Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
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Valerie Bergere and company, 2 shows, 30 min. fall stage.. First time here in her now playlet, ''His Japanese Wife''. There can and her support is good. The pises was listened to with interest, the comedy lines wers all lan hed at, and the pathes at the finish appoluded. In its way, it might be considered as having scored an ment hunker for sueh aets, and, personally, I want to go on record as being opposed to their booking. We can do mueh better with the money se far as pleasing is concerned. John W. world and Mindell Kingston, 2 shows, 20 min. open in 1, go to 3, and closein 1--Eeccentfic comedian and comic opera decidedly a clever ehap and gave some new character work, with songe. Miss Kingston is a capital singer and a lively dancer. In fact, as a vocalist, she excels most of the strainht singars whom we have had here of late. Cooper and Robinson, 3 shows, 17 min. in 1--''Roal coen'' comedians, singers and daneers. In about the stiffest place in the whole bill these men ''made gond''; in faet, proved to be one of the best turns on the progres. Robinson is a decidedly novel and clever antertsiner. Thos. R. Ryan and Mary Richfild, 2 shows, 30 min. full stage--Presenting their old sketch, ''Mag (Haggerty's) Father'', which want with screams from start to finish, and easily the laughing hit of the bill. Biograph, 3 shows, 20, min. in 1--Owing to the langth of the program, we only exhibited one picture, that antitled, ''Man the Life Boat''. It is about 14 minutes long and one of the bast subjects we have yet had. The Hiltonks, 3 shows, 16 min. open full atage, close in 1-These people offer a variety of wark, ineluding rag pleture making, juggiing and equilibristic feats, and in all they are fairly clever, but awkward in everything they do, and the man's efforts to be funny decidedly detract from the aet. There is absolutely nothing new in whet they do and they will never fill an important place in any bill. Kummine Trio, 3 shows, 22 min. full stage--Consisting of a man, a woman and a juvenile. If it were not for the little chap, It is quite pessible these peeple would not be on the stage at all. The boy is precociens and appeals to the woman in an audience , but aven at that, it is one of those turns that just gets by. Comments: The show is one of the best we have offered this seasons, and the afternoon audience was larger than that of lest week, netwithstanding that we have against us the opening of the baseball season, the herse show etc. In some unacecuntable way, I found my self with one set too many and was rather hopeful that someone of the mets might take a notien to feel dissatisfied and (esneel), but no saeh luck was in evidence. Thrse of the aets and 30 minutes long, and were only scheduled for 22 to 25, and some of the others proved to be longer than expected.
Valerie Bergere and company, 2 shows, 30 min. fall stage.. First time here in her now playlet, ''His Japanese Wife''. There can and her support is good. The pises was listened to with interest, the comedy lines wers all lan hed at, and the pathes at the finish appoluded. In its way, it might be considered as having scored an ment hunker for sueh aets, and, personally, I want to go on record as being opposed to their booking. We can do mueh better with the money se far as pleasing is concerned. John W. world and Mindell Kingston, 2 shows, 20 min. open in 1, go to 3, and closein 1--Eeccentfic comedian and comic opera decidedly a clever ehap and gave some new character work, with songe. Miss Kingston is a capital singer and a lively dancer. In fact, as a vocalist, she excels most of the strainht singars whom we have had here of late. Cooper and Robinson, 3 shows, 17 min. in 1--''Roal coen'' comedians, singers and daneers. In about the stiffest place in the whole bill these men ''made gond''; in faet, proved to be one of the best turns on the progres. Robinson is a decidedly novel and clever antertsiner. Thos. R. Ryan and Mary Richfild, 2 shows, 30 min. full stage--Presenting their old sketch, ''Mag (Haggerty's) Father'', which want with screams from start to finish, and easily the laughing hit of the bill. Biograph, 3 shows, 20, min. in 1--Owing to the langth of the program, we only exhibited one picture, that antitled, ''Man the Life Boat''. It is about 14 minutes long and one of the bast subjects we have yet had. The Hiltonks, 3 shows, 16 min. open full atage, close in 1-These people offer a variety of wark, ineluding rag pleture making, juggiing and equilibristic feats, and in all they are fairly clever, but awkward in everything they do, and the man's efforts to be funny decidedly detract from the aet. There is absolutely nothing new in whet they do and they will never fill an important place in any bill. Kummine Trio, 3 shows, 22 min. full stage--Consisting of a man, a woman and a juvenile. If it were not for the little chap, It is quite pessible these peeple would not be on the stage at all. The boy is precociens and appeals to the woman in an audience , but aven at that, it is one of those turns that just gets by. Comments: The show is one of the best we have offered this seasons, and the afternoon audience was larger than that of lest week, netwithstanding that we have against us the opening of the baseball season, the herse show etc. In some unacecuntable way, I found my self with one set too many and was rather hopeful that someone of the mets might take a notien to feel dissatisfied and (esneel), but no saeh luck was in evidence. Thrse of the aets and 30 minutes long, and were only scheduled for 22 to 25, and some of the others proved to be longer than expected.
Keith-Albee Collection