Keith-Albee manager reports, September 2, 1902 - September 3, 1903
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310 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Aug. 10th, 1903. MCCANN FAMILY: Consisting of father, little boy and girl. The children open the act in character song as street urchins, then go to a line of talk with the father, who appears as an old Irishman. While their material is not particularly new, the children are quite clever. Their dancing is exceptionally good and the act is going well here, and can be classed as a good one in the early part of the bill. 19 mins in 2 and four minutes in one. HENDERSON & ROSS: A man and woman presenting a little rural comedy sketch, introducing a bounding rope act by the man. Act is good and is going very well indeed. Comedy is not bad and woman is a fair singer. 12 minutes F. S. JESSICA CREEL Doing a Whistling specialty and one coon song. She is a local girl and has some fine costumes, is a swell looker, and altogether the act makes an acceptable offering. 9 mins. in one. TOM LEWIS & SAM RYAN: Presenting "Wireless Telephone". This act is too well known to need extended comment. They are certainly keeping the audience in roars of laughter and are more than making good. 18 m. F S. SI SIEGER SISTERS: Cornetists. These are very pretty, well gowned ladies making a swell appearance. While their playing is not exceptionally brilliant, they are doing very nicely. 9 mins. in one. PAT ROONEY & EMMA FRANCIS: This is about the liveliest dancing act that I have ever played. While the price I am paying them is somewhat excessive I consider it a splendid vaudeville act. They are going very strong. 12 min. in FS close 2 mins. in one if necessary. ARTIE HALL: Coon songs. Always big favorite here. Going strong. 14 mins. in one. CARL DAMMAN TROUPE: Acrobats. Consists of man, two women, boy and child. Very good indeed. 12 mins F. S. J H Moore
310 TEMPLE THEATER, DETROIT, MICH. Week Beginning Aug. 10th, 1903. MCCANN FAMILY: Consisting of father, little boy and girl. The children open the act in character song as street urchins, then go to a line of talk with the father, who appears as an old Irishman. While their material is not particularly new, the children are quite clever. Their dancing is exceptionally good and the act is going well here, and can be classed as a good one in the early part of the bill. 19 mins in 2 and four minutes in one. HENDERSON & ROSS: A man and woman presenting a little rural comedy sketch, introducing a bounding rope act by the man. Act is good and is going very well indeed. Comedy is not bad and woman is a fair singer. 12 minutes F. S. JESSICA CREEL Doing a Whistling specialty and one coon song. She is a local girl and has some fine costumes, is a swell looker, and altogether the act makes an acceptable offering. 9 mins. in one. TOM LEWIS & SAM RYAN: Presenting "Wireless Telephone". This act is too well known to need extended comment. They are certainly keeping the audience in roars of laughter and are more than making good. 18 m. F S. SI SIEGER SISTERS: Cornetists. These are very pretty, well gowned ladies making a swell appearance. While their playing is not exceptionally brilliant, they are doing very nicely. 9 mins. in one. PAT ROONEY & EMMA FRANCIS: This is about the liveliest dancing act that I have ever played. While the price I am paying them is somewhat excessive I consider it a splendid vaudeville act. They are going very strong. 12 min. in FS close 2 mins. in one if necessary. ARTIE HALL: Coon songs. Always big favorite here. Going strong. 14 mins. in one. CARL DAMMAN TROUPE: Acrobats. Consists of man, two women, boy and child. Very good indeed. 12 mins F. S. J H Moore
Keith-Albee Collection