Fantasy Times, v. 2, issue 13, whole no. 44, March 30, 1947
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A COSMIC PUBLICATION FANTASY-TIMES "The World of Tomorrow Today!" ______________________________ Vol. 2 - No. 13 Corona (WORLD CAPITAL) 30 March 1947 Whole No. 44 ______________________________ Queens SFL to hold Banquet --------------- William S. Sykora announced this week that The Queens Science Fiction League will hold a banquet at Donahue's Restaurant. 32-14 Steinway Street, Astoria, New York, on Sunday May 18, 1947. A prominent author, not yet named, will be guest of honor. There will be a free door prize, and raffle prizes of science-fiction rarities, books and original stf illustrations. This banquet, we are lead to understand, will take the place of the regular May meeting. The April Meeting of the Queens SFL will take place on April 20, also at Donahue's Restaurant. The price of the banquet will be $2.75 per plate. All fans are invited. For futhur information write to the Director, William S. Sykora, at Box 4, Steinway Sta., Long Island City, New York. --jvt _____________________________ _____________________________ THE COSMIC REPORTER edited by Lane Stannard _____________________________ An atomic explosion sterilizes every man in the world but Homler Adam; making him strategic resource number one. A hilarious story of the reluctant potential father of his country. That's the introduction to Mr. Adam by Pat Frank, published in book form by J. B. Lippincott Co., of Philadelphia at $2.50 and published as a "Liberty Book Condensation" in the current April 12th issue of Liberty. Well illustrated in col- (continued on page 32, column 1) _____________________________ JOIN THE PHILCON SOCIETY NOW!! -------------------------- The Fifth World Science Fiction Convention will be held in Philadelphia, Penna. over the Labor Day Holidays, August 31-Sept.1 and 2 of this year. The Convention Hall is in the Penn-Sheraton Hotel (formerly The Hotel Philadelphia) at 39 and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Penna. To help pay for The Convention The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, who is putting on the Convention, created The Philcon Society with Milton A. Rothman as Director. Membership in this organization is open to all who are interested in science, weird and fantasy fiction and costs only $1.00. Over 100 fans, authors, editors and plain readers have joined The Philcon Society. If you haven't, NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN. Help make this Convention the best so far, by JOINING NOW! Send your $1.00 to Milton A. Rothman, Director of The Philcon Society, 2113 N. Franklin Street, Philadelphia 22, Penna. The Philcon Society publishes The Philcon News, which keeps the members informed on Convention doings. It is [send] only to Philcon members. Members will also receive The Convention Program Booklet. JOIN TODAY!
A COSMIC PUBLICATION FANTASY-TIMES "The World of Tomorrow Today!" ______________________________ Vol. 2 - No. 13 Corona (WORLD CAPITAL) 30 March 1947 Whole No. 44 ______________________________ Queens SFL to hold Banquet --------------- William S. Sykora announced this week that The Queens Science Fiction League will hold a banquet at Donahue's Restaurant. 32-14 Steinway Street, Astoria, New York, on Sunday May 18, 1947. A prominent author, not yet named, will be guest of honor. There will be a free door prize, and raffle prizes of science-fiction rarities, books and original stf illustrations. This banquet, we are lead to understand, will take the place of the regular May meeting. The April Meeting of the Queens SFL will take place on April 20, also at Donahue's Restaurant. The price of the banquet will be $2.75 per plate. All fans are invited. For futhur information write to the Director, William S. Sykora, at Box 4, Steinway Sta., Long Island City, New York. --jvt _____________________________ _____________________________ THE COSMIC REPORTER edited by Lane Stannard _____________________________ An atomic explosion sterilizes every man in the world but Homler Adam; making him strategic resource number one. A hilarious story of the reluctant potential father of his country. That's the introduction to Mr. Adam by Pat Frank, published in book form by J. B. Lippincott Co., of Philadelphia at $2.50 and published as a "Liberty Book Condensation" in the current April 12th issue of Liberty. Well illustrated in col- (continued on page 32, column 1) _____________________________ JOIN THE PHILCON SOCIETY NOW!! -------------------------- The Fifth World Science Fiction Convention will be held in Philadelphia, Penna. over the Labor Day Holidays, August 31-Sept.1 and 2 of this year. The Convention Hall is in the Penn-Sheraton Hotel (formerly The Hotel Philadelphia) at 39 and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Penna. To help pay for The Convention The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, who is putting on the Convention, created The Philcon Society with Milton A. Rothman as Director. Membership in this organization is open to all who are interested in science, weird and fantasy fiction and costs only $1.00. Over 100 fans, authors, editors and plain readers have joined The Philcon Society. If you haven't, NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN. Help make this Convention the best so far, by JOINING NOW! Send your $1.00 to Milton A. Rothman, Director of The Philcon Society, 2113 N. Franklin Street, Philadelphia 22, Penna. The Philcon Society publishes The Philcon News, which keeps the members informed on Convention doings. It is [send] only to Philcon members. Members will also receive The Convention Program Booklet. JOIN TODAY!
Hevelin Fanzines