Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 4, whole no. 16, March 1941
Page 13
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like to see the fan's reaction to it. Just let me know if you want it. ((We'll take it Rajoez--)) *** I believe you won't receive much constructive criticism on the 15th issue of SUN SPOTS. I, myself, should like to send you some, but I'm too lazy to do so. What I shall give will, in all probability, be just my likes and dislikes. *** Curses! Curses! I'm mad, or to put it more correctly, I'm angry. Why don't you head each serial as a serial on the very title page? That is, why didn't you have serial marked on page 15? Then I wouldn't have read "Weapon Needed" until I had all parts. It seems that I just ignored the heading "serials" on the contents page. *** The best feature of the fiction section was "Our Martian Observers Says." It was interesting to me. As long as Lewandowski can imagine interesting situations of the future, I don't mind his presenting them as he does. This doesn't seem to be a serial to me. "Weapon Needed" is fair. The Delagatez thing ought to be discarded. "Taint funny McGee." Henry's "Citation for Valor" was second best in the fiction section. The collaboration tale, "The Irony of it All" was fair. I don't care much for twisted endings of the kind presented in this story. *** The second section wasnìt very bad. Bill Groveman's "1940 Phill Conference" was the best liked article by me. "Sure, WeWere Sloppy!" was good enough to stir me to write "Laugh With Me." "the Greatest Adventure" wasn't good. "Art or Poster?" was the second best in the second section. I agree with Tom on the art point. "An Interview With Manly W. Wellman" was too short; it should have been longer. You forgot to review PLUTO in your "Review of Fan Magazines." ((We didn't forget; we don't trade with PLUTO--Eds)) You ought to use Fanzines instead of fan magazines. If you use fanzine or any part of it, you aren't using it for Lou's sake. You use it for the sake of progress. Progress here is the saving of time. It takes less time to write Fanzine than it does to put down fan magazine. Fanzine save space, also. ((But look at all the space it took to explain it! -- eds)) *** As a whole, the issue wasn't really bad. It was rather fair and would average a 7 out of a possible 10. Philip A. Suhmann, 2767 41st Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Dear Eds: There comes a time in every fan editor's life when he can stand back proudly and gaze at his creation, saying, "At last I have done something to merit praise, At last I shall be able to call myself a real [underlined] editor." You, gentlemen, have reached that point. In my estimation the ann-ish is 100% improvement over your previous efforts. Save for a few mistakes inspelling (But what editor does not make mistakes?) and save for rather poor artwork on cover #2, SSp has really done something. I like the lettering on cover number one best of all you've had so far. ((We plan to use it some more --eds)) *** We shall now wade through the weighty volume page by page, or article by article. *** Weapon Needed":: It was written well enough to hold ones interest, put please ... please for apoplexy's sake, don't ruin my sence [sense] od humor again by boldly stating at the most interesting point, "continued next month." *** "Our Martian Observer"::: written in good style, somewhat interesting, but could be greatly improved with the advent of some humor or something. *** "Davy Rockette & Daniel Goone"::: Delagaetz's other effort ((You don't know about Captain Past--Eds)) "Feet Stanks", stinks, but you didn't have
like to see the fan's reaction to it. Just let me know if you want it. ((We'll take it Rajoez--)) *** I believe you won't receive much constructive criticism on the 15th issue of SUN SPOTS. I, myself, should like to send you some, but I'm too lazy to do so. What I shall give will, in all probability, be just my likes and dislikes. *** Curses! Curses! I'm mad, or to put it more correctly, I'm angry. Why don't you head each serial as a serial on the very title page? That is, why didn't you have serial marked on page 15? Then I wouldn't have read "Weapon Needed" until I had all parts. It seems that I just ignored the heading "serials" on the contents page. *** The best feature of the fiction section was "Our Martian Observers Says." It was interesting to me. As long as Lewandowski can imagine interesting situations of the future, I don't mind his presenting them as he does. This doesn't seem to be a serial to me. "Weapon Needed" is fair. The Delagatez thing ought to be discarded. "Taint funny McGee." Henry's "Citation for Valor" was second best in the fiction section. The collaboration tale, "The Irony of it All" was fair. I don't care much for twisted endings of the kind presented in this story. *** The second section wasnìt very bad. Bill Groveman's "1940 Phill Conference" was the best liked article by me. "Sure, WeWere Sloppy!" was good enough to stir me to write "Laugh With Me." "the Greatest Adventure" wasn't good. "Art or Poster?" was the second best in the second section. I agree with Tom on the art point. "An Interview With Manly W. Wellman" was too short; it should have been longer. You forgot to review PLUTO in your "Review of Fan Magazines." ((We didn't forget; we don't trade with PLUTO--Eds)) You ought to use Fanzines instead of fan magazines. If you use fanzine or any part of it, you aren't using it for Lou's sake. You use it for the sake of progress. Progress here is the saving of time. It takes less time to write Fanzine than it does to put down fan magazine. Fanzine save space, also. ((But look at all the space it took to explain it! -- eds)) *** As a whole, the issue wasn't really bad. It was rather fair and would average a 7 out of a possible 10. Philip A. Suhmann, 2767 41st Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Dear Eds: There comes a time in every fan editor's life when he can stand back proudly and gaze at his creation, saying, "At last I have done something to merit praise, At last I shall be able to call myself a real [underlined] editor." You, gentlemen, have reached that point. In my estimation the ann-ish is 100% improvement over your previous efforts. Save for a few mistakes inspelling (But what editor does not make mistakes?) and save for rather poor artwork on cover #2, SSp has really done something. I like the lettering on cover number one best of all you've had so far. ((We plan to use it some more --eds)) *** We shall now wade through the weighty volume page by page, or article by article. *** Weapon Needed":: It was written well enough to hold ones interest, put please ... please for apoplexy's sake, don't ruin my sence [sense] od humor again by boldly stating at the most interesting point, "continued next month." *** "Our Martian Observer"::: written in good style, somewhat interesting, but could be greatly improved with the advent of some humor or something. *** "Davy Rockette & Daniel Goone"::: Delagaetz's other effort ((You don't know about Captain Past--Eds)) "Feet Stanks", stinks, but you didn't have
Hevelin Fanzines