Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 50, July 1947
Page 7
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...F JA speaking-- Now here is a curious fanomenon: Altho no subscriber rcvd a copy of Vom for a year, and it seemd to be clear that publication had ceast, not a soul askt for a cent back! What does this indicate--that Vom's readers have no souls? They certainly have no cents! But, facetiousness aside, I don't know whether to feel insulted at the implication that I am a petty thief, or just ashamed of fan publishers at large. have my predecessors set such precedents that the victims of folding fanmags merely mentally shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, there's more money gone to Limbo"? Has it come to be the common, expected thing that money invested in a fanmag is a gamble and will not be returnd if the publication quits? Well, it's not that way with me, folks, every outstanding penny will be returnd, in cash if U wish it. In the following space, if my records show any money due U, U will find the amount recorded: ___. On this & the following page U'll find bks I have for sale. U may wish to apply your credit to the purchase of one of them. Or, I have back issues of Vom to offer. First price is the regular price to someone picking up this magazine for the first (and last) time. If U have any credit, the parenthetical price is what your credit is worth to U as a previous supporter of Vom. Is that statement ambiguous? Now that I think about it, I think maybe it is. What I mean is, if a number is priced 50c (35c) and U have 35c coming to U, U may have the issue for the reduced rate. If I don't hear from U by the middle of August, I'll return your money to U. I am sending a few other of the letters I had on hand to Henry Elsner jr. He may be able to salvage some of them. Watch this publisher for a publication somewhat similar to Vom. His address: 13618 Cedar Grove, Detroit 5, Mich. And that's "30" from 4e. VOM ESTAS MORTA, LONGE VIVU LA MEMORON DE VOM! VOM RESTU SENMORTA!! #49 - 15c (10c) #48 - 15c (10c) #47 - 10c (5c) #46 - 10c (5c) #45 - 10c (5c) #44 - 15c (10c) #43 - 20c (15c) #42 - 15c (10c) #41 - 15c (10c) #40 - 10c (5c) #39 - 15c (10c) #38 - 15c (10c) #37 - 25c (20c) #36 - 20c (15c) #35 - 20c (15c) #34 - 20c (15c) #33 - 25c (20c) #32 - 20c (15c) #31 - 20c (15c) #30 - 25c (20c) #29 - 50c (35c) #28 - 25c (20c) #27 - 30c (25c) #26 - 35c (30c) #25 - 60c (40c) #24 - 40c (30c) #23 - 50c (35c) #22 - 45c (35c) #21 - 50c (35c) #20 - 50c (35c) #19 - 50c (35c) #18 - $1 (75c) #17 - $1 (75c) #16 - 75c (50c) #15 - 40c (30c) #14 - 50c (40c) #13 - 50c (40c) #12 - 50c (40c) #11 - 50c (40c) #10 - 50c (40c) #9 - 50c (40c) #8 - 75c (50c) #7 - 60c (40c) #6 - 75c (50c) #5 - 75c (50c) #4 - 85c (60c) #3 - 90c (70c) #2 - $1.25 ($1) #1 - $1 (75c) ****"BOOKS ARE FRIENDS" -- MAKE SOME NEW FRIENS!***** DRY DELUGE, brand new British book ... $3.15 SUMMER IN 3000, "jam" copy (jacket and mint) ... $2.75 6 NOVELS O FTHE SUPERNATURAL, unread copy with jkt (reg. $2.50) ... $1.75 THE SHADOW GIRL, Ray Cummings, jam ... $2.00 THE RADIUM TERRORS, Dorrington ... $1.50 NOVELS OF SCIENCE ("Odd jno", "Shadow Out of Time", &c) ($2 val.)...$1.50 LAND OF TERROR, Burroughs, jam...$2.00 THE 3 EYES (communication with Venus) by Leblanc...$3.00 LINES OF TIME, John Russell Fearn, jam...$2.00 WHITE BEN by "Babylons" Dane, fine copy, 363 pgs ... $1.00 THE STUFFED MEN by Anthony (Weird Tales) Rud...$ .75 RUE MORGUE #1, jam (reg. $2.75 val.) ... $2.00 THE YOUNG DIANA, subtitled "An Experiment of the Future"...$2.00 OUT WENT THE TAPER, Ashby...$1.00 THE ANGRY PLANET (Mars) jam copy, publisht at $2...$1.50 THE SHAPE OF THIGNS TO COME, fine First of Wells' classic ...$3.50 THE CANNING WONDER, Arthur Machen...$3.50 MIDNITE TALES, Harvey...$1.50 SHADOWS AT NOON, Goldsmith...$ .75 SARAH MANDRAKE, jam, reg. $2.75 val. ... $1.75 WHOM THE GODS DESTROY, Alfred Gordon Bennett, brand new ... $ .75 THE BRASS RING, Lewis Padgett mystery ... $1.00 THE METAMORPHOSIS, Kafka ... $1.00 THE KITE TRUST, Rogers ... $2.00 MEN ARE LIKE ANIMALS, Macpherson... $2.50 NO MORE A CORPSE (The Return of Geo. Washington) by Loring Brent ... $2.75 A VOYAGE TO PURILIA, the Elmer Rice interplanetary satire ... $1.75 WITCHWOOD by Buchan ... $1.75 WORLD D, terrific superscience novel ... $2.50
...F JA speaking-- Now here is a curious fanomenon: Altho no subscriber rcvd a copy of Vom for a year, and it seemd to be clear that publication had ceast, not a soul askt for a cent back! What does this indicate--that Vom's readers have no souls? They certainly have no cents! But, facetiousness aside, I don't know whether to feel insulted at the implication that I am a petty thief, or just ashamed of fan publishers at large. have my predecessors set such precedents that the victims of folding fanmags merely mentally shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, there's more money gone to Limbo"? Has it come to be the common, expected thing that money invested in a fanmag is a gamble and will not be returnd if the publication quits? Well, it's not that way with me, folks, every outstanding penny will be returnd, in cash if U wish it. In the following space, if my records show any money due U, U will find the amount recorded: ___. On this & the following page U'll find bks I have for sale. U may wish to apply your credit to the purchase of one of them. Or, I have back issues of Vom to offer. First price is the regular price to someone picking up this magazine for the first (and last) time. If U have any credit, the parenthetical price is what your credit is worth to U as a previous supporter of Vom. Is that statement ambiguous? Now that I think about it, I think maybe it is. What I mean is, if a number is priced 50c (35c) and U have 35c coming to U, U may have the issue for the reduced rate. If I don't hear from U by the middle of August, I'll return your money to U. I am sending a few other of the letters I had on hand to Henry Elsner jr. He may be able to salvage some of them. Watch this publisher for a publication somewhat similar to Vom. His address: 13618 Cedar Grove, Detroit 5, Mich. And that's "30" from 4e. VOM ESTAS MORTA, LONGE VIVU LA MEMORON DE VOM! VOM RESTU SENMORTA!! #49 - 15c (10c) #48 - 15c (10c) #47 - 10c (5c) #46 - 10c (5c) #45 - 10c (5c) #44 - 15c (10c) #43 - 20c (15c) #42 - 15c (10c) #41 - 15c (10c) #40 - 10c (5c) #39 - 15c (10c) #38 - 15c (10c) #37 - 25c (20c) #36 - 20c (15c) #35 - 20c (15c) #34 - 20c (15c) #33 - 25c (20c) #32 - 20c (15c) #31 - 20c (15c) #30 - 25c (20c) #29 - 50c (35c) #28 - 25c (20c) #27 - 30c (25c) #26 - 35c (30c) #25 - 60c (40c) #24 - 40c (30c) #23 - 50c (35c) #22 - 45c (35c) #21 - 50c (35c) #20 - 50c (35c) #19 - 50c (35c) #18 - $1 (75c) #17 - $1 (75c) #16 - 75c (50c) #15 - 40c (30c) #14 - 50c (40c) #13 - 50c (40c) #12 - 50c (40c) #11 - 50c (40c) #10 - 50c (40c) #9 - 50c (40c) #8 - 75c (50c) #7 - 60c (40c) #6 - 75c (50c) #5 - 75c (50c) #4 - 85c (60c) #3 - 90c (70c) #2 - $1.25 ($1) #1 - $1 (75c) ****"BOOKS ARE FRIENDS" -- MAKE SOME NEW FRIENS!***** DRY DELUGE, brand new British book ... $3.15 SUMMER IN 3000, "jam" copy (jacket and mint) ... $2.75 6 NOVELS O FTHE SUPERNATURAL, unread copy with jkt (reg. $2.50) ... $1.75 THE SHADOW GIRL, Ray Cummings, jam ... $2.00 THE RADIUM TERRORS, Dorrington ... $1.50 NOVELS OF SCIENCE ("Odd jno", "Shadow Out of Time", &c) ($2 val.)...$1.50 LAND OF TERROR, Burroughs, jam...$2.00 THE 3 EYES (communication with Venus) by Leblanc...$3.00 LINES OF TIME, John Russell Fearn, jam...$2.00 WHITE BEN by "Babylons" Dane, fine copy, 363 pgs ... $1.00 THE STUFFED MEN by Anthony (Weird Tales) Rud...$ .75 RUE MORGUE #1, jam (reg. $2.75 val.) ... $2.00 THE YOUNG DIANA, subtitled "An Experiment of the Future"...$2.00 OUT WENT THE TAPER, Ashby...$1.00 THE ANGRY PLANET (Mars) jam copy, publisht at $2...$1.50 THE SHAPE OF THIGNS TO COME, fine First of Wells' classic ...$3.50 THE CANNING WONDER, Arthur Machen...$3.50 MIDNITE TALES, Harvey...$1.50 SHADOWS AT NOON, Goldsmith...$ .75 SARAH MANDRAKE, jam, reg. $2.75 val. ... $1.75 WHOM THE GODS DESTROY, Alfred Gordon Bennett, brand new ... $ .75 THE BRASS RING, Lewis Padgett mystery ... $1.00 THE METAMORPHOSIS, Kafka ... $1.00 THE KITE TRUST, Rogers ... $2.00 MEN ARE LIKE ANIMALS, Macpherson... $2.50 NO MORE A CORPSE (The Return of Geo. Washington) by Loring Brent ... $2.75 A VOYAGE TO PURILIA, the Elmer Rice interplanetary satire ... $1.75 WITCHWOOD by Buchan ... $1.75 WORLD D, terrific superscience novel ... $2.50
Hevelin Fanzines