State University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1962-1963
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the Committee and approval by the Subcommittee on Social Policy and Calendar. CHAPTER IX- ORGANIZATION AND USE OF THE IOWA MEMORIAL UNION I. Organization A. The building, facilities, and staff of the Iowa Memorial Union, a division of the State University of Iowa, are provided and maintained in the service of the University family. This includes students, staff, alumni, administrative officials, trustees of the Iowa memorial Union, Inc,., members of the State Board of Regents, contributors to the erection and equipment of the physical plant, and parents and relatives of students. The Articles of Incorporation adopted November 12 1919, provide that the Iowa Memorial Union shall commemorate "the loyalty and patriotism of the sons and daughters of the State University who served their country in the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, or the World War, to end that their names and memories may be perpetuated in an educational way... and an educational center provided where graduates, students and friends of the University may meet together incidentally in fellowship and service" The divisions of the Iowa Memorial Union (1) Student Service and (2) Dining Service, function together under the Director of the Union, who is responsible to the President of the University. B. The Iowa Student Union is an organization of which "all students of the State University of Iowa [are] ipso facto members" Its governing board is the Iowa Student Union Board, comprised of representatives from every college on the campus. The Iowa Student Union Board is constitutionally authorized "to initiate, promote, and control student activities of all types, which shall be held in or around the Iowa Memorial Union Building, it being understood that the purpose.. shall be social and educational." II. Use of the Iowa Memorial Union Building and Facilities A. RESERVATIONS. All reservations involving food services are made in the office of the manager of the Iowa Union Dining Service. All other reservations are made at the Information Desk. B. CHARGES. No charge is made for the casual use of the building by members of the University family. Reservations for dances and other events involving special setup and exclusive use are subject to charges established by authority of the Iowa State Board of Regents. [31]
the Committee and approval by the Subcommittee on Social Policy and Calendar. CHAPTER IX- ORGANIZATION AND USE OF THE IOWA MEMORIAL UNION I. Organization A. The building, facilities, and staff of the Iowa Memorial Union, a division of the State University of Iowa, are provided and maintained in the service of the University family. This includes students, staff, alumni, administrative officials, trustees of the Iowa memorial Union, Inc,., members of the State Board of Regents, contributors to the erection and equipment of the physical plant, and parents and relatives of students. The Articles of Incorporation adopted November 12 1919, provide that the Iowa Memorial Union shall commemorate "the loyalty and patriotism of the sons and daughters of the State University who served their country in the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, or the World War, to end that their names and memories may be perpetuated in an educational way... and an educational center provided where graduates, students and friends of the University may meet together incidentally in fellowship and service" The divisions of the Iowa Memorial Union (1) Student Service and (2) Dining Service, function together under the Director of the Union, who is responsible to the President of the University. B. The Iowa Student Union is an organization of which "all students of the State University of Iowa [are] ipso facto members" Its governing board is the Iowa Student Union Board, comprised of representatives from every college on the campus. The Iowa Student Union Board is constitutionally authorized "to initiate, promote, and control student activities of all types, which shall be held in or around the Iowa Memorial Union Building, it being understood that the purpose.. shall be social and educational." II. Use of the Iowa Memorial Union Building and Facilities A. RESERVATIONS. All reservations involving food services are made in the office of the manager of the Iowa Union Dining Service. All other reservations are made at the Information Desk. B. CHARGES. No charge is made for the casual use of the building by members of the University family. Reservations for dances and other events involving special setup and exclusive use are subject to charges established by authority of the Iowa State Board of Regents. [31]
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