Managers' report book, November 13, 1916-January 21, 1918
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Boston, Mass. Boston Nov. 5th., 1917. Carmen's Minstrels;-20 min., f.s., Spl. set. Six men, 1 woman. This is the conventional minstrel "First Part" with singing, jokes, dancing; lady acting as Interlocutor. The act makes a very good flash and started our show off in good shape. Harry & Grace Ellsworth;- 12 min. in 1. A boy and girl in a singing and dancing specialty much above the average. Went over good. Valand Gamble;- 19 min. in 1. Lightning calculator using blackboard, and with very clever assistant who injects plenty of comedy throughout the act which combined with the wonderful mathematical stunts of Gamble registered a good size hit. Barry Sisters;- 17 min in 1. These two girls pleased our audience very much in their singing and dancing sketch. Closed strong. Travillo Bros. & Seal;- 6 min. f.s.. Special glass tank. Good fast act and went over well closing our show.
Boston, Mass. Boston Nov. 5th., 1917. Carmen's Minstrels;-20 min., f.s., Spl. set. Six men, 1 woman. This is the conventional minstrel "First Part" with singing, jokes, dancing; lady acting as Interlocutor. The act makes a very good flash and started our show off in good shape. Harry & Grace Ellsworth;- 12 min. in 1. A boy and girl in a singing and dancing specialty much above the average. Went over good. Valand Gamble;- 19 min. in 1. Lightning calculator using blackboard, and with very clever assistant who injects plenty of comedy throughout the act which combined with the wonderful mathematical stunts of Gamble registered a good size hit. Barry Sisters;- 17 min in 1. These two girls pleased our audience very much in their singing and dancing sketch. Closed strong. Travillo Bros. & Seal;- 6 min. f.s.. Special glass tank. Good fast act and went over well closing our show.
Keith-Albee Collection