Keith-Albee managers' report book, April 30, 1906 - February 4, 1907, part 1
Page 141a
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2.- Phila. O'BRIEN HAVEL, assisted by Miss Effie Lawrence, "Ticks and Clicks":-22 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:11. This act was certainly a knock-out. The act has been presented here before, and although it was good then, on this occasion it was simply a scream. The lines are sticky with humor, and the business introduced was immense. A rousing close with two curtain calls. ALF. GRANT & ETHEL HOAG, in "A little of everything":- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:34. Well known on the Circuit. Good, swift line of talk, most of it new. Parodies especially well received. Altogether the act held this spot on the bill very well indeed. Good close, with one curtain call. THREE DONALS, Acrobats:- 8 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:54. Three very powerful, though by no means skilful performers, making a very fine showing in their lavender tights. Use a standard and rings suspended by chains. Their work is new and very clever, though by no means to be compared with the Four Nightons. Each one of their stunts got a good hand, however, and the finish on the mat was particularly worthy of the applause received. This act is too quiet for a closer, but makes a good showing in this spot on the bill. European acts of a gymnastic order are usually so skilful and brilliant through long training, that the Donals fall short in comparison. However, they put up a very neat act for all that. LEE TUNG FOO, Chinese baritone:- 12 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:02. Makes his appearance in a brilliant Chinese costume. Started rather weak, but gathered strength as he went along, and closed strong, with two curtain calls. Sings in English, Chinese and German. He has a voice of small range, but whereas his singing was not of a high order, nevertheless the interest in a Chinaman who could sing an Irish song with a touch of genuine humor, quite caught the house. Certainly a novelty on any bill. Think he will hold down this spot for the balance of the week. N.B. Press particularly favorable to him this A.M. CHAS. EVANS, "It's up to you, William":- 25 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:14. This is a ripping sketch, and was brilliantly played. It turns on the predicament of two husbands who are supposed to have taken a sea voyage from England to America, but who go to Scotland instead to have a good time. The ship is reported sunk, but is afterwards found to be safe. The men have a struggle to lie out of both ends of the situation, and there is no end of fun throughout the entire sketch. The close was immense with two curtain calls. EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR, Music and comedy:- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:39. Four men, all working eccentric,-one an actor, another a Dutchman, a third a "Willie Boy", and the fourth a sport. Sing with considerable charm and prevision. Their fun is of the coarser order, but is spontaneous, and caught the crowd immediately. No end of suprises and tomfoolery. Four curtain calls at the close and compelled to give an encore and two curtain calls. A valuable acquisition. Harry Botter & Co....7:06 Keith's Orchestra...7:25 Meade & Dog...7:30 Lelia Taylor...7:41 Quigg, Mackey & Nickerson...7:52 O'Brien Havel...8:11 Grant & Hoag...8:34 Three Donals...8:54 Lee Tung Foo...9:02 Chas. Evans & Co....9:14 Empire Comedy Four...9:39 Harndin's Ballet...9:59 Kinetograph...10:06 10:30.
2.- Phila. O'BRIEN HAVEL, assisted by Miss Effie Lawrence, "Ticks and Clicks":-22 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:11. This act was certainly a knock-out. The act has been presented here before, and although it was good then, on this occasion it was simply a scream. The lines are sticky with humor, and the business introduced was immense. A rousing close with two curtain calls. ALF. GRANT & ETHEL HOAG, in "A little of everything":- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 8:34. Well known on the Circuit. Good, swift line of talk, most of it new. Parodies especially well received. Altogether the act held this spot on the bill very well indeed. Good close, with one curtain call. THREE DONALS, Acrobats:- 8 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:54. Three very powerful, though by no means skilful performers, making a very fine showing in their lavender tights. Use a standard and rings suspended by chains. Their work is new and very clever, though by no means to be compared with the Four Nightons. Each one of their stunts got a good hand, however, and the finish on the mat was particularly worthy of the applause received. This act is too quiet for a closer, but makes a good showing in this spot on the bill. European acts of a gymnastic order are usually so skilful and brilliant through long training, that the Donals fall short in comparison. However, they put up a very neat act for all that. LEE TUNG FOO, Chinese baritone:- 12 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:02. Makes his appearance in a brilliant Chinese costume. Started rather weak, but gathered strength as he went along, and closed strong, with two curtain calls. Sings in English, Chinese and German. He has a voice of small range, but whereas his singing was not of a high order, nevertheless the interest in a Chinaman who could sing an Irish song with a touch of genuine humor, quite caught the house. Certainly a novelty on any bill. Think he will hold down this spot for the balance of the week. N.B. Press particularly favorable to him this A.M. CHAS. EVANS, "It's up to you, William":- 25 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:14. This is a ripping sketch, and was brilliantly played. It turns on the predicament of two husbands who are supposed to have taken a sea voyage from England to America, but who go to Scotland instead to have a good time. The ship is reported sunk, but is afterwards found to be safe. The men have a struggle to lie out of both ends of the situation, and there is no end of fun throughout the entire sketch. The close was immense with two curtain calls. EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR, Music and comedy:- 20 min. in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:39. Four men, all working eccentric,-one an actor, another a Dutchman, a third a "Willie Boy", and the fourth a sport. Sing with considerable charm and prevision. Their fun is of the coarser order, but is spontaneous, and caught the crowd immediately. No end of suprises and tomfoolery. Four curtain calls at the close and compelled to give an encore and two curtain calls. A valuable acquisition. Harry Botter & Co....7:06 Keith's Orchestra...7:25 Meade & Dog...7:30 Lelia Taylor...7:41 Quigg, Mackey & Nickerson...7:52 O'Brien Havel...8:11 Grant & Hoag...8:34 Three Donals...8:54 Lee Tung Foo...9:02 Chas. Evans & Co....9:14 Empire Comedy Four...9:39 Harndin's Ballet...9:59 Kinetograph...10:06 10:30.
Keith-Albee Collection