organization which consists primarily of University students and whose purposes are consistent with the educational objectives of the University is eligible for recognition by the University. Recognized student organizations must comply with all regulations contained in the Code of Student Life and are entitled to certain privileges such as the use of University facilities and services as hereinafter provided. Recognition of a student organization by the University does not constitute an endorsement of its program or purposes, but is merely a charter to exist. Additional information and regulations concerning student organizations are contained in the Student Organizations Handbook. 2. Membership Policy. It is the policy of the University that all recognized student organizations be able to exercise free choice of members on the basis of their merits as individuals without restriction as to race, color, or national origin. Any student organization whose choice of members is subject to approval by national or other non-University organizations, or which is required by a non-University organization to procure a recommendation from an alumnus or any other person not currently an active member of the local organization prior to admitting a person to membership, in ineligible for recognition by the University. 3. Officers. Only registered University students or members of the faculty or administrative staff may be principal representatives of a recognized student organization. Each organization must identify at least two and no more than four principal representatives. 4. Recognition Procedure. Recognition of student organizations which are residential living units (residence halls, fraternities and sororities) is granted by their respective governing bodies (Associated Residence Halls, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council) with the concurrence of the Committee on Student Life. Recognition of all other student organizations is granted under the auspices of The University of Iowa Student Association Senate: (a) Charters are issued by the Student Senate to student organizations which are eligible for permanent recognition; (b) Provisional recognition not to exceed 12 months may be granted by the Program Advisor in the Student Development Center with the concurrence of the Student Senate Committee on Student Organizations to ad hoc organizations which are eligible for temporary recognition. Application forms for recognition are available in the Student Activities Center, located in the Iowa Memorial Union, and must be signed by a principal representative of the organization. 5. Registration. On or before October 1 of each year, every recognized student organization must submit a registration statement to the Program Advisor setting forth completely and accurately all of the information requested on the registration form. Such forms are available in the Students Activities Center and must be signed by an authorized member of the organization. Thereafter, during the year, recognized student organizations shall, within a reasonable time, report to the Program Advisor any amendments to or changes in their constitutions bylaws, principal representatives, advisors, or programs. Recognized student organizations shall also submit any additional information or data requested from time to time by the Program Advisor or the Committee on Student Life. 6. Annual Report. Before the close of each academic year, every recognized student organization must submit an annual report to the Program Advisor. Such annual report shall consist of a clear and concise statement summarizing the activities and programs of the organization during the year and must be signed by a principal representative of the organization. Failure to file a timely annual report is cause for revocation of recognition. 7. Revocation. Recognition may be revoked by the recognizing agency (Student Senate, Associated Residence Halls, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council) for good cause. The procedure followed must guarantee the student organization reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard prior to any action on the proposed revocation. 8. Appeals. Student organizations may appeal any adverse decision of a recognizing agency to the President of the University or his designated representative. 9. Advisors. Student organizations are encouraged to have advisors who are members of the University faculty or administrative staff; any recognized student organization which is financed, in whole or in part, by an allocation from student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to have such an advisor. 10. Finances. Any recognized student organization financed in whole or in part by an allocation fro student activity fees or through assessments collected by the University is required to utilize the services of and transact all business through the Auditor of Student Organizations. Any other recognized student organization may elect to utilize the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations on a voluntary basis There is no charge for this service. All organizations required to utilize the facilities of the Auditor must deposit all organizational funds and income with the Auditor and shall not deposit funds or maintain an account in any other place. For further information, consult the Student Organizations Handbook. 11. Official Listing. Only recognized and registered student organizations will bee listed in the organizations section of the University directory and other official University publications. Regulation of Student Organizations 1. Use of University Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations may use University space and facilities subject to the requirements of the regular University program. Requests for reservations for the use of University rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities shall be submitted at least one week in advance to the Office of Facilities Planning and Utilization, 102 Jessup Hall, Exceptions: Requests for the use of Iowa Memorial Union facilities are to be submitted to the IMU Scheduling Office, located on the main floor of the Union, and requests 21
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