Fantasy Times, v. 2, issue 19, whole no. 50, May 11, 1947
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Bok, Clyne, O'Connor at may ESFA meeting. Moskowitz Gets Vote Of Confidence In an amazing Show of strenght, 41 science-fiction and fantasy fans turned out for the May 4, meeting of the ESFA, despite the fact that in the face of a torrential downpour. Sam Moskowitz, Director, read severalletters received as a result of the last writeup in the Newark Sunday News; also a letter of inquiry from Albert Mitchell and Bruce Chapman for The Answer Man program; a reply from the New York Times Book Review section to the back-handed slam taken at Science-fiction in Donald Barr's recent review of Jules Verne's Tripo to the Moon; a review of John Campbell's book The Atomic Story in a highly uncomplimentary vein was read and then given to Thos. S. Gardner, Ph.D. to dissect. The writeup on science-fiction in. This Week magazine was spoken on. It was also announced that because of inordinately high cost refreshments had been cancelled for this meeting. Anthony Ceaser the made a motion tha "The ESFA endorse a continuance of the mature, forward looking program being carried forward by Sam Moskowitz, in view of the fine results previously obtained, and the high calibre of the writeup received as a (continued on page 54, column1). THE ANSER MAN SCIENCE-Fiction fans who wonder where ALbert Mitchell, The Answer Man, gets the correct answers to almost impossible science-fiction questions for radio program may as well know that Sam Moskowitz is responsible for the replies. The answer Man was referred to Sam Moskowitz by William S. Baring-Gould, author of Little Superman? What Now? When some science-fiction fan wrote in requesting information on C.A.Brandt's proposed magazine. PADGETT AND TUCKER LISNED AMONG BEST WHODUNITS OF 1946. The Mystery Writers of America in voting on the best detective novel of 1946 included in their voting The Brass Ring by Lewis Padgett and The Chinese Doll by Wilson (Bob) Tucker. - SM SUPPORT THE PHILCON
Bok, Clyne, O'Connor at may ESFA meeting. Moskowitz Gets Vote Of Confidence In an amazing Show of strenght, 41 science-fiction and fantasy fans turned out for the May 4, meeting of the ESFA, despite the fact that in the face of a torrential downpour. Sam Moskowitz, Director, read severalletters received as a result of the last writeup in the Newark Sunday News; also a letter of inquiry from Albert Mitchell and Bruce Chapman for The Answer Man program; a reply from the New York Times Book Review section to the back-handed slam taken at Science-fiction in Donald Barr's recent review of Jules Verne's Tripo to the Moon; a review of John Campbell's book The Atomic Story in a highly uncomplimentary vein was read and then given to Thos. S. Gardner, Ph.D. to dissect. The writeup on science-fiction in. This Week magazine was spoken on. It was also announced that because of inordinately high cost refreshments had been cancelled for this meeting. Anthony Ceaser the made a motion tha "The ESFA endorse a continuance of the mature, forward looking program being carried forward by Sam Moskowitz, in view of the fine results previously obtained, and the high calibre of the writeup received as a (continued on page 54, column1). THE ANSER MAN SCIENCE-Fiction fans who wonder where ALbert Mitchell, The Answer Man, gets the correct answers to almost impossible science-fiction questions for radio program may as well know that Sam Moskowitz is responsible for the replies. The answer Man was referred to Sam Moskowitz by William S. Baring-Gould, author of Little Superman? What Now? When some science-fiction fan wrote in requesting information on C.A.Brandt's proposed magazine. PADGETT AND TUCKER LISNED AMONG BEST WHODUNITS OF 1946. The Mystery Writers of America in voting on the best detective novel of 1946 included in their voting The Brass Ring by Lewis Padgett and The Chinese Doll by Wilson (Bob) Tucker. - SM SUPPORT THE PHILCON
Hevelin Fanzines