University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1970-1971
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for the Field House or the Armory are to be submitted to the Offices of the Director of Athletics and to the Commandant of the ROTC, respectively. 2. Charges for Use of Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations will be permitted to use available University space and facilities without charge except to defray any extra costs or expenses incurred by the University in making the facility available; provided that if the student organization charges admission or otherwise solicits funds from the public, the normal rental free for the facilities will be charged. 3. Fund Raising. Recognized student organizations may engage in fund-raising activities, provided such activities are registered with the Program Advisor in the Student Development Center at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. 4. Registration of Programs to Which Admission is Charged. Recognized student organizations may sponsor entertainment or lecture programs to which a general admission fee is charged, provided such programs are registered with the Program Advisor at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. No contracts or other financial commitments should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. Organizations utilizing the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations must make all financial arrangements through the Auditor;s office. The sponsoring organization must have a balance on hand in its treasury sufficient to cover the cost of the program, including facility rental, speaker's fee, advertising and any other expenses, or adequate funds must actually be deposited with the organization by an underwriter, which funds cannot be repaid until all costs and expenses incurred by the organization in presenting the program have been fully satisfied. No advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name shall be permitted. In scheduling programs, sponsoring organizations must observe the calendaring regulations established by the Student Activities Board. 5. Solicitation on Campus. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "solicitation" means the seeking of funds or other support, such as signatures, food or supplies, by a recognized student organization from persons outside its membership. Thus, solicitation could include, for example, such activities as the sale of goods or services, the distribution of literature, materials, or products , or the sponsoring of rallies, parades, or similar events. Recognized student organizations may solicit at reasonable times and places on the campus and under reasonable conditions imposed by University officials charged with control of areas involved, provided such solicitations are not inconsistent with the stated purposes of the sponsoring organization or with the educational purposes of the University, and provided such solicitations are registered with the Program Advisor at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsoring student organization. General solicitation of students is ordinarily conducted in the Iowa Memorial Union and is normally restricted to the Gold Feather Lobby. Requests for reservations in the Gold Feather Lobby are to be submitted to the Student Development Center at least one week in advance. As nearly as space permits, each recognized student organization shall be entitled to one reservation (up to five consecutive days) per month. In addition to this reservation, unreserved space will be allocated to organizations by request on a daily first come-first served basis. Special requests for space elsewhere in the Union or on campus may be granted due to unusual circumstances. The Office of Facilities Planning and Utilization may also designate certain locations on the outdoor campus which may be used for solicitation subject to any reasonable conditions imposed. The organization conducting a solicitation must be identified at every location by means of a sign or an announcement. 6. Guest Speakers. Recognized student organizations may invite guest lectures, panel participants, discussion leaders or others from off-campus to speak or otherwise participate in campus programs, provided such programs are registered with the Program Advisor at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. No arrangements with guest speakers should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. In the event the speaker or the issues are controversial, the Program Advisor may require the sponsoring organization. (a) to secure to tenured member of the faculty to chair the program and (b) to provide for the speaker to be subjected to questions from the audience at some time during the program. 7. Sponsorship. Sponsorship is determined by an organization's participation, alone or with other, in planning, publicizing, and financing, rather than by the number of members attending or participating in an event. An event is considered to be sponsored by an organization if it is planned, announced, discussed, or financed by the organization, such as when organization members are notified in a regular or special meeting or by a special announcement or posting, or when the financial responsibility is met by the organization. 8. Posters. Recognized student organizations are permitted to advertise and publicize forthcoming campus activities or events by means of posters, banners, and other displays on University bulletin boards, and elsewhere on campus as authorized by the Director of Facilities Planning and Utilization. Posters and other displays to be posted on campus bulletin board may not exceed 11x14 inches in size. The name of the organization sponsoring a campus activity or event must appear on every display, and no advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name is permitted. For further information, students may consult the Office of Facilities Planning and utilization, 102 Jessup Hall. 9. Trips. Off-campus trips sponsored by recognized student organizations must be registered at least one week in advance with the Program Advisor. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. 10. Enforcement. Any recognized student organization which violates any University rule, regulation or policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established procedures, which may result in the loss or suspension of recognition or the imposition of other sanctions. University Policy on Undergraduate Residence Groups 1. General Policy, Fraternity regulations are based upon a policy to: (a) integrate the fraternity system into the general University student housing and group living program. University dormitories and fraternity houses are each to be considered as 22
for the Field House or the Armory are to be submitted to the Offices of the Director of Athletics and to the Commandant of the ROTC, respectively. 2. Charges for Use of Space and Facilities. Recognized student organizations will be permitted to use available University space and facilities without charge except to defray any extra costs or expenses incurred by the University in making the facility available; provided that if the student organization charges admission or otherwise solicits funds from the public, the normal rental free for the facilities will be charged. 3. Fund Raising. Recognized student organizations may engage in fund-raising activities, provided such activities are registered with the Program Advisor in the Student Development Center at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. 4. Registration of Programs to Which Admission is Charged. Recognized student organizations may sponsor entertainment or lecture programs to which a general admission fee is charged, provided such programs are registered with the Program Advisor at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. No contracts or other financial commitments should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. Organizations utilizing the services of the Auditor of Student Organizations must make all financial arrangements through the Auditor;s office. The sponsoring organization must have a balance on hand in its treasury sufficient to cover the cost of the program, including facility rental, speaker's fee, advertising and any other expenses, or adequate funds must actually be deposited with the organization by an underwriter, which funds cannot be repaid until all costs and expenses incurred by the organization in presenting the program have been fully satisfied. No advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name shall be permitted. In scheduling programs, sponsoring organizations must observe the calendaring regulations established by the Student Activities Board. 5. Solicitation on Campus. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "solicitation" means the seeking of funds or other support, such as signatures, food or supplies, by a recognized student organization from persons outside its membership. Thus, solicitation could include, for example, such activities as the sale of goods or services, the distribution of literature, materials, or products , or the sponsoring of rallies, parades, or similar events. Recognized student organizations may solicit at reasonable times and places on the campus and under reasonable conditions imposed by University officials charged with control of areas involved, provided such solicitations are not inconsistent with the stated purposes of the sponsoring organization or with the educational purposes of the University, and provided such solicitations are registered with the Program Advisor at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsoring student organization. General solicitation of students is ordinarily conducted in the Iowa Memorial Union and is normally restricted to the Gold Feather Lobby. Requests for reservations in the Gold Feather Lobby are to be submitted to the Student Development Center at least one week in advance. As nearly as space permits, each recognized student organization shall be entitled to one reservation (up to five consecutive days) per month. In addition to this reservation, unreserved space will be allocated to organizations by request on a daily first come-first served basis. Special requests for space elsewhere in the Union or on campus may be granted due to unusual circumstances. The Office of Facilities Planning and Utilization may also designate certain locations on the outdoor campus which may be used for solicitation subject to any reasonable conditions imposed. The organization conducting a solicitation must be identified at every location by means of a sign or an announcement. 6. Guest Speakers. Recognized student organizations may invite guest lectures, panel participants, discussion leaders or others from off-campus to speak or otherwise participate in campus programs, provided such programs are registered with the Program Advisor at least one week in advance. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. No arrangements with guest speakers should be made by the sponsoring organization until registration has been completed. In the event the speaker or the issues are controversial, the Program Advisor may require the sponsoring organization. (a) to secure to tenured member of the faculty to chair the program and (b) to provide for the speaker to be subjected to questions from the audience at some time during the program. 7. Sponsorship. Sponsorship is determined by an organization's participation, alone or with other, in planning, publicizing, and financing, rather than by the number of members attending or participating in an event. An event is considered to be sponsored by an organization if it is planned, announced, discussed, or financed by the organization, such as when organization members are notified in a regular or special meeting or by a special announcement or posting, or when the financial responsibility is met by the organization. 8. Posters. Recognized student organizations are permitted to advertise and publicize forthcoming campus activities or events by means of posters, banners, and other displays on University bulletin boards, and elsewhere on campus as authorized by the Director of Facilities Planning and Utilization. Posters and other displays to be posted on campus bulletin board may not exceed 11x14 inches in size. The name of the organization sponsoring a campus activity or event must appear on every display, and no advertising or publicizing of any commercial product or trade name is permitted. For further information, students may consult the Office of Facilities Planning and utilization, 102 Jessup Hall. 9. Trips. Off-campus trips sponsored by recognized student organizations must be registered at least one week in advance with the Program Advisor. Registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and must be signed by a principal representative of the sponsoring student organization. 10. Enforcement. Any recognized student organization which violates any University rule, regulation or policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established procedures, which may result in the loss or suspension of recognition or the imposition of other sanctions. University Policy on Undergraduate Residence Groups 1. General Policy, Fraternity regulations are based upon a policy to: (a) integrate the fraternity system into the general University student housing and group living program. University dormitories and fraternity houses are each to be considered as 22
Campus Culture