Fantasy Times, v. 2, issue 19, whole no. 50, May 11, 1947
Page 56
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Page 56 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES "The Leading Fantasy Newspaper" Published every week by James V. Taurasi, 101-02 Northern Blvd., Corona, New York. Domestic Ed: 5¢ ea., 6 for 25 ¢. British Ed: 6 issues for 1/-. Air Mail Ed; (US Only) 10¢ ea> Editor-in-Chief: James V. Taurasi Co-Editors: Ray Van Houten and Sam Moskowitz Associate Editor: AI Brown Assistant Editors: Alex Osheroff and Joe Kennedy Science Editor: Thomas S. Gardner Film Editor: David Kishi "A Cosmic Publication" THE COSMIC REPORTER (continued from page 54, column 2) and unabridged and while it is not tho best story of science- fiction, it is the best story Amazing published in 1946. It was published in Amazing as a new story policy, at the time of the now infamous "Palmer insanity-—Hoax". -Is Fantasy in the Theatre by David Kishi GOOD news! The past month has shown quite an increase in films and plays of interest to fans: 0RSON Welles will produce, direct and star in a screen version of Macbeth for Republic Pictures this Summer, The picture will be done in black and white and with reasonable economy. It is scheduled: to start in June. Fans who are not familiar with Shakespeare will see the fantasy in this "literate" film, in the form of the ghost of Banquo (a general in the story), and a few other apparitions. ANOTHER Shakespeare item, Hamlet will soon be picturized at J, Arthur Rank's Deham Studios in England, and will be ready for release in late Winter. It will star Laurence Olivier, and Jean Simmons, a new comer. This picturization in all probabilities will be far better than the American film Macbeth. This too contains a few ghosts. FERENC Molnar's play Miracle in the Mountains opened' on April 19th at The Playhouse. It is described as a legend and it takes place about a century ago in the Carpathian Mountains. This play unfortunately had a short run of only three shows. However, the play was not discontinued because of the inconcinnity [inconsistency?] of Molnar's writing. The reason being that difficulty arose when there was a change in sponsors. LEWIS Carroll's fantasy Alice in Wonderland has finally returned at the International Theatre, under the auspices of Rita Hansan and the American Repertory Theatre. lt is an adoption of both Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Florida Friebus and Eva Le Gallionne. Bambi Linn plays the title role. EXPERIMENTAL Theatre, Inc. who have produced many fantasies before are presenting [The]Great Campaign by Arnold Sundgaard. This play incorporates the elements of dance and music; and concerns a plea for awareness of potential threats to democratic principles in a campaign for Presidency (of the U. S.) This will run for the customary five weeks. SPECIAL NEWS!! AT The Museum of Modern Art (11 West 53rd, NY) starting this coming June 16th will present a new series of film revivals. In the Legend and Fantasy Series many films, some by Fritz Lang, some by Paul Wegener, will be presented. AIso films under the Fritz Lang series will follow. Metropolis, and M are included. -dk PAST DEADLINE: The P3FS meeting today will have Helen Cloukey as speaker. Their new constitution will be submitted to the members. Meeting will start at 8 P.M.
Page 56 Fantasy-Times FANTASY-TIMES "The Leading Fantasy Newspaper" Published every week by James V. Taurasi, 101-02 Northern Blvd., Corona, New York. Domestic Ed: 5¢ ea., 6 for 25 ¢. British Ed: 6 issues for 1/-. Air Mail Ed; (US Only) 10¢ ea> Editor-in-Chief: James V. Taurasi Co-Editors: Ray Van Houten and Sam Moskowitz Associate Editor: AI Brown Assistant Editors: Alex Osheroff and Joe Kennedy Science Editor: Thomas S. Gardner Film Editor: David Kishi "A Cosmic Publication" THE COSMIC REPORTER (continued from page 54, column 2) and unabridged and while it is not tho best story of science- fiction, it is the best story Amazing published in 1946. It was published in Amazing as a new story policy, at the time of the now infamous "Palmer insanity-—Hoax". -Is Fantasy in the Theatre by David Kishi GOOD news! The past month has shown quite an increase in films and plays of interest to fans: 0RSON Welles will produce, direct and star in a screen version of Macbeth for Republic Pictures this Summer, The picture will be done in black and white and with reasonable economy. It is scheduled: to start in June. Fans who are not familiar with Shakespeare will see the fantasy in this "literate" film, in the form of the ghost of Banquo (a general in the story), and a few other apparitions. ANOTHER Shakespeare item, Hamlet will soon be picturized at J, Arthur Rank's Deham Studios in England, and will be ready for release in late Winter. It will star Laurence Olivier, and Jean Simmons, a new comer. This picturization in all probabilities will be far better than the American film Macbeth. This too contains a few ghosts. FERENC Molnar's play Miracle in the Mountains opened' on April 19th at The Playhouse. It is described as a legend and it takes place about a century ago in the Carpathian Mountains. This play unfortunately had a short run of only three shows. However, the play was not discontinued because of the inconcinnity [inconsistency?] of Molnar's writing. The reason being that difficulty arose when there was a change in sponsors. LEWIS Carroll's fantasy Alice in Wonderland has finally returned at the International Theatre, under the auspices of Rita Hansan and the American Repertory Theatre. lt is an adoption of both Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Florida Friebus and Eva Le Gallionne. Bambi Linn plays the title role. EXPERIMENTAL Theatre, Inc. who have produced many fantasies before are presenting [The]Great Campaign by Arnold Sundgaard. This play incorporates the elements of dance and music; and concerns a plea for awareness of potential threats to democratic principles in a campaign for Presidency (of the U. S.) This will run for the customary five weeks. SPECIAL NEWS!! AT The Museum of Modern Art (11 West 53rd, NY) starting this coming June 16th will present a new series of film revivals. In the Legend and Fantasy Series many films, some by Fritz Lang, some by Paul Wegener, will be presented. AIso films under the Fritz Lang series will follow. Metropolis, and M are included. -dk PAST DEADLINE: The P3FS meeting today will have Helen Cloukey as speaker. Their new constitution will be submitted to the members. Meeting will start at 8 P.M.
Hevelin Fanzines