Fantasy Times, v. 1, issue 31, whole no. 31, December 29, 1946
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Page 2 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES Vol. 1 - No. 31 Published weekly by James V Taurasl, 101-02 Northern Blvd, Corona New York. 5[cents] a copy, 6 for 25[cents]. Editor: James V. Taurasi; European Ed: Ray Van Houten; Ad. Manager: Sam Moskowitz; Assistant Eds: Joe Kennedy & Alvin R Brown; Science Editor: Thos S Gardner, Ph. D. "A Cosmic Publication" PHILCON (continued from page 1, column 1) ----------- innovation of attributing the sponsorship of the Philcon to fandom as a whole instead of to a single club. The question of whether or not members of the Philcon Society would be accorded the democratic privilege of vote on major convention issues was also a topic of conversation. QUEENS SFL (continued from page 1, column 2) ----------- ing and Unknown, was introduced, & stated that he had begun writing for Unknown 8 years ago; had been in the West Indies for the last 4 years and is now getting back in his stride. He said he has stories coming up in TWS and Amazing. He is against the Shaver stories presented as fact, but didn't agree with the QSFL in presenting the case to The New York Society For The Suppression Of Vice. Ronald Clyne gave a talk on the numerous art work he's doing. He said he did the lettering for The Fox Woman. Charles Dyi, a member of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, now permanently residing in New York, announced that Morris S. Dollens, originator of the fan mag, The Science Fiction Collector, is now making a movie based on one of E.E. Smith's interplanetary classics. Members picked their Xmas presents from Santa's grab bag. Sam Moskowitz, fandom's leading auctioneer, conducted the auction and allowed Joe Gross to "steal" the ASF original Sept. cover, by Timmins, for a mere $5.00. Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM. FOX WOMAN (continued from page 1, column 2) ----------- or 60,000 words titled The Blue Pagoda, and separated in the book from the Merritt section. In completing the novel, Bok has followed a plot outline left by A. Merritt. Collectors should know that there is a variant edition of the book. Facing page 18, a Hannes Bok plate portraying a beautiful nude girl was chewed up and another drawing of a nude man was substituted in several hundred copies. This variant will eventually command very high prices. O'Connor also announced that The Fox Woman may shortly be purchased by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for production. A. Langley Searles and Thyrill Lladd have publicly stated that both the Merritt and Bok sections of The Fox Woman are of outstanding high quality. The Black Wheel, another uncompleted Merritt novel has 54,000 words completed by Merritt, and is expected in the next four months. O'Connor has on hand a completed, hitherto unpublished sequel to The Moon Pool by Merritt. ON THE NEWS STANDS by Alvin R. Brown ----------- The Jan. 1947 issue of Astounding SCIENCE FICTION boasts a fine cover by Timmins. Tomorrow and Tomorrow promises to be an excellent serial. Top story is the Undamned with the rest ranging from excellent to good. The art is better than average with some dillys by Cartier. Willy Ley's article on V-2's is exceptionally good. Brass Tacks was missing but the issue still rates an A, an ideal way to start the new year. - arb SUPPORT THE PHILCON JOIN THE PHILCON SOCIETY
Page 2 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES Vol. 1 - No. 31 Published weekly by James V Taurasl, 101-02 Northern Blvd, Corona New York. 5[cents] a copy, 6 for 25[cents]. Editor: James V. Taurasi; European Ed: Ray Van Houten; Ad. Manager: Sam Moskowitz; Assistant Eds: Joe Kennedy & Alvin R Brown; Science Editor: Thos S Gardner, Ph. D. "A Cosmic Publication" PHILCON (continued from page 1, column 1) ----------- innovation of attributing the sponsorship of the Philcon to fandom as a whole instead of to a single club. The question of whether or not members of the Philcon Society would be accorded the democratic privilege of vote on major convention issues was also a topic of conversation. QUEENS SFL (continued from page 1, column 2) ----------- ing and Unknown, was introduced, & stated that he had begun writing for Unknown 8 years ago; had been in the West Indies for the last 4 years and is now getting back in his stride. He said he has stories coming up in TWS and Amazing. He is against the Shaver stories presented as fact, but didn't agree with the QSFL in presenting the case to The New York Society For The Suppression Of Vice. Ronald Clyne gave a talk on the numerous art work he's doing. He said he did the lettering for The Fox Woman. Charles Dyi, a member of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, now permanently residing in New York, announced that Morris S. Dollens, originator of the fan mag, The Science Fiction Collector, is now making a movie based on one of E.E. Smith's interplanetary classics. Members picked their Xmas presents from Santa's grab bag. Sam Moskowitz, fandom's leading auctioneer, conducted the auction and allowed Joe Gross to "steal" the ASF original Sept. cover, by Timmins, for a mere $5.00. Meeting was adjourned at 7 PM. FOX WOMAN (continued from page 1, column 2) ----------- or 60,000 words titled The Blue Pagoda, and separated in the book from the Merritt section. In completing the novel, Bok has followed a plot outline left by A. Merritt. Collectors should know that there is a variant edition of the book. Facing page 18, a Hannes Bok plate portraying a beautiful nude girl was chewed up and another drawing of a nude man was substituted in several hundred copies. This variant will eventually command very high prices. O'Connor also announced that The Fox Woman may shortly be purchased by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for production. A. Langley Searles and Thyrill Lladd have publicly stated that both the Merritt and Bok sections of The Fox Woman are of outstanding high quality. The Black Wheel, another uncompleted Merritt novel has 54,000 words completed by Merritt, and is expected in the next four months. O'Connor has on hand a completed, hitherto unpublished sequel to The Moon Pool by Merritt. ON THE NEWS STANDS by Alvin R. Brown ----------- The Jan. 1947 issue of Astounding SCIENCE FICTION boasts a fine cover by Timmins. Tomorrow and Tomorrow promises to be an excellent serial. Top story is the Undamned with the rest ranging from excellent to good. The art is better than average with some dillys by Cartier. Willy Ley's article on V-2's is exceptionally good. Brass Tacks was missing but the issue still rates an A, an ideal way to start the new year. - arb SUPPORT THE PHILCON JOIN THE PHILCON SOCIETY
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