Managers' report book, June 30, 1919-July 26, 1920
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PROVIDENCE. R. I. E. F. ALBEE DECEMBER 15th, 9 The bill this week after last week's splendid one, seems pretty tame. The first part of it is far from good and several conflictions make it a not very attractive program. CHAS. LOVENBERG. PETTY REAT & BRO: Xylophonist and performers on musical bottles. I don't know why Petty Reat is billed as the principal, the man does most of the work and the lady is of a little assistance. A fair act. 12 min. in one. LORRIMER & CARBREY: Man and woman in an act in which the dancing predominates and is quite good. The rest of the act is not good and as a whole it is lacking in class and not put on with a very good idea of what big time requires. 11 min. in one. LINTON & LAURENCE: In a new act which is not nearly as good as their old one, although built along somewhat similar lines. 15 min. full stage. MEHLINGER & MEYER: Well known singing and piano act which scored its usual hit. 14 min. in one, at the matinee performance. After eliminating one song which they refused to replace with another, the act ran a little less than 12 min. MINIATURE REVUE: Because of non-arrival of baggage, this act was not able to go on at the matinee, but appeared at the night performance. I must say I am a little bit disappointed in the act; it is pretty much along the old line of marionettes, but while in no sense bad, I had the idea that they had done some new and important things in that line. 10 min. full stage. STONE & HAYES: Man and woman, comedy talking act. Rube at a country fair. Mr. Stone is a very good delineator of the country boob and the act went very well indeed. 16 min. in one. HOWARD & CLARKE: Of considerable confliction with acts of Mehlinger & Meyer and Linton & Laurence, particularly with the former act. They did very well however, but their names mean nothing in Providence and at the price, it is certainly a luxury. 23 min. full stage, close in one. GEORGE ROSENER: A very fine character impersonator; he made a most decided hit. 23 min. in two, short close in one. MAX GRUBER'S ANIMALS: One of the best acts of the kind that we played. Held the audience in their seats in splendid shape. 10 min. full stage/ CUTS: MEHLINGER & MEYER: Song about the girl saying, "If you are thinking of the same thing I am, I will slap you in the face. LORRIMER & CARBREY: Please wear stockings, bare legs not permitted, also a little more on your back. GEORGE ROSENER: Eliminate the word "Lord" and "God" and the joke about being rubbed down with Sloan's Liniment.
PROVIDENCE. R. I. E. F. ALBEE DECEMBER 15th, 9 The bill this week after last week's splendid one, seems pretty tame. The first part of it is far from good and several conflictions make it a not very attractive program. CHAS. LOVENBERG. PETTY REAT & BRO: Xylophonist and performers on musical bottles. I don't know why Petty Reat is billed as the principal, the man does most of the work and the lady is of a little assistance. A fair act. 12 min. in one. LORRIMER & CARBREY: Man and woman in an act in which the dancing predominates and is quite good. The rest of the act is not good and as a whole it is lacking in class and not put on with a very good idea of what big time requires. 11 min. in one. LINTON & LAURENCE: In a new act which is not nearly as good as their old one, although built along somewhat similar lines. 15 min. full stage. MEHLINGER & MEYER: Well known singing and piano act which scored its usual hit. 14 min. in one, at the matinee performance. After eliminating one song which they refused to replace with another, the act ran a little less than 12 min. MINIATURE REVUE: Because of non-arrival of baggage, this act was not able to go on at the matinee, but appeared at the night performance. I must say I am a little bit disappointed in the act; it is pretty much along the old line of marionettes, but while in no sense bad, I had the idea that they had done some new and important things in that line. 10 min. full stage. STONE & HAYES: Man and woman, comedy talking act. Rube at a country fair. Mr. Stone is a very good delineator of the country boob and the act went very well indeed. 16 min. in one. HOWARD & CLARKE: Of considerable confliction with acts of Mehlinger & Meyer and Linton & Laurence, particularly with the former act. They did very well however, but their names mean nothing in Providence and at the price, it is certainly a luxury. 23 min. full stage, close in one. GEORGE ROSENER: A very fine character impersonator; he made a most decided hit. 23 min. in two, short close in one. MAX GRUBER'S ANIMALS: One of the best acts of the kind that we played. Held the audience in their seats in splendid shape. 10 min. full stage/ CUTS: MEHLINGER & MEYER: Song about the girl saying, "If you are thinking of the same thing I am, I will slap you in the face. LORRIMER & CARBREY: Please wear stockings, bare legs not permitted, also a little more on your back. GEORGE ROSENER: Eliminate the word "Lord" and "God" and the joke about being rubbed down with Sloan's Liniment.
Keith-Albee Collection