Keith-Albee managers' report book,, September 23, 1907 - March 12, 1908
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250 Report on Columbus Show Week Feb. 2nd. -- 08. W. W. Prosser SCHECK BROTHERS. Head balancers and equilibrists. -- Their work is all good and it was thoroughly appreciated throughout. -- many hands during the same and the finish good solid applause. 9 min. Palace. DAVE LEWIS: He got by but that was about all. -- Personally I think he is superior to the usual act of this class and I fear that he was whipped before he went on. -- In fact was told so after the matinee. -- I am going to cheer him up tonight and I think he will make good without any trouble. Many of our single acts come in here frightened form having been told by others who have played here that it is a tough audience to get by with. -- Some of his material went as well as could be desired and some oif it fell flat. I am sure he will go better after a little bracing and encouragement. 17 minutes Street. LINTON & LAWRENCE: Man and woman in a variety act that went very we well. -- the man does most of the work and the woman provides a pleasing and favorable personality and appearance. The act was a satisfactory/ C. D. F. 18 minutes. FIVE MUSICAL SPILLERS: (Colored: four men, one woman.) Instrumental musical with a vein of comedy. The one defect is their talk which could be well eliminated. -- They play well and with the "rag" stuff went big. Their straight work music was not so well received and the same must be said of the talk. -- The finish was strong three or four bows being earned. C. D. F. close in one. MOORE-PALMER CO: Five people: two women: three men: romantic comedy sketch. -- The act secured attention throughout and the fight at the finish went big. -- For a sketch it went unusually well. 18 C. D. Oak. ELINORE SISTERS: A hit of 25 minutes duration. 25 minutes Olio. KITTY TRANEY: Juggling and sporting act. -- Started off tamely and became better until it finished strong. -- Her juggling is not much to speak of but the work with the pony and dogs made up for what was lacking. -- An unusually good "sight act." 11 minutes Garden. 250. The DIME Theatre, Report for week March 2nd, /08. Jeans & Careno, - Comedy jugglers, 12-15 minutes, full stage, interior set, fairly good act, very well liked here. Good for Pawt., or Southbridge. Al Stearns, - Colored comedian, 15 minutes, in one, street drop, good act, the hit of the show here, Good for Pawt,. Southbridge, or three show s Providence. Fanny Weston, - Black face coon shouter and dancer, 10-12 minutes in one , street drop, fairly good act, very well liked here, good for Pawt., Southbridge and might make good for three shows in Providence. E. T. Sholes, Mgr.
250 Report on Columbus Show Week Feb. 2nd. -- 08. W. W. Prosser SCHECK BROTHERS. Head balancers and equilibrists. -- Their work is all good and it was thoroughly appreciated throughout. -- many hands during the same and the finish good solid applause. 9 min. Palace. DAVE LEWIS: He got by but that was about all. -- Personally I think he is superior to the usual act of this class and I fear that he was whipped before he went on. -- In fact was told so after the matinee. -- I am going to cheer him up tonight and I think he will make good without any trouble. Many of our single acts come in here frightened form having been told by others who have played here that it is a tough audience to get by with. -- Some of his material went as well as could be desired and some oif it fell flat. I am sure he will go better after a little bracing and encouragement. 17 minutes Street. LINTON & LAWRENCE: Man and woman in a variety act that went very we well. -- the man does most of the work and the woman provides a pleasing and favorable personality and appearance. The act was a satisfactory/ C. D. F. 18 minutes. FIVE MUSICAL SPILLERS: (Colored: four men, one woman.) Instrumental musical with a vein of comedy. The one defect is their talk which could be well eliminated. -- They play well and with the "rag" stuff went big. Their straight work music was not so well received and the same must be said of the talk. -- The finish was strong three or four bows being earned. C. D. F. close in one. MOORE-PALMER CO: Five people: two women: three men: romantic comedy sketch. -- The act secured attention throughout and the fight at the finish went big. -- For a sketch it went unusually well. 18 C. D. Oak. ELINORE SISTERS: A hit of 25 minutes duration. 25 minutes Olio. KITTY TRANEY: Juggling and sporting act. -- Started off tamely and became better until it finished strong. -- Her juggling is not much to speak of but the work with the pony and dogs made up for what was lacking. -- An unusually good "sight act." 11 minutes Garden. 250. The DIME Theatre, Report for week March 2nd, /08. Jeans & Careno, - Comedy jugglers, 12-15 minutes, full stage, interior set, fairly good act, very well liked here. Good for Pawt., or Southbridge. Al Stearns, - Colored comedian, 15 minutes, in one, street drop, good act, the hit of the show here, Good for Pawt,. Southbridge, or three show s Providence. Fanny Weston, - Black face coon shouter and dancer, 10-12 minutes in one , street drop, fairly good act, very well liked here, good for Pawt., Southbridge and might make good for three shows in Providence. E. T. Sholes, Mgr.
Keith-Albee Collection