Keith-Albee managers' report book,, September 23, 1907 - March 12, 1908
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9. Columbus, Show, -- Week Sept. 23rd. -- 1907. --- W. W. Prosser. MAX YORKS DOGS: -- A very clever lot of Fox Terriers that do quite a number of very good tricks and do them well. -- The man in the act also works, which is more then can be said concerning the majority of animal acts. -- Th act made good thoroughly. -- 8 minutes Garden set. NAT HAINAS: Black face comedian who made a great effort to make good but whi failed dismally at both Monday performances. -- He has a line of talk that would be O. K. in New York perhaps, but not for Columbus. -- I believe his manner is also against him, his delivery failing to make a pleasing impression. -- He manifested a tendency to roast the audience for not making up with him and was instructed to obliterate this line of comedy as our people are not accustomed to it. -- I really believe that in many houses he would make good but he is not the style of monologuist that Columbus likes. 11 minutes Street. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hughes: -- Sketch -- "Suppressing The Press: A very good comedy act and excellently played but for some unaccountable reason it made but a fairly good impression. --They got by however and were by no means a falldown. -- C. D. F. 25 minutes. Countess Rossi & [Mons?]. Paula: A very pretty woman, beautifully gowned, who can sing some, assisted by man who is quite capable. -- The act made good and was well liked. 16 minutes. C. D. F. -- Olio in One. Three LaMaze Bros: Well known acrobatic comedy act which made a hit the same as it did last season. -- Palace 10 minutes. Otto Bros: Two men German Comedians: A fairly good act of its kind. -- It got by mostly on the strength of the singing of one of the team. 12 minutes in one. Gennaro's Band: Well known musical organization that made the biggest sort of a hit. -- They went so well that I changed them from fifth position to closing the show after the first performance. -- The two acts that followed them of the first show had a very difficult time making good but the rearrangement of the bill improved the show greatly. -- Nothing but praise fo the band. -- 32 minutes. -- Special set. Pictures: The servant hyponist, Cape to Khartoum, The Sham Beggars, O. K.
9. Columbus, Show, -- Week Sept. 23rd. -- 1907. --- W. W. Prosser. MAX YORKS DOGS: -- A very clever lot of Fox Terriers that do quite a number of very good tricks and do them well. -- The man in the act also works, which is more then can be said concerning the majority of animal acts. -- Th act made good thoroughly. -- 8 minutes Garden set. NAT HAINAS: Black face comedian who made a great effort to make good but whi failed dismally at both Monday performances. -- He has a line of talk that would be O. K. in New York perhaps, but not for Columbus. -- I believe his manner is also against him, his delivery failing to make a pleasing impression. -- He manifested a tendency to roast the audience for not making up with him and was instructed to obliterate this line of comedy as our people are not accustomed to it. -- I really believe that in many houses he would make good but he is not the style of monologuist that Columbus likes. 11 minutes Street. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hughes: -- Sketch -- "Suppressing The Press: A very good comedy act and excellently played but for some unaccountable reason it made but a fairly good impression. --They got by however and were by no means a falldown. -- C. D. F. 25 minutes. Countess Rossi & [Mons?]. Paula: A very pretty woman, beautifully gowned, who can sing some, assisted by man who is quite capable. -- The act made good and was well liked. 16 minutes. C. D. F. -- Olio in One. Three LaMaze Bros: Well known acrobatic comedy act which made a hit the same as it did last season. -- Palace 10 minutes. Otto Bros: Two men German Comedians: A fairly good act of its kind. -- It got by mostly on the strength of the singing of one of the team. 12 minutes in one. Gennaro's Band: Well known musical organization that made the biggest sort of a hit. -- They went so well that I changed them from fifth position to closing the show after the first performance. -- The two acts that followed them of the first show had a very difficult time making good but the rearrangement of the bill improved the show greatly. -- Nothing but praise fo the band. -- 32 minutes. -- Special set. Pictures: The servant hyponist, Cape to Khartoum, The Sham Beggars, O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection