Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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New York Show, Week of August 3, 1903--2. GHR.--3 RIXFORD BROS.--Acrobatic act. These people have now introduced an element of comedy into their work which I think makes it more interesting. They are now, as they have always been, very clever acrobats, and in their present set two of them work straight and the other two makes up as a silly "kid". It is a very clever act. 10 minutes full stage. GYH.--LONEY HASKELL.--Loney was added to the bill today to take the place of John Leonard whom I sent to Boston. For a New York audience he is all right, but I can understand why he does not go as strong in the other houses on the circuit. 15 minutes in one. YYH.--JAMES HORNE & CO.--Consisting of Mr. Horne, another man, and two women, in a sketch called "An Awful Mix," which is one of the old Boston Museum farces. It is very well played indeed, but Mr. Horne did not seem to reach the audience until the last ten minutes of the act, when they apparently began to comprehend the motive and he went first rate to the finish when they got a good curtain call. 32 minutes full stage [GRR? GHR?].--MOORE & LITTLEFIELD.--A man and a woman in an eccentric specialty entitled "Change Your Act." I don't think the woman is nearly as clever as Miss Hight, his former partner. Still, she introduced a very clever contortion dance in the act which brightens it up considerably, and I doubt if the audience can see much change. The act went very strong this afternoon. 25 minutes, open full stage and close in one. GNH.--MAZUZ & MAZETT.--A man and a woman in a comedy acrobatic act. From an acrobatic standpoint the act is not changed much from what it was when last we played it. They have changed around, however, so as to introduce a little talking and give the woman an opportunity to appear in a dress in the last half of the act. They went very nicely this afternoon, and I think on the whole there is a little improvement. 15 minutes, full stage. BIOGRAPH.--The selection of views they have furnished us this week is a great improvement over that of last week, nearly all of them are new and all are good. The feature being a reproduction of the European automobile races, which is very strong indeed. 12 min. in one. S. K. HODGSON.
New York Show, Week of August 3, 1903--2. GHR.--3 RIXFORD BROS.--Acrobatic act. These people have now introduced an element of comedy into their work which I think makes it more interesting. They are now, as they have always been, very clever acrobats, and in their present set two of them work straight and the other two makes up as a silly "kid". It is a very clever act. 10 minutes full stage. GYH.--LONEY HASKELL.--Loney was added to the bill today to take the place of John Leonard whom I sent to Boston. For a New York audience he is all right, but I can understand why he does not go as strong in the other houses on the circuit. 15 minutes in one. YYH.--JAMES HORNE & CO.--Consisting of Mr. Horne, another man, and two women, in a sketch called "An Awful Mix," which is one of the old Boston Museum farces. It is very well played indeed, but Mr. Horne did not seem to reach the audience until the last ten minutes of the act, when they apparently began to comprehend the motive and he went first rate to the finish when they got a good curtain call. 32 minutes full stage [GRR? GHR?].--MOORE & LITTLEFIELD.--A man and a woman in an eccentric specialty entitled "Change Your Act." I don't think the woman is nearly as clever as Miss Hight, his former partner. Still, she introduced a very clever contortion dance in the act which brightens it up considerably, and I doubt if the audience can see much change. The act went very strong this afternoon. 25 minutes, open full stage and close in one. GNH.--MAZUZ & MAZETT.--A man and a woman in a comedy acrobatic act. From an acrobatic standpoint the act is not changed much from what it was when last we played it. They have changed around, however, so as to introduce a little talking and give the woman an opportunity to appear in a dress in the last half of the act. They went very nicely this afternoon, and I think on the whole there is a little improvement. 15 minutes, full stage. BIOGRAPH.--The selection of views they have furnished us this week is a great improvement over that of last week, nearly all of them are new and all are good. The feature being a reproduction of the European automobile races, which is very strong indeed. 12 min. in one. S. K. HODGSON.
Keith-Albee Collection