Managers' report book, November 13, 1916-January 21, 1918
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BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I., MOnday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25, 26 and 27. JOS. DEELEY & COMPANY--- Society Dancers--man and woman; society and whirlwind dances; windup with an "Old Fashion Cake Walk;" 10 min. full stage; went fair. ED. MORTON--- "Vaudeville's Pleasing Singer"---he sings six songs, neat appearance; each song made a hit; 13 min in one; went over big. THE BREEN FAMILY--- In a "Genuine Novelty"--- A little bit of jugglery, a little nonsense, and principally dancing act which went over big. 15 min. full stage. [Signature: A S Watson] REPORT ON SHOW PLAYING THE SCENIC THEATRE PAWTUCKET R.I. June 25, 1917. Laundry Bros. Gymnastics work on ropes. A Very fine offering 6 Min. Full Stage. Went Good. Hamilton & Barnes Man and woman in one 17 Min. Comedy Chatter. A Good line of comedy with a pantomine finish of a wedding. Went Good. Fritz Bruch & Sister A Very fine musical treat Cello & Violin well played High class sellections. 15 Min in one. Went Good. Billie Reeves works in full stage 19 Min. Asst. by man and woman A very funny offering Called The right KEY but the wrong FLAT. Went Good. A Good show with plenty of variety.
BIJOU THEATRE, WOONSOCKET, R. I., MOnday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25, 26 and 27. JOS. DEELEY & COMPANY--- Society Dancers--man and woman; society and whirlwind dances; windup with an "Old Fashion Cake Walk;" 10 min. full stage; went fair. ED. MORTON--- "Vaudeville's Pleasing Singer"---he sings six songs, neat appearance; each song made a hit; 13 min in one; went over big. THE BREEN FAMILY--- In a "Genuine Novelty"--- A little bit of jugglery, a little nonsense, and principally dancing act which went over big. 15 min. full stage. [Signature: A S Watson] REPORT ON SHOW PLAYING THE SCENIC THEATRE PAWTUCKET R.I. June 25, 1917. Laundry Bros. Gymnastics work on ropes. A Very fine offering 6 Min. Full Stage. Went Good. Hamilton & Barnes Man and woman in one 17 Min. Comedy Chatter. A Good line of comedy with a pantomine finish of a wedding. Went Good. Fritz Bruch & Sister A Very fine musical treat Cello & Violin well played High class sellections. 15 Min in one. Went Good. Billie Reeves works in full stage 19 Min. Asst. by man and woman A very funny offering Called The right KEY but the wrong FLAT. Went Good. A Good show with plenty of variety.
Keith-Albee Collection