University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1966-1967
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I. Issuance of Cards. At the time a student is first admitted to the University, he is given a Permanent University Number Card which bears his or her photograph and which requires the student's signature. This is a permanent card and to be valid must be presented with the separate Certificate of Registration Card for the current semester or session. A new Certificate of Registration Card is issued every student for each semester or session he is enrolled. II. Use of Cards A. Both the Permanent University Number Card and the Certificate of Registation Card must be carried at all times when their use is required for identificaiton or admission purposes. The two cards that make up the Student Identification Card are NOT TRANSFERABLE and may not be used by any person other than the one to whom they are issued. B. The Student Identification Card entitles students: (1) to admission to the University concert and lecture series and to the University plays; (2) to The Daily Iowan, which is delivered to students on a residence basis, and the Hawkeye, which is supplied to all seniors; (3) to the regular services and facilities of the Iowa Memorial Union; (4) to services of the Student Health Department; and (5) to use materials from the University Libraries. For complete information regarding use of the Student Idenfication Cards, students are referred to the bulletin issued to each student by the University Business Office at the time of fall registration. III. Penalty for Misuse of Cards. Students are warned that the Student Identification Cards are nontransferable. Any cards found being illegally used may be withheld, and persons to whom the cards are issued may be deprived of their use and be subject to disciplinary action. IV. Alteration or Forgery of Identification Cards. Altering in any manner or forging Student Identification Cards is cause for disciplinary action. V. Replacement of Lost Cards. In the event Permanent University Number cards and/or Certificate of Registration Cards are lost, they may be replaced upon application to the Office of the Registrar. A fee of $4.00 is charged for the replacement of each. CHAPTER VIII—STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS I. Definition. Any group or organization admitting students to its membership is declared to be a student organization and is subject to the regulations of this section if its program or activities require the use of campus facilities, or if its program or activities are deemed to affect student morale or welfare. II. Sponsorship of Group Functions. Sponsorship is determined by the group's participation in plannign, notification, and financing rather than by the number of members attending the event. A function is considered to be [14]
I. Issuance of Cards. At the time a student is first admitted to the University, he is given a Permanent University Number Card which bears his or her photograph and which requires the student's signature. This is a permanent card and to be valid must be presented with the separate Certificate of Registration Card for the current semester or session. A new Certificate of Registration Card is issued every student for each semester or session he is enrolled. II. Use of Cards A. Both the Permanent University Number Card and the Certificate of Registation Card must be carried at all times when their use is required for identificaiton or admission purposes. The two cards that make up the Student Identification Card are NOT TRANSFERABLE and may not be used by any person other than the one to whom they are issued. B. The Student Identification Card entitles students: (1) to admission to the University concert and lecture series and to the University plays; (2) to The Daily Iowan, which is delivered to students on a residence basis, and the Hawkeye, which is supplied to all seniors; (3) to the regular services and facilities of the Iowa Memorial Union; (4) to services of the Student Health Department; and (5) to use materials from the University Libraries. For complete information regarding use of the Student Idenfication Cards, students are referred to the bulletin issued to each student by the University Business Office at the time of fall registration. III. Penalty for Misuse of Cards. Students are warned that the Student Identification Cards are nontransferable. Any cards found being illegally used may be withheld, and persons to whom the cards are issued may be deprived of their use and be subject to disciplinary action. IV. Alteration or Forgery of Identification Cards. Altering in any manner or forging Student Identification Cards is cause for disciplinary action. V. Replacement of Lost Cards. In the event Permanent University Number cards and/or Certificate of Registration Cards are lost, they may be replaced upon application to the Office of the Registrar. A fee of $4.00 is charged for the replacement of each. CHAPTER VIII—STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS I. Definition. Any group or organization admitting students to its membership is declared to be a student organization and is subject to the regulations of this section if its program or activities require the use of campus facilities, or if its program or activities are deemed to affect student morale or welfare. II. Sponsorship of Group Functions. Sponsorship is determined by the group's participation in plannign, notification, and financing rather than by the number of members attending the event. A function is considered to be [14]
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