Managers' report book, June 30, 1919-July 26, 1920
Page 206
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REPORT OF BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 17, 18 and 19. FRED PERO--- In a Juggling Novelty. Special set; juggles various objects--balls, plates, etc. 8 min. full; went weak. ALLMAN & NEVINS--- The Country Girl Fiddler and the Tenor. Girl dresses as a way-back country girl and plays the violin; both singing; 14 min. in one; went over good. J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON AND HIS INIMITABLE FIVE--- In an act called "Syncopation"--It is a sort of jazz jag, and jollification. 20 min. full; went big. [Initials: A S W]
REPORT OF BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 17, 18 and 19. FRED PERO--- In a Juggling Novelty. Special set; juggles various objects--balls, plates, etc. 8 min. full; went weak. ALLMAN & NEVINS--- The Country Girl Fiddler and the Tenor. Girl dresses as a way-back country girl and plays the violin; both singing; 14 min. in one; went over good. J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON AND HIS INIMITABLE FIVE--- In an act called "Syncopation"--It is a sort of jazz jag, and jollification. 20 min. full; went big. [Initials: A S W]
Keith-Albee Collection