Imagination!, v. 1, issue 6, whole no. 6, March 1938
Page 18
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ordinary type only where necessary to conserve space. ~~ Pen-points throughout the issue: Ackerman should've worked his material into better shape before making the stencil of it. Gave first part of the synopsis too detailed, ending too sket-chy. ~~ Ash-Tray story great. I blanch every time I see an ash tray since read-ing it. But--tell me--don't you, please, think the science was a wee bit off some-where? ~~ The Hazy Horde was pretty good, though poorly proportioned. ~~ So to the Voice of the I!, and since I'm likely to run overtime on this, I give you per-mission--ain't I generous?--to delete if and as necessary. ~~ Cuss DWFMayer for swiping first place in the dept from me! Your use of 'Deutsch', etc., which Mayer comments on, represents another compromise with a situation that shouldn't exist. ~~Coined words are all right when there's a use for them, but many of yours seem designed only for a saving of typing time--and actually they take longer to type as you do them. Take 'Futuristicar', f'r'instance. To save spacing once and writing another c, you've backspaced, used the shift key, and hit the hardest key on the typewriter to reach. (Sorry to dissapoint U but we don't do all that work. U don't seem to b aware of the little laborsaving system of fastening one's finger on the spacebar when striking a letter to b underlined or accented, so that the carriage doesnt shift during the operation.) ~~To my letter and your remarks: I see nothing obscure in my remark that A Martian Odd-ysey is still good; I referred to part 2 of Fojack's reprint of that pamphlet on projected scientifilms that came into his hands. ~~ I think that was pretty dirty, taking a short quote from Wil-son's News-Letter re Imagination! and then cutting him off before he gets through." ("Madge"'s conscience is quite clear. She did not consider the quote short in re-lation to the whole. Certainly nothing in it was complimentary. & we were under no obligation to reprint any of publicity for the NL!)
ordinary type only where necessary to conserve space. ~~ Pen-points throughout the issue: Ackerman should've worked his material into better shape before making the stencil of it. Gave first part of the synopsis too detailed, ending too sket-chy. ~~ Ash-Tray story great. I blanch every time I see an ash tray since read-ing it. But--tell me--don't you, please, think the science was a wee bit off some-where? ~~ The Hazy Horde was pretty good, though poorly proportioned. ~~ So to the Voice of the I!, and since I'm likely to run overtime on this, I give you per-mission--ain't I generous?--to delete if and as necessary. ~~ Cuss DWFMayer for swiping first place in the dept from me! Your use of 'Deutsch', etc., which Mayer comments on, represents another compromise with a situation that shouldn't exist. ~~Coined words are all right when there's a use for them, but many of yours seem designed only for a saving of typing time--and actually they take longer to type as you do them. Take 'Futuristicar', f'r'instance. To save spacing once and writing another c, you've backspaced, used the shift key, and hit the hardest key on the typewriter to reach. (Sorry to dissapoint U but we don't do all that work. U don't seem to b aware of the little laborsaving system of fastening one's finger on the spacebar when striking a letter to b underlined or accented, so that the carriage doesnt shift during the operation.) ~~To my letter and your remarks: I see nothing obscure in my remark that A Martian Odd-ysey is still good; I referred to part 2 of Fojack's reprint of that pamphlet on projected scientifilms that came into his hands. ~~ I think that was pretty dirty, taking a short quote from Wil-son's News-Letter re Imagination! and then cutting him off before he gets through." ("Madge"'s conscience is quite clear. She did not consider the quote short in re-lation to the whole. Certainly nothing in it was complimentary. & we were under no obligation to reprint any of publicity for the NL!)
Hevelin Fanzines