Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 39
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39 REPORT OF SHOW KEITH'S THEATRE, PROVIDENCE, NOV. 3, '02. (CHAS. LOVENBERG) The bill is entirely satisfactory. No fault can be found with any of the act, with the exception of the Howards, and they are not particularly bad. Stereopticon. Not required. Dancing Howards. In a specialty introducing singing, stories, and some dancing, the latter of which, as presented by the man, is good. The woman is very poor. At best the act may be called fair. 17 min. in one, 3 shows. Satsuma. Japanese Juggler, and foot balancer. This act is too well known to need comment. It is about the same now as it has been for the past few years. May be classed as good. 17 min. full stage, 3 shows. Harry Lester. Monologuist. This young man has a very neat appearance and a nice delivery and while the act is not great is pleasant, and may easily be classed as good. 17 min. in one, 3 shows. Burke's Dogs. Usual act of that kind except that he introduces sleigh bell playing, by the dogs, for a finish, which goes very strong. 13 min. full stage, 3 shows. Murphy and Andrews, Man and woman in their clever singing and talking act. Their act is exceptionally good from a three a day standpoint. 18 min. in one. Roberts, Mayes and Roberts. These people made quite a hit today in a sketch that is much out of the ordinary and the big man's make up as a child was very ludicrous and created lots of laughter. Their dancing and singing finish is also out of the ordinary and went big. 20 min. open in three, close in one, 2 shows. Lille Western. Musical artist. She proved her capability by being the third Xylophonist in three consecutive weeks, and making the biggest hit of the lot, which she deserved for her execution is something remarkable. The rest of her act is also very good. 17 min. open in two, close in one. Paul Stephens,. One legged wire walker and equilibrist. Very fine act and novelty. 8 min. full stage, 3 shows. Janet Melville & Evie Stetson. Same act they have given us before, and which holds it own. Very good. 18 min. in one, 2 shows. The Baggessens. Of the various comedians to breaking crockery, this man is certainly the funniest, and the whole act is depended upon that. From the time that he gets started, until the finish, there is a continual howl of laughter. 16 min. full stage. R. J. Jose. Balladist. Always excellent. 12 min. in one, 2 shows. Eddie Girard and Jessie Gardner. These people made very good, strong. Girard's quiet and effective work telling very strongly. 23 min. in three, 2 shows. Mayme Remington and Pickaninnies. Usual act of that kind, but she has a couple of little coons that are very funny and make quite a hit. 16 min. in one, 2 shows. Flood Brothers. Acrobatic comedians. Good. 12 min. close in one, 2 shows. Biograph. O. K.
39 REPORT OF SHOW KEITH'S THEATRE, PROVIDENCE, NOV. 3, '02. (CHAS. LOVENBERG) The bill is entirely satisfactory. No fault can be found with any of the act, with the exception of the Howards, and they are not particularly bad. Stereopticon. Not required. Dancing Howards. In a specialty introducing singing, stories, and some dancing, the latter of which, as presented by the man, is good. The woman is very poor. At best the act may be called fair. 17 min. in one, 3 shows. Satsuma. Japanese Juggler, and foot balancer. This act is too well known to need comment. It is about the same now as it has been for the past few years. May be classed as good. 17 min. full stage, 3 shows. Harry Lester. Monologuist. This young man has a very neat appearance and a nice delivery and while the act is not great is pleasant, and may easily be classed as good. 17 min. in one, 3 shows. Burke's Dogs. Usual act of that kind except that he introduces sleigh bell playing, by the dogs, for a finish, which goes very strong. 13 min. full stage, 3 shows. Murphy and Andrews, Man and woman in their clever singing and talking act. Their act is exceptionally good from a three a day standpoint. 18 min. in one. Roberts, Mayes and Roberts. These people made quite a hit today in a sketch that is much out of the ordinary and the big man's make up as a child was very ludicrous and created lots of laughter. Their dancing and singing finish is also out of the ordinary and went big. 20 min. open in three, close in one, 2 shows. Lille Western. Musical artist. She proved her capability by being the third Xylophonist in three consecutive weeks, and making the biggest hit of the lot, which she deserved for her execution is something remarkable. The rest of her act is also very good. 17 min. open in two, close in one. Paul Stephens,. One legged wire walker and equilibrist. Very fine act and novelty. 8 min. full stage, 3 shows. Janet Melville & Evie Stetson. Same act they have given us before, and which holds it own. Very good. 18 min. in one, 2 shows. The Baggessens. Of the various comedians to breaking crockery, this man is certainly the funniest, and the whole act is depended upon that. From the time that he gets started, until the finish, there is a continual howl of laughter. 16 min. full stage. R. J. Jose. Balladist. Always excellent. 12 min. in one, 2 shows. Eddie Girard and Jessie Gardner. These people made very good, strong. Girard's quiet and effective work telling very strongly. 23 min. in three, 2 shows. Mayme Remington and Pickaninnies. Usual act of that kind, but she has a couple of little coons that are very funny and make quite a hit. 16 min. in one, 2 shows. Flood Brothers. Acrobatic comedians. Good. 12 min. close in one, 2 shows. Biograph. O. K.
Keith-Albee Collection