University of Iowa Code of Student Life, 1966-1967
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on Student Life with reference to the All-University student program of dances and entertainments, and it shall serve as an emergency party committee in any instance approved by the Committee on Student Life. III. Operational Policies A. SCHEDULING. All-University parties shall be held on Friday or Saturday nights, and the parties shall be divided as evenly as possible between the two semesters of the school year. Popular entertainments shall be scheduled on Friday or Saturday night if possible. B. NO CONFLICT RULE. No student party or event may be scheduled in conflict with an All-University party or entertainment except by special approval of the Office of Student Affairs. To avoid such conflicts, students are advised to check the University Master Calendar in Room 102, University Hall. C. TICKET SALE. Tickets for All-University parties and entertainments shall be sold to students on the basis of first come first served at the Iowa Memorial Union or at such other places as are approved by the advisers to the Committee. A limit of four tickets per person may be sold. D. PRICES AND ADMISSION. The maximum price which may be charged for couple tickets at University parties shall be $5.00 and the maximum price for single tickets to entertainments shall be $3.00. Any deviation upward from this schedule of ticket prices is permitted only upon petition to and approval by the Committee on Student Life. Lower prices may be charged at the discretion of the Committee with approval by the advisers. All University parties shall be "couple dances" but single tickets shall be sold for admission to popular entertainments. IV. Financial Policy. A. Two accounts shall be maintained in the Business Office, one each for (1) dances and (2) entertainments. All receipts from dances and entertainments shall accrue to these respective accounts, and all disbursements shall be made therefrom. If the total balance in both funds shall exceed $5,000 an equal distribution of the surplus shall be made to all sponsoring organizations. A change from the $5,000 figure set as maximum may be recommended to the Committee on Student Life at any time by vote of the three executive committees: Student Union Board, Student Senate, and Central party and Entertainment Committee. In each instance the balance in the account shall be carried forward from year to year. B. Each organization sponsoring and administering a dance shall be governed by the rules and regulations of All-University parties established by the Committee on Student Life, and shall endeavor to provide the best possible music and program at the lowest practical admission price. Any marginal balance (profit or deficit) shall accrue to or be subsidized from the account of All-University parties. [23]
on Student Life with reference to the All-University student program of dances and entertainments, and it shall serve as an emergency party committee in any instance approved by the Committee on Student Life. III. Operational Policies A. SCHEDULING. All-University parties shall be held on Friday or Saturday nights, and the parties shall be divided as evenly as possible between the two semesters of the school year. Popular entertainments shall be scheduled on Friday or Saturday night if possible. B. NO CONFLICT RULE. No student party or event may be scheduled in conflict with an All-University party or entertainment except by special approval of the Office of Student Affairs. To avoid such conflicts, students are advised to check the University Master Calendar in Room 102, University Hall. C. TICKET SALE. Tickets for All-University parties and entertainments shall be sold to students on the basis of first come first served at the Iowa Memorial Union or at such other places as are approved by the advisers to the Committee. A limit of four tickets per person may be sold. D. PRICES AND ADMISSION. The maximum price which may be charged for couple tickets at University parties shall be $5.00 and the maximum price for single tickets to entertainments shall be $3.00. Any deviation upward from this schedule of ticket prices is permitted only upon petition to and approval by the Committee on Student Life. Lower prices may be charged at the discretion of the Committee with approval by the advisers. All University parties shall be "couple dances" but single tickets shall be sold for admission to popular entertainments. IV. Financial Policy. A. Two accounts shall be maintained in the Business Office, one each for (1) dances and (2) entertainments. All receipts from dances and entertainments shall accrue to these respective accounts, and all disbursements shall be made therefrom. If the total balance in both funds shall exceed $5,000 an equal distribution of the surplus shall be made to all sponsoring organizations. A change from the $5,000 figure set as maximum may be recommended to the Committee on Student Life at any time by vote of the three executive committees: Student Union Board, Student Senate, and Central party and Entertainment Committee. In each instance the balance in the account shall be carried forward from year to year. B. Each organization sponsoring and administering a dance shall be governed by the rules and regulations of All-University parties established by the Committee on Student Life, and shall endeavor to provide the best possible music and program at the lowest practical admission price. Any marginal balance (profit or deficit) shall accrue to or be subsidized from the account of All-University parties. [23]
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