Keith-Albee managers' report book,, September 23, 1907 - March 12, 1908
Page 215
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215 Report on Columbus Show, Week Feb. 10th. -- 08. -- W. W. Prosser. AVOLO & OTHELLO: Man and woman in gymnastic act. -- The work is all good and it was received very favorably, applause being given at various points and the finish being quite emphatic. --The woman does not have much to do, but what she does adds to the act and fortunately they attempt no comedy. 8 minutes Terrace in 3. LEO CARILLO: Chinese impersonator and mimic who does a neat quiet act that got by satisfactorily but did not score heavily. -- He is work is effective however and for this spot on the bill he answered the purpose. 13 minutes in one. HOLDENS MANNIKINS: Well known act and one that scored well considering the fact that our audiences are unacquainted with this style of work and hardly know just what to make of it. -- The various stunts were exceptionally well executed and I imagine that the act will create talk of a favorable nature. 23 minutes special set. HOWARD & HOWARD: Two young men in a singing and talking act of unusual merit. -- The comedy went big and the singing made a pronounced hit. These boys had a little trouble getting them started but the finally did so and the finish was strong. Street in one 16 minutes. ECKHOFF & GORDON: "Musical Laugh Makers" -- The man is funny and plays the various instruments he introduces capably. -- The woman is really excess and does nothing in particular. -- Her singing merely lets her by. However the male end of the team makes up for the defects of his associate and many a laugh he got. -- The finish was just fair the early and middle portion of the act being really the hit. Palace 25 min. MR. & MRS. JIMMY BARRY: Rural Comedy Sketch "At Henfoot Corners." An act that made good from beginning to end. -- No fault to be found. Special set in 5 20 minutes. AL LEACH & ROSEBUDS: An act well known and one that scored in a manner about which there could be no mistake. -- Leach was very likable and was satisfactorily assisted by the young women. -- At time there perfect gales of laughter. 25 minutes C. D. Plain. HASSEN BEN ALI TROUPE: Arab acrobatics act that I believe to be the best we have had. 00 It went O. K. but I think suffered for the reason that it came too soon after some of the same style we have had. -- Their work is excellent but did not seem to make the impression that the earlier ones have. -- This is no doubt owing to the fact that the routine of these acts is practically the same and the audience was familiar with what was coming. -- They finished well enough and there is no fault to find with the act itself. 8 minutes Garden. Pictures: Unlucky Shirtwaist: Handling a Battle ship Fleet: Crazy Quilt: O. K.
215 Report on Columbus Show, Week Feb. 10th. -- 08. -- W. W. Prosser. AVOLO & OTHELLO: Man and woman in gymnastic act. -- The work is all good and it was received very favorably, applause being given at various points and the finish being quite emphatic. --The woman does not have much to do, but what she does adds to the act and fortunately they attempt no comedy. 8 minutes Terrace in 3. LEO CARILLO: Chinese impersonator and mimic who does a neat quiet act that got by satisfactorily but did not score heavily. -- He is work is effective however and for this spot on the bill he answered the purpose. 13 minutes in one. HOLDENS MANNIKINS: Well known act and one that scored well considering the fact that our audiences are unacquainted with this style of work and hardly know just what to make of it. -- The various stunts were exceptionally well executed and I imagine that the act will create talk of a favorable nature. 23 minutes special set. HOWARD & HOWARD: Two young men in a singing and talking act of unusual merit. -- The comedy went big and the singing made a pronounced hit. These boys had a little trouble getting them started but the finally did so and the finish was strong. Street in one 16 minutes. ECKHOFF & GORDON: "Musical Laugh Makers" -- The man is funny and plays the various instruments he introduces capably. -- The woman is really excess and does nothing in particular. -- Her singing merely lets her by. However the male end of the team makes up for the defects of his associate and many a laugh he got. -- The finish was just fair the early and middle portion of the act being really the hit. Palace 25 min. MR. & MRS. JIMMY BARRY: Rural Comedy Sketch "At Henfoot Corners." An act that made good from beginning to end. -- No fault to be found. Special set in 5 20 minutes. AL LEACH & ROSEBUDS: An act well known and one that scored in a manner about which there could be no mistake. -- Leach was very likable and was satisfactorily assisted by the young women. -- At time there perfect gales of laughter. 25 minutes C. D. Plain. HASSEN BEN ALI TROUPE: Arab acrobatics act that I believe to be the best we have had. 00 It went O. K. but I think suffered for the reason that it came too soon after some of the same style we have had. -- Their work is excellent but did not seem to make the impression that the earlier ones have. -- This is no doubt owing to the fact that the routine of these acts is practically the same and the audience was familiar with what was coming. -- They finished well enough and there is no fault to find with the act itself. 8 minutes Garden. Pictures: Unlucky Shirtwaist: Handling a Battle ship Fleet: Crazy Quilt: O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection