Imagination!, v. 1, issue 6, whole no. 6, March 1938
Page 16
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(The Safety Valve for the readers' steam, where all're invited to boo or not to boo; in own in-dividual spelling, punctuation & grammar; & appreciative words to Madge are--all too foo!) Quoting Sam Moshauty of 603S11, Newark/NJ: "My Dear Guess Who? Who inell is it? I was quite pleased (?) to receive that "thing" through the mail. There are so many things I object to that I am at loss where to begin. I've got it. I won't begin, I'll first transact some business. Enclosed you will find fourty (?) cents for the second and third issues of IMAGINATION! Please send them pronto so that I'll have something to rave about. (All x!) Goody, goody, I've found a pet peeve. ~~ As to the "thing" (Imagination). I could say it provides a unique facotr in the fan field (Fiolday for the Imagi-nation from the first) and laugh it off thataway. i could but I won't boing that there were a few things I enjoyed. First of all that circular for NERO AND OTHER POEMS was great. Thats the type of stuff we want. Secondly I like these Biographies. Marred though they were by the improvished ("impoverisht" or "improvised"?) spelling (inci-dentally my own spelling is so very poor that maybe someday I'll be forced to adapt your brand of slaughtered English in self defense. That might be the reason Acher-man started the thing. I believe that Mooney is capable of better art work even with memeograph stencil than the one he drew for your January cover. That 'Hazy Hoard' creation is quite unreadable. ~~ ...organize your pages...will take...more space...but the neatness will be worth it. This shortened English you use should be a one or two page department (Sp?) as a curiosity and not a continuous means of tor-ture. Your readers column is O.K." J. CHAPMAN MISKE (No attempt to reproduce sig-nature will be made until fotostaticosts come down!) writes from 5000 Train Av, Cleveland/O: "I received my copy of 'Imagination!' (Don't dare to forget that ex-clamation point.) two or three weeks ago, and have finally summoned enough initia-tive to send of the February copy. ~~ I enjoyed the magazine very much, but it could stand a bit more stf news - don't you think so? (Yes.) The only thing that I disliked was your really radical simplified spelling. It is really the sensible way to spell, but I personally think that you go to extremes in places. (U mean Ack-stremes.: ~~ I only hope that the rest of the year is as good as the first number" "Clear ether" for Roy A. Squires of 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale/Cal: "Dear 'Madgicians': At last has arrived the conclusion of the 'Hayseed Horde', offering finally the opportunity of reading the tale in correct or-der. To be quite frank (That's how we want U!), gentlemen, &c, one becomes confused no end in reading a half dozen pages at random from a story of this length, as it was forced upon me to do whilst stenciling odd pages from the several issues con-taining the epic-curo. The brief snatches I acquired of the story seemed somewhat tinged with the style of Wandrei's story dedicated to the high mor(t)ality rate among s-f writers, 'Fatality Unlimited'. ~~ Perhaps some implication floated above my head, but I hardly see cause for terming the book review by Sodipi a 'Utopianar-rative'. On 2nd and forthcoming thoughts, however, you may be eminently correct. (Absolutely!) My dictionary lists 'Utopian' as meaning 'Excellent, but existing on-ly in fancy or theory...' Am I to understand that this book is not a reality? Or did the death of everyone in the transatlantic tunnel bring about a Utopian condi-tion in the submerged territory? (Good guesser!) Or perhaps the word should be spoken thusly: 'U top I an' ar rative'? ~~ Your biographer missed acquiring my ill will only because of his having omitted certain references to women which were in the tentative ms I unsuccessfully attempted to destroy. (Attempt commendable.) ~~ Mystery Manuscripts now, eh? Seems to me that was about the least mysterious thing in the issue, it being one of the few items not afflicted with Ackermanu-scriptologicalunacy. ~~ Anybody wanta buy a Unique?" In an airvelope from 86-10 117 St. Richmond Hill/NY, Richard Wilson, Jr. wrote in red: "You slipped up a bit on your geography this issue when giving Jack Speer's address as Comanche, Idaho. This crudite gentleman--
(The Safety Valve for the readers' steam, where all're invited to boo or not to boo; in own in-dividual spelling, punctuation & grammar; & appreciative words to Madge are--all too foo!) Quoting Sam Moshauty of 603S11, Newark/NJ: "My Dear Guess Who? Who inell is it? I was quite pleased (?) to receive that "thing" through the mail. There are so many things I object to that I am at loss where to begin. I've got it. I won't begin, I'll first transact some business. Enclosed you will find fourty (?) cents for the second and third issues of IMAGINATION! Please send them pronto so that I'll have something to rave about. (All x!) Goody, goody, I've found a pet peeve. ~~ As to the "thing" (Imagination). I could say it provides a unique facotr in the fan field (Fiolday for the Imagi-nation from the first) and laugh it off thataway. i could but I won't boing that there were a few things I enjoyed. First of all that circular for NERO AND OTHER POEMS was great. Thats the type of stuff we want. Secondly I like these Biographies. Marred though they were by the improvished ("impoverisht" or "improvised"?) spelling (inci-dentally my own spelling is so very poor that maybe someday I'll be forced to adapt your brand of slaughtered English in self defense. That might be the reason Acher-man started the thing. I believe that Mooney is capable of better art work even with memeograph stencil than the one he drew for your January cover. That 'Hazy Hoard' creation is quite unreadable. ~~ ...organize your pages...will take...more space...but the neatness will be worth it. This shortened English you use should be a one or two page department (Sp?) as a curiosity and not a continuous means of tor-ture. Your readers column is O.K." J. CHAPMAN MISKE (No attempt to reproduce sig-nature will be made until fotostaticosts come down!) writes from 5000 Train Av, Cleveland/O: "I received my copy of 'Imagination!' (Don't dare to forget that ex-clamation point.) two or three weeks ago, and have finally summoned enough initia-tive to send of the February copy. ~~ I enjoyed the magazine very much, but it could stand a bit more stf news - don't you think so? (Yes.) The only thing that I disliked was your really radical simplified spelling. It is really the sensible way to spell, but I personally think that you go to extremes in places. (U mean Ack-stremes.: ~~ I only hope that the rest of the year is as good as the first number" "Clear ether" for Roy A. Squires of 1745 Kenneth Rd, Glendale/Cal: "Dear 'Madgicians': At last has arrived the conclusion of the 'Hayseed Horde', offering finally the opportunity of reading the tale in correct or-der. To be quite frank (That's how we want U!), gentlemen, &c, one becomes confused no end in reading a half dozen pages at random from a story of this length, as it was forced upon me to do whilst stenciling odd pages from the several issues con-taining the epic-curo. The brief snatches I acquired of the story seemed somewhat tinged with the style of Wandrei's story dedicated to the high mor(t)ality rate among s-f writers, 'Fatality Unlimited'. ~~ Perhaps some implication floated above my head, but I hardly see cause for terming the book review by Sodipi a 'Utopianar-rative'. On 2nd and forthcoming thoughts, however, you may be eminently correct. (Absolutely!) My dictionary lists 'Utopian' as meaning 'Excellent, but existing on-ly in fancy or theory...' Am I to understand that this book is not a reality? Or did the death of everyone in the transatlantic tunnel bring about a Utopian condi-tion in the submerged territory? (Good guesser!) Or perhaps the word should be spoken thusly: 'U top I an' ar rative'? ~~ Your biographer missed acquiring my ill will only because of his having omitted certain references to women which were in the tentative ms I unsuccessfully attempted to destroy. (Attempt commendable.) ~~ Mystery Manuscripts now, eh? Seems to me that was about the least mysterious thing in the issue, it being one of the few items not afflicted with Ackermanu-scriptologicalunacy. ~~ Anybody wanta buy a Unique?" In an airvelope from 86-10 117 St. Richmond Hill/NY, Richard Wilson, Jr. wrote in red: "You slipped up a bit on your geography this issue when giving Jack Speer's address as Comanche, Idaho. This crudite gentleman--
Hevelin Fanzines