Vampire Index, whole no. 1, January 2, 1948
Page 16
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16 The Vampire Index SPEER, JACK Last and First Fe play 4 p6 STANLEY, NORMAN F. On the Beam dp 5 p14 STREIFF, TELIS Concerning New Worlds rv 7 p30 TARR, DALE Science Fiction is Literature nf 5 p20 Vampire Maybe-They-Never-Heard-of-Lifebuoy Corner nf 5 12 Vampiric Verses pt 2 10 TIGRINA Tigrina Reviews a Vampire Tome rv 8 p14 TRON, ALEC (& Molly Cule) (Joe Kennedy) Up and Atom! pt 2 p13 TUCKER, BOB Forrest Jay Ackerman Murder Case f 2 p9 In Re: Jalbert's Indignation nf 4 16 What Made Pong Tick? nf 9 17 UNUSUAL BOOKS Ohh-La-La! Corner rv 9 p18 VIVIFIER, V. V. Worlds of B f 2 p3 WARNER, HARRY, JR. Why Not Write for Fanzines? nf 6 p18 WEINSTEIN, AL How Willie Saved the Earth f 1 p-- "--You Must Believe!" f 5 12 WETZEL, GEORGE T. Legendary Lore: The Fearful Tractate rv 8 p23 WHEATON, JIMMY A Fantasy Bedtime Story f 8 p15 WHITLEY, CHARLES SCOTT (Joe Kennedy) Science - Fiction is Dead nf 1 p-- WILSON, DON (& Raymond A. Palmer) In Caverns Below --- nf 9 p13 WEAGER, AL, JR Weird Shadow Over Brooklyn f 1 p--
16 The Vampire Index SPEER, JACK Last and First Fe play 4 p6 STANLEY, NORMAN F. On the Beam dp 5 p14 STREIFF, TELIS Concerning New Worlds rv 7 p30 TARR, DALE Science Fiction is Literature nf 5 p20 Vampire Maybe-They-Never-Heard-of-Lifebuoy Corner nf 5 12 Vampiric Verses pt 2 10 TIGRINA Tigrina Reviews a Vampire Tome rv 8 p14 TRON, ALEC (& Molly Cule) (Joe Kennedy) Up and Atom! pt 2 p13 TUCKER, BOB Forrest Jay Ackerman Murder Case f 2 p9 In Re: Jalbert's Indignation nf 4 16 What Made Pong Tick? nf 9 17 UNUSUAL BOOKS Ohh-La-La! Corner rv 9 p18 VIVIFIER, V. V. Worlds of B f 2 p3 WARNER, HARRY, JR. Why Not Write for Fanzines? nf 6 p18 WEINSTEIN, AL How Willie Saved the Earth f 1 p-- "--You Must Believe!" f 5 12 WETZEL, GEORGE T. Legendary Lore: The Fearful Tractate rv 8 p23 WHEATON, JIMMY A Fantasy Bedtime Story f 8 p15 WHITLEY, CHARLES SCOTT (Joe Kennedy) Science - Fiction is Dead nf 1 p-- WILSON, DON (& Raymond A. Palmer) In Caverns Below --- nf 9 p13 WEAGER, AL, JR Weird Shadow Over Brooklyn f 1 p--
Hevelin Fanzines