University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1966-1967
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ty adviser and should be filed at least one week prior to the proposed event. XVI. Reserving Rooms for Student Organization Meetings and Programs A. Recognized student organizations may request room reservations, provided the request is made one week in advance and that requests for reservations for meetings involving off-campus speakers or entertainers and programs for which admission will be charged are approved by the Office of Student Affairs. B. All rooms in University buildings are reserved in the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization, Room 102, University Hall, except those in the Field House and the Iowa Memorial Union. Rooms in the Field House are reserved in the Office of the Director of Athletics, and those in the Union at the Iowa Memorial Union Scheduling Office. C. A rental charge is made for reservations to use auditoriums and lecture rooms after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and any time on Saturday or Sunday or a legal holiday. XVII. Requesting Special Room or Building Arrangements. When a student organization is planning a meeting for which special arrangements, equipment, or setup is needed, it is necessary to requisition such work to be done through the Physical Plant Office, located at 103 W. Burlington Street. XVIII. University Master Calendr. A master calendar is maintained in Room 102, University Hall, to provide a central clearing place for listing dates and disseminating information concerning University and student organization events and significant dates. Students responsible for establishing dates and planning events will use the calendar both for selecting a date to schedule events and to make information about the event available. In supplying material for the calendar, student organizations must prepare written copy which is signed by an authorized officer of the group and submit it to the calendar office. XIX. Activities Center. In the Iowa Memorial Union, an Activities Center provides facilities for student organizations to maintain files and records in locked cabinets and space for organization officers to work. Student organizations may apply for these facilities in the Activities Center which is located on the ground floor below the East Lobby. XX. Student Organization Trips. Off-campus trips planned by student groups or organizations and taken by public carrier must be approved at least two weeks in advance by the Counselor to Men or Counselor to Women. Student Flights. Arrangements for special flights sponsored by student organizations msut be approved by the Office of STudent AFfairs before any final plans are made or announced, with travel arrangements handled through an approved travel agent. All persons making reservaations on such [19]
ty adviser and should be filed at least one week prior to the proposed event. XVI. Reserving Rooms for Student Organization Meetings and Programs A. Recognized student organizations may request room reservations, provided the request is made one week in advance and that requests for reservations for meetings involving off-campus speakers or entertainers and programs for which admission will be charged are approved by the Office of Student Affairs. B. All rooms in University buildings are reserved in the Office of Space Assignment and Utilization, Room 102, University Hall, except those in the Field House and the Iowa Memorial Union. Rooms in the Field House are reserved in the Office of the Director of Athletics, and those in the Union at the Iowa Memorial Union Scheduling Office. C. A rental charge is made for reservations to use auditoriums and lecture rooms after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and any time on Saturday or Sunday or a legal holiday. XVII. Requesting Special Room or Building Arrangements. When a student organization is planning a meeting for which special arrangements, equipment, or setup is needed, it is necessary to requisition such work to be done through the Physical Plant Office, located at 103 W. Burlington Street. XVIII. University Master Calendr. A master calendar is maintained in Room 102, University Hall, to provide a central clearing place for listing dates and disseminating information concerning University and student organization events and significant dates. Students responsible for establishing dates and planning events will use the calendar both for selecting a date to schedule events and to make information about the event available. In supplying material for the calendar, student organizations must prepare written copy which is signed by an authorized officer of the group and submit it to the calendar office. XIX. Activities Center. In the Iowa Memorial Union, an Activities Center provides facilities for student organizations to maintain files and records in locked cabinets and space for organization officers to work. Student organizations may apply for these facilities in the Activities Center which is located on the ground floor below the East Lobby. XX. Student Organization Trips. Off-campus trips planned by student groups or organizations and taken by public carrier must be approved at least two weeks in advance by the Counselor to Men or Counselor to Women. Student Flights. Arrangements for special flights sponsored by student organizations msut be approved by the Office of STudent AFfairs before any final plans are made or announced, with travel arrangements handled through an approved travel agent. All persons making reservaations on such [19]
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