Fantasy Times, v. 2, issue 19, whole no. 50, May 11, 1947
Page 55
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Fantasy-Times Page 55 --------------------------------------- [column 1] FANTASY READER DONALD A. Wollheim, editor of [underlined] Avon Fantasy Reader [/underlined] writes us that the third [underlined] Avon Fantasy Reader [/underlined] is on its way to the printers. Among other stories it will carry H. G. Wells' rarest science-fiction short story, [underlined] Th Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper[/underlined]; A Merritt's [underlined] Rhythm of the Spheres [/underlined]; Ray Bradbury's [underlined] Homecoming [/underlined]; Frank Owen's [underlined] The Silent Trees [/underlined], as well as tales by C. L. Moore, Stephen Grendon (the first new story bought for this collection), H. P. Lovecraft and others. MR. Wollheim answered a number of questions that [underlined] Fantasy-Times had asked him concerning the magazine. About inside illustrations and a readers' column, Mr. Wollheim answered, "I do not believe that it is likely that there will be any inside illustrations for future issues. We prefer to consider the [underlined] Fantasy Reader [/underlined] as a book, as a series of anthologies, and we with to maintain book format as much as possible. For the same reason I think that a readers' column in such a publication would be somewhat superflous. Though we are anxious to hear from your readers, we cannot feel that we do them a service by utilizing pages on such communications which can better be devoted to fiction." ON the questions concerning Mr. Wollheim's conncetion with [underlined] Ace Publications [/underlined] and the Keller story he bought for them, he answered, "I'm not connected with the [underlined] Ace Magazines [/underlined] in any way, shape or form. I resigned from that organization about a month and a half ago and am now associated full-time with [underlined] Avon Books. [/underlined] I had scheduled Dr. Keller's story "Praying Hands", with a change of title that I cannot at this moment recall, for appearance in the September issue of [underlined] 10-Story Detective [/underlined] magazine. Whether it will actually appear in that spec [end column 1; continued on adjacent column bottom 4 lines, follow arrow pointing] ific issue is impossible to say until whoever is now editing that publication closes proofs." [top of column 2] THE ATOMIC STORY CAMPBELL BOOK SUBSTITUTES"RHETORIC FOR FACT" SAYS N. Y. TIMES JOHN W. Campbell's new book, [underlined] The Atomic Story [/underlined] published by Henry Holt, received lashing criticism at the pen of stephen Wheeler in the Book Review Section of the [underlined] New York Times [/underlined] for April 27. IN a challenging critique,Stephen Wheeler accused Campbell of being....£free with...'facts', about which he cannot possibly have accurate knowledge. Even when the answers are public property, Mr. Campbell is an likely as not to be wrong. He confuses the Hiroshima and the Nagasaki type of atom bomb. His account of the accidents at Los Alamos, which killed two scientists ,is both erroneous and misleading. But these examples could be multiplied for columns. Finally he subsitutes Rhetoric for fact-whenever it serves his purpose. His style is constantly one of high synthetic excitement which carries the reader along for a page or two and then becomes far too hyper-thyroid for comfort. Mr. Campbell's book suffers most because the other two (three atomic energy books were lumped together in one review) are available." IT is not known whether the reviewer, Stephen Wheeler is scientifically qualified to review the book since no scientific title prefaces or appends his name. In view of this fact we are turning a copy of the book over to our [underlined] Science Editor [/underlined], Dr. Thomas S. Gardner, who has the necessary background to properly review and evaluation a scientific text, and his review will appear in our pages shortly. -sm [line across] [three lines ending other column as above] ------------------------------ ADVERTISE IN FANTASY-TIES--$1 pa. ------------------------
Fantasy-Times Page 55 --------------------------------------- [column 1] FANTASY READER DONALD A. Wollheim, editor of [underlined] Avon Fantasy Reader [/underlined] writes us that the third [underlined] Avon Fantasy Reader [/underlined] is on its way to the printers. Among other stories it will carry H. G. Wells' rarest science-fiction short story, [underlined] Th Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper[/underlined]; A Merritt's [underlined] Rhythm of the Spheres [/underlined]; Ray Bradbury's [underlined] Homecoming [/underlined]; Frank Owen's [underlined] The Silent Trees [/underlined], as well as tales by C. L. Moore, Stephen Grendon (the first new story bought for this collection), H. P. Lovecraft and others. MR. Wollheim answered a number of questions that [underlined] Fantasy-Times had asked him concerning the magazine. About inside illustrations and a readers' column, Mr. Wollheim answered, "I do not believe that it is likely that there will be any inside illustrations for future issues. We prefer to consider the [underlined] Fantasy Reader [/underlined] as a book, as a series of anthologies, and we with to maintain book format as much as possible. For the same reason I think that a readers' column in such a publication would be somewhat superflous. Though we are anxious to hear from your readers, we cannot feel that we do them a service by utilizing pages on such communications which can better be devoted to fiction." ON the questions concerning Mr. Wollheim's conncetion with [underlined] Ace Publications [/underlined] and the Keller story he bought for them, he answered, "I'm not connected with the [underlined] Ace Magazines [/underlined] in any way, shape or form. I resigned from that organization about a month and a half ago and am now associated full-time with [underlined] Avon Books. [/underlined] I had scheduled Dr. Keller's story "Praying Hands", with a change of title that I cannot at this moment recall, for appearance in the September issue of [underlined] 10-Story Detective [/underlined] magazine. Whether it will actually appear in that spec [end column 1; continued on adjacent column bottom 4 lines, follow arrow pointing] ific issue is impossible to say until whoever is now editing that publication closes proofs." [top of column 2] THE ATOMIC STORY CAMPBELL BOOK SUBSTITUTES"RHETORIC FOR FACT" SAYS N. Y. TIMES JOHN W. Campbell's new book, [underlined] The Atomic Story [/underlined] published by Henry Holt, received lashing criticism at the pen of stephen Wheeler in the Book Review Section of the [underlined] New York Times [/underlined] for April 27. IN a challenging critique,Stephen Wheeler accused Campbell of being....£free with...'facts', about which he cannot possibly have accurate knowledge. Even when the answers are public property, Mr. Campbell is an likely as not to be wrong. He confuses the Hiroshima and the Nagasaki type of atom bomb. His account of the accidents at Los Alamos, which killed two scientists ,is both erroneous and misleading. But these examples could be multiplied for columns. Finally he subsitutes Rhetoric for fact-whenever it serves his purpose. His style is constantly one of high synthetic excitement which carries the reader along for a page or two and then becomes far too hyper-thyroid for comfort. Mr. Campbell's book suffers most because the other two (three atomic energy books were lumped together in one review) are available." IT is not known whether the reviewer, Stephen Wheeler is scientifically qualified to review the book since no scientific title prefaces or appends his name. In view of this fact we are turning a copy of the book over to our [underlined] Science Editor [/underlined], Dr. Thomas S. Gardner, who has the necessary background to properly review and evaluation a scientific text, and his review will appear in our pages shortly. -sm [line across] [three lines ending other column as above] ------------------------------ ADVERTISE IN FANTASY-TIES--$1 pa. ------------------------
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