Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
Page 64
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64 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Nov. 17th. LES FRASETTIS: Man and a woman who do a musical act in which they employ two violin, harp and xylophone. They make a very good appearance and play well. A good turn. 13 minutes. Entire act can be done in one. HAL GODFREY & CO.: Presenting the comedietta "A Very Bad Boy." Godfrey is a grotesque dancer, in which work he makes a big hit. He is deserving of something better than the sketch he is appearing in. It pleased fairly well, however. 20 minutes full stage. BILLY LINK: Black face comedian. This performer has the appearance and the right idea of "delivering the goods." His work will compare favorably with that of the majority of single entertainers. 10 minutes in one. MARY NORMAN: Presenting a monologue entitled "In Society." She is a hit with the intelligent portion of her audiences. Her best efforts sail over the "pin heads" and under the gallery. 21 minutes full stage. HOLLOWAY TRIG: A man, a woman and a boy. The words marvelous and artistic are the only ones that will describe this great act. Nothing like the Holloways have ever appeared before the spotlights in this city. 11 minutes full stage. GEORGE FELIX AND LYDIA BARRY: Appearing in the comedy-acrobatic skit entitled "Johnny Jones." The man is a clever silence-and-fun acrobat and the woman is a vocalist of the mediocre grade. 25 minutes full stage. LOUISE BREHANEY: A prettily-costumed, refined young woman who is the possessor of a voice that is musically sweet and well-trained, She is a winner with all for she has a repertoire that appeals to all classes. 10 minutes in 1. THE FOUR RIANOS: Three men and a woman who do a grotesque acrobatic act. While this turn is of the "harum-scarum" brand it is a laugh-producer. 14 minutes full stage. LEO DERVALTO: Spiral ascensionist. He does equilibristic work -- rifle shooting and juggling -- upon a sphere in which he is assisted by a woman. This turn belongs strictly in the novelty class. It makes good. 12 minutes in 1.
64 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Nov. 17th. LES FRASETTIS: Man and a woman who do a musical act in which they employ two violin, harp and xylophone. They make a very good appearance and play well. A good turn. 13 minutes. Entire act can be done in one. HAL GODFREY & CO.: Presenting the comedietta "A Very Bad Boy." Godfrey is a grotesque dancer, in which work he makes a big hit. He is deserving of something better than the sketch he is appearing in. It pleased fairly well, however. 20 minutes full stage. BILLY LINK: Black face comedian. This performer has the appearance and the right idea of "delivering the goods." His work will compare favorably with that of the majority of single entertainers. 10 minutes in one. MARY NORMAN: Presenting a monologue entitled "In Society." She is a hit with the intelligent portion of her audiences. Her best efforts sail over the "pin heads" and under the gallery. 21 minutes full stage. HOLLOWAY TRIG: A man, a woman and a boy. The words marvelous and artistic are the only ones that will describe this great act. Nothing like the Holloways have ever appeared before the spotlights in this city. 11 minutes full stage. GEORGE FELIX AND LYDIA BARRY: Appearing in the comedy-acrobatic skit entitled "Johnny Jones." The man is a clever silence-and-fun acrobat and the woman is a vocalist of the mediocre grade. 25 minutes full stage. LOUISE BREHANEY: A prettily-costumed, refined young woman who is the possessor of a voice that is musically sweet and well-trained, She is a winner with all for she has a repertoire that appeals to all classes. 10 minutes in 1. THE FOUR RIANOS: Three men and a woman who do a grotesque acrobatic act. While this turn is of the "harum-scarum" brand it is a laugh-producer. 14 minutes full stage. LEO DERVALTO: Spiral ascensionist. He does equilibristic work -- rifle shooting and juggling -- upon a sphere in which he is assisted by a woman. This turn belongs strictly in the novelty class. It makes good. 12 minutes in 1.
Keith-Albee Collection