Keith-Albee managers' report book, March 14, 1904 - November 21, 1904
Page 51
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51 SCHEDULE OF SHOW, KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILA. MAY 2nd. CONROY & PEARL-16 mins. in one-Man and woman, black face singing and dancing and a little talk. Blockhead, fool, dumb-head and other things are mentioned in the talk, which is bad. Singing is not bad, but all their songs have been worked to death here--very old. THE MORSE TRIO-15 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Three men, vocalists. One man lisps very badly, and it makes unintentional comedy for the audience. When the trio sing, their voices blend nicely and they get by with some applause. They could improve the act by entirely dropping the solo work. GEO. AUSTIN-15 mins. -Gar. in 3-Slack-wire. Has his usual 5 minutes [?'] fun with the two property men, from which he extracts many laughs. Some of his work is a bit rough for this house. Got by with applause at the close. TWO ROSES -15 mins. in one-Two girls, instrumental music, violin and piano. Very pretty girls, neatly and becomingly gowned. A really high-class musical offering that will go well with out audiences. One of the young ladies sings very sweetly Cole & Johnson's Congo love song. WOOD BROS.-10 m ins.-Landscape in 4-Swinging ring act and a fairly good one, as rings acts go. We have had better, but these boys get by all right with scattered applause throughout, and good applause at the end. EDW. GRAY - 15 mins. in one-The Tall Tale Teller. Gray had some new stuff, but most of it we have heard before. However, he got by with many laughs. FANNY RICE-17 mins.-Spec. Set in one-Her illuminated parasol dance worked all right, but did not amount to much. The living dolls went better, but were stretched out so long that the audience seemed to tire. She ended up strong, however,. Her name will draw some business. VERNON-17 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-close in one-Following the living dolls of Miss Rice, his dummies naturally do not show up well by comparison. However, he has a good act and manages to get many laughs. MAX WALDON-11 mins.-Spec. in 3-Female impersonator. Makes five changes of costume. Some of his impersonations went very well, with liberal applause. On the whole the act has many little spots that are a bit over the line, especially as to underclothes and cigarettes. No complaints from the audience yet, but some of the more or less prim elderly ladies might find material. The act went very well, with plenty of applause at the finish. WORLD & KINGSTON-23 mins.-Open in one-C.D.F. 3 close in one-Man and woman, in a crazy comedy sketch, in which are many bright spots; then closed with the prison scene from "Faust," which proved an applause hit. The woman has an excellent voice. very good act. MR. & MRS. GARDNER CRANE-22 mins.-Fancy in 3-In their well known sketch "Am I Your Wife?" One of the best comedy sketches we have ever played here. Went very strong.
51 SCHEDULE OF SHOW, KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILA. MAY 2nd. CONROY & PEARL-16 mins. in one-Man and woman, black face singing and dancing and a little talk. Blockhead, fool, dumb-head and other things are mentioned in the talk, which is bad. Singing is not bad, but all their songs have been worked to death here--very old. THE MORSE TRIO-15 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-Three men, vocalists. One man lisps very badly, and it makes unintentional comedy for the audience. When the trio sing, their voices blend nicely and they get by with some applause. They could improve the act by entirely dropping the solo work. GEO. AUSTIN-15 mins. -Gar. in 3-Slack-wire. Has his usual 5 minutes [?'] fun with the two property men, from which he extracts many laughs. Some of his work is a bit rough for this house. Got by with applause at the close. TWO ROSES -15 mins. in one-Two girls, instrumental music, violin and piano. Very pretty girls, neatly and becomingly gowned. A really high-class musical offering that will go well with out audiences. One of the young ladies sings very sweetly Cole & Johnson's Congo love song. WOOD BROS.-10 m ins.-Landscape in 4-Swinging ring act and a fairly good one, as rings acts go. We have had better, but these boys get by all right with scattered applause throughout, and good applause at the end. EDW. GRAY - 15 mins. in one-The Tall Tale Teller. Gray had some new stuff, but most of it we have heard before. However, he got by with many laughs. FANNY RICE-17 mins.-Spec. Set in one-Her illuminated parasol dance worked all right, but did not amount to much. The living dolls went better, but were stretched out so long that the audience seemed to tire. She ended up strong, however,. Her name will draw some business. VERNON-17 mins.-C.D.F. in 3-close in one-Following the living dolls of Miss Rice, his dummies naturally do not show up well by comparison. However, he has a good act and manages to get many laughs. MAX WALDON-11 mins.-Spec. in 3-Female impersonator. Makes five changes of costume. Some of his impersonations went very well, with liberal applause. On the whole the act has many little spots that are a bit over the line, especially as to underclothes and cigarettes. No complaints from the audience yet, but some of the more or less prim elderly ladies might find material. The act went very well, with plenty of applause at the finish. WORLD & KINGSTON-23 mins.-Open in one-C.D.F. 3 close in one-Man and woman, in a crazy comedy sketch, in which are many bright spots; then closed with the prison scene from "Faust," which proved an applause hit. The woman has an excellent voice. very good act. MR. & MRS. GARDNER CRANE-22 mins.-Fancy in 3-In their well known sketch "Am I Your Wife?" One of the best comedy sketches we have ever played here. Went very strong.
Keith-Albee Collection