Managers' report book, June 30, 1919-July 26, 1920
Page 27
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PHILADELPHIA B. F. KEITH'S JULY 28 9 KINOGRAMS & TOPICS OF THE DAY- 20 min. Fair pictures, good Topics. ORVILLE STAMM- 10 min. Physical culture exhibition and strength tricks, following a song used for an opening. An interesting novelty. Does very few tricks and some good posing. Did well in the opening spot. BURNS & LYNN- 14 min. Two boys do a variety of stepping with one song number. Work up some comedy by dancing various styles called by audience. Got a fairly good hand. PAUL DECKER & CO. "The Ruby Ray" 20 min. This is the one-act sketch used some time ago by Hassard Short. It is an oddity and highly colored, and played by a cast of well known players. Good comedy business and was well liked. ARNOLD & ALLMAN- 17 min. A good singing and talking turn. It has played here before and made good. Very little changed from when last seen here, but the material is well handled and the act got over in good shape. FOUR MARX BROS. 30 min. There is a lot of good light comedy, singing dancing and a variety of comedy mixed with some instrumental music in this act and it kept the audience highly amused from start to finish. Plenty of action all the time. Closed to big laughs and applause. LIGHTNER GIRLS & ALEXANDER- 17 min. Good singing and comedy turn by two girls and a man. They have some good songs, all new here and get a lot of fun out of them by the antics and mugging of one of the girls who is a sort of Elfie Fay character. Closed to a good hand. MOSS & FRYE- 15 min. This colored team is one of the best comedy and singing turns we have played in some time. Their talk is all new and different. and they get a lot out of their songs. They went very big, taking several bows. FIVE PATROWARS- 10 min. A big flashy act that made an excellent closing number. Elaborately staged and strong on looks. Three men and two women do a variety of hand-to-hand tricks and posings. One of the women sings and there is a short bit of dancing. Did very well. GENERAL REMARKS- On a red hot afternoon, this bill got all that could be expected of it and under ordinary conditions will improve a lot. Played very well and made a good impression. Owing to the length of the Marx Bros. act which ran one-half hour, only eight acts were played this week. It gave ample show. CUTS MARKS BROS.- Line in one song about milking a cow named Jake.
PHILADELPHIA B. F. KEITH'S JULY 28 9 KINOGRAMS & TOPICS OF THE DAY- 20 min. Fair pictures, good Topics. ORVILLE STAMM- 10 min. Physical culture exhibition and strength tricks, following a song used for an opening. An interesting novelty. Does very few tricks and some good posing. Did well in the opening spot. BURNS & LYNN- 14 min. Two boys do a variety of stepping with one song number. Work up some comedy by dancing various styles called by audience. Got a fairly good hand. PAUL DECKER & CO. "The Ruby Ray" 20 min. This is the one-act sketch used some time ago by Hassard Short. It is an oddity and highly colored, and played by a cast of well known players. Good comedy business and was well liked. ARNOLD & ALLMAN- 17 min. A good singing and talking turn. It has played here before and made good. Very little changed from when last seen here, but the material is well handled and the act got over in good shape. FOUR MARX BROS. 30 min. There is a lot of good light comedy, singing dancing and a variety of comedy mixed with some instrumental music in this act and it kept the audience highly amused from start to finish. Plenty of action all the time. Closed to big laughs and applause. LIGHTNER GIRLS & ALEXANDER- 17 min. Good singing and comedy turn by two girls and a man. They have some good songs, all new here and get a lot of fun out of them by the antics and mugging of one of the girls who is a sort of Elfie Fay character. Closed to a good hand. MOSS & FRYE- 15 min. This colored team is one of the best comedy and singing turns we have played in some time. Their talk is all new and different. and they get a lot out of their songs. They went very big, taking several bows. FIVE PATROWARS- 10 min. A big flashy act that made an excellent closing number. Elaborately staged and strong on looks. Three men and two women do a variety of hand-to-hand tricks and posings. One of the women sings and there is a short bit of dancing. Did very well. GENERAL REMARKS- On a red hot afternoon, this bill got all that could be expected of it and under ordinary conditions will improve a lot. Played very well and made a good impression. Owing to the length of the Marx Bros. act which ran one-half hour, only eight acts were played this week. It gave ample show. CUTS MARKS BROS.- Line in one song about milking a cow named Jake.
Keith-Albee Collection