Managers' report book, November 13, 1916-January 21, 1918
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Week of Nov. 13th '16 ----BOSTON SHOW REPORT---- R.G. LARSEN SYLPHIDE SISTERS 6 minutes f.s. Garden set. Two girls in an iron jaw set. A fair small time act. Hardly up to the standard of the "big-time" houses. Passed, and that's about all. SAXO SEXTETTE 10 minutes in one. Streep Drop. Six men in a saxophone act, something after the style of Six Brown Brothers. All right in this spot. FRANKIE HEATH 15 minutes in one. Olio Drop. The show fell 25 minutes short Monday afternoon, and as we had here dumb acts in succession, Miss Heath was brought in Monday night to strengthen the show and fill out the time. She sang five numbers, and put over the first real hit of the show. Is full of life and ginger, and woke things up in great shape. VAN and BELLE Bomerang Throwers. 5 minutes f.s. Special Set. These people have a good novelty, with a little comedy, which gets over first-rate. Monday afternoon the woman sang a ballad at the opening, which was eliminated Monday night. The has not the voice to put it over in a big-time house. When they get down to the boomerangs, however, the act moves right along, and held the interest every minute. HARRY TIGHE and SYLVIA JASON 20 minutes in one. Rotunda Drop. A bit of piano playing and singing, with some "kidding" by Tighe. Second time of the act here, and a good sized hit. ROBERT T. HAINES and CO in "Enter, - A Stranger." 18 minutes f.s. Dark Interior. Dramatic playlet of the eternal triangles, - husband, wife and lover, with a new twist to introduce a forth character, played by Mr. Haines. The piece is well played, has a touch of comedy to relieve it at the finish, and held the interest every minute. Closed strong. BEATRICE HERFORD 19 minutes in one. Plush drapery. This is Miss Herford's third visit here. She is doing some new monologues, and put over the laughing hit of the show at both performances Monday. TOM SMITH and RALPH AUSTIN 15 minutes. Open in two, special drop. Go to garden in 3. Close Olio drop in one. the opening and closing are very short, and the act is practically a full stage turn. Singing, dancing, comedy and clowning, a la Morton & Moore. A good comedy act of the kind that got the laughs and went over first-rate in this spot. The two comedians are assisted by a young lady, who sings two solos. GOERGE WHITE and LUCILLE CAVANAGH 118 minutes. Open in one, garden drop. Go to special in f.s. Clone in one. This is about the best dancing team we have played this season. Their versatility is really astonishing, and they lived up to expectations as the headline act. A big hit at both shows Monday. FOUR CASTING DANUBES 7 minutes f.s. special set. A great aerial act in a beautiful purple and white setting. Some of the stunts, especially the giant swings, brought a gasp from the audience. A spectacular and thoroughly satisfactory closing act. ----CUTS---- Harry Tighe - "It's naught but it's nice" Business of slapping Miss Jason on bare back. Van and Belle - opening ballad by woman. ----COMMENT---- This week's bill is hardly up to the standard of the bills we have been giving for the past three weeks. It lacks speed, and the comedy element is weak. the fact that the majority of the acts are new to Boston is the saving feature.
Week of Nov. 13th '16 ----BOSTON SHOW REPORT---- R.G. LARSEN SYLPHIDE SISTERS 6 minutes f.s. Garden set. Two girls in an iron jaw set. A fair small time act. Hardly up to the standard of the "big-time" houses. Passed, and that's about all. SAXO SEXTETTE 10 minutes in one. Streep Drop. Six men in a saxophone act, something after the style of Six Brown Brothers. All right in this spot. FRANKIE HEATH 15 minutes in one. Olio Drop. The show fell 25 minutes short Monday afternoon, and as we had here dumb acts in succession, Miss Heath was brought in Monday night to strengthen the show and fill out the time. She sang five numbers, and put over the first real hit of the show. Is full of life and ginger, and woke things up in great shape. VAN and BELLE Bomerang Throwers. 5 minutes f.s. Special Set. These people have a good novelty, with a little comedy, which gets over first-rate. Monday afternoon the woman sang a ballad at the opening, which was eliminated Monday night. The has not the voice to put it over in a big-time house. When they get down to the boomerangs, however, the act moves right along, and held the interest every minute. HARRY TIGHE and SYLVIA JASON 20 minutes in one. Rotunda Drop. A bit of piano playing and singing, with some "kidding" by Tighe. Second time of the act here, and a good sized hit. ROBERT T. HAINES and CO in "Enter, - A Stranger." 18 minutes f.s. Dark Interior. Dramatic playlet of the eternal triangles, - husband, wife and lover, with a new twist to introduce a forth character, played by Mr. Haines. The piece is well played, has a touch of comedy to relieve it at the finish, and held the interest every minute. Closed strong. BEATRICE HERFORD 19 minutes in one. Plush drapery. This is Miss Herford's third visit here. She is doing some new monologues, and put over the laughing hit of the show at both performances Monday. TOM SMITH and RALPH AUSTIN 15 minutes. Open in two, special drop. Go to garden in 3. Close Olio drop in one. the opening and closing are very short, and the act is practically a full stage turn. Singing, dancing, comedy and clowning, a la Morton & Moore. A good comedy act of the kind that got the laughs and went over first-rate in this spot. The two comedians are assisted by a young lady, who sings two solos. GOERGE WHITE and LUCILLE CAVANAGH 118 minutes. Open in one, garden drop. Go to special in f.s. Clone in one. This is about the best dancing team we have played this season. Their versatility is really astonishing, and they lived up to expectations as the headline act. A big hit at both shows Monday. FOUR CASTING DANUBES 7 minutes f.s. special set. A great aerial act in a beautiful purple and white setting. Some of the stunts, especially the giant swings, brought a gasp from the audience. A spectacular and thoroughly satisfactory closing act. ----CUTS---- Harry Tighe - "It's naught but it's nice" Business of slapping Miss Jason on bare back. Van and Belle - opening ballad by woman. ----COMMENT---- This week's bill is hardly up to the standard of the bills we have been giving for the past three weeks. It lacks speed, and the comedy element is weak. the fact that the majority of the acts are new to Boston is the saving feature.
Keith-Albee Collection