Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 4, whole no. 16, March 1941
Page 12
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March, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 12. That modern tragedy had better stop. For the good Of Rod Gaetz in particular, and the good of fandom and SUN SPOTS as a whole. ((Isn't this month's "tragedy" much better than the others? eds)) *** Issuer as a whole very good. Much more attractive than proceeding two issues. If only you had managed to have right hand margins,,, Oh, well. mebbe #2 anniversary ish will have 'em, eh? Louis Kuslan, 170 Washington Ave, West Haven, Conn. Hi! Fellows: Congratulations on your first anniversary issue. It was rather better than the average number. *** I don't want to go through the whole issue of SUN SPOTS --- too much work. However, I do have a few general comments. You've been attact rightfully, as you must realize, for the spelling. I am what you call a "purist" in such matters, and everytime I see a mispelled word I'm conscious of an acute pain in the general region of my entire body. (If that's hte case, I feel for you. Perhaps a box of aspirin and cold ice packs on the affected sections of your body might relieve the pain. Perhaps if you read SUN SPOTS in the general hospital in case of a relapse, it would be better __ eds)) You ought to take much more time in typing, and what is more, you really should use correction fluid, which is, in many cases, a life saver. ((We use 1 bottle per ish -- eds)) *** I note that Joe Gilbert says that your magazine is sloppy. I certainly would not say that, at least not in the case of the Anniversary Issue. However, I must take you to task for your derision of said Mr. Gilbert. There is no call for such "mud-slinging." ((Hah, have you ever gotten a letter from Olon F. Wiggins, when he is really mad at you? -- hah! --eds)) Naturally you don't like what he said, and I can't blame you for feeling the way you did, but still you should not have written what you did... And still another complaint. Your grammar-- my goodness, it would never stand inspection by your highschool teachers! ((SSp is read regularly by our French, English, and Journalism teachers, but we do admit our grammar is rotten. And I ain't kiddin'--)) After all, we fans pride ourselves on our ability to write-- to write better than those poor mortals, the average ones, that is, who are not interested in science fiction. More care in the composition of each sentence, with an eye to the elimination of childishly written sentences would benifit the magazine immeasurably... I thought Groveman's article was the attraction of the issue. I am always interested in a new fans reaction to an affair such as the Conference... Please don't think that I believe SUN SPOTS is a total loss. Indeed not! I like the evident enthusiasm with which the magazine is impregnated, and provided that enthusiasm does not fade as has happened so often, SSp should be a factor to reckon with in the near future. *** Enclosed you will find twenty-five cents in coin for an extension of my subscription. Rajocz 312 E. Elm Street, Scranton, Pa. Dear Gerry: Surprise! You'll find a little something entitled "Laugh With Me" enclosed with this letter. The receipt of this by you is due to your stirring editorial "Sure, We Were Sloppy" in the Feb. issue of SUN SPOTS. I have another something laying around here, which something I might send to you, if you want it. It is a short expositional theme that I wrote for English in school. The name of it is "Transportation of the Future." I Have the teachers impression, and would now
March, 1941. SUN SPOTS Page 12. That modern tragedy had better stop. For the good Of Rod Gaetz in particular, and the good of fandom and SUN SPOTS as a whole. ((Isn't this month's "tragedy" much better than the others? eds)) *** Issuer as a whole very good. Much more attractive than proceeding two issues. If only you had managed to have right hand margins,,, Oh, well. mebbe #2 anniversary ish will have 'em, eh? Louis Kuslan, 170 Washington Ave, West Haven, Conn. Hi! Fellows: Congratulations on your first anniversary issue. It was rather better than the average number. *** I don't want to go through the whole issue of SUN SPOTS --- too much work. However, I do have a few general comments. You've been attact rightfully, as you must realize, for the spelling. I am what you call a "purist" in such matters, and everytime I see a mispelled word I'm conscious of an acute pain in the general region of my entire body. (If that's hte case, I feel for you. Perhaps a box of aspirin and cold ice packs on the affected sections of your body might relieve the pain. Perhaps if you read SUN SPOTS in the general hospital in case of a relapse, it would be better __ eds)) You ought to take much more time in typing, and what is more, you really should use correction fluid, which is, in many cases, a life saver. ((We use 1 bottle per ish -- eds)) *** I note that Joe Gilbert says that your magazine is sloppy. I certainly would not say that, at least not in the case of the Anniversary Issue. However, I must take you to task for your derision of said Mr. Gilbert. There is no call for such "mud-slinging." ((Hah, have you ever gotten a letter from Olon F. Wiggins, when he is really mad at you? -- hah! --eds)) Naturally you don't like what he said, and I can't blame you for feeling the way you did, but still you should not have written what you did... And still another complaint. Your grammar-- my goodness, it would never stand inspection by your highschool teachers! ((SSp is read regularly by our French, English, and Journalism teachers, but we do admit our grammar is rotten. And I ain't kiddin'--)) After all, we fans pride ourselves on our ability to write-- to write better than those poor mortals, the average ones, that is, who are not interested in science fiction. More care in the composition of each sentence, with an eye to the elimination of childishly written sentences would benifit the magazine immeasurably... I thought Groveman's article was the attraction of the issue. I am always interested in a new fans reaction to an affair such as the Conference... Please don't think that I believe SUN SPOTS is a total loss. Indeed not! I like the evident enthusiasm with which the magazine is impregnated, and provided that enthusiasm does not fade as has happened so often, SSp should be a factor to reckon with in the near future. *** Enclosed you will find twenty-five cents in coin for an extension of my subscription. Rajocz 312 E. Elm Street, Scranton, Pa. Dear Gerry: Surprise! You'll find a little something entitled "Laugh With Me" enclosed with this letter. The receipt of this by you is due to your stirring editorial "Sure, We Were Sloppy" in the Feb. issue of SUN SPOTS. I have another something laying around here, which something I might send to you, if you want it. It is a short expositional theme that I wrote for English in school. The name of it is "Transportation of the Future." I Have the teachers impression, and would now
Hevelin Fanzines