Fantaseer, v. 2, issue 4, August 1940
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This is Volume 2, Number k of FANTASEER, an amateurmagazine of science fiction, published monthly by William H. Groveman, 18 Maryland Avenue. Hempstead, N.Y. Subscriptions taken at 60c per year, 5c per copy. Mss.of an imaginative nature are welcome, provided they are accompanied by a stamped envelope. We shall exchange subscriptions with any other amateur fantasy publications. Advertising rates on request. WE ARE BACK AGAIN!!! In August, 1939, 50 unlucky fans found an undecipherable mess of hectographig in their mail-boxes. For two months more they had to bear us in silence, but then the gods conspired and FANTASEER bit the dust for various reasons. But we are now the possessor of a mimeograph and so FANTASEER is again published. We ate not gyps! We wonder how many fans trustingly subscribed to FANTASEER and hearing no more about it thought that way. We intend to fill out every subscrition we get. Although 11 months have passed since the last issue we have still kept our subscription ussue. No doubt many fans that sent us money have by now forgotten how many issues they paid for. However, we intend to give them their , worth and so give here the number os issues each subscriber remaining after this. That is, they have that no. if our price stays at 5c: Forrest J. Ackerman, l issue; Jack Speer, 3 issues; Russ Hodgkins. 4 issues; Pauluel Russel, 4 issues; Marvis Manning, 1 issue; Ray Pauley, 1 issue. The following subscriptions expire with this issue and WG Urge these readers to renew immediately. Walteer Sullivan , H.S. Greenberg, L. Swinburne, and Chris Mulrains, Jr. Our exchange list is nearly a year old however, we are sending copies of this issue os FANTASEER to all on it and hopethey will iprocate with nither the latest issue of their paper, or if they have ceased publication, to letus know a post card. We naturally welcome of the more recent fan mags to exchange with also, copies os this number are being mailed as exchange copies to Tucker, Roberds, Warren, Rosenblum, Youd, Taurasi, McPhail, Wiggins, Wilson, Baltadonis, Madle, Dixty, Marconette, Litz, Reinsberg, Carnell, Burke, Fortien, Paro, Held, Castenhari, Lowndes, Hansen and de la Ree. FANTASEER will hereafer be published as near as possible to the 1st of each month as we can issue it. Any of our exchanges that do not respond before October 1st will be dropped from our list. We wonder how many fans kept copies of the first three issues of FANTASEER. we only hectoed 50 of each and as we kept 3 for ourself and gave 3 more to non-fans that means only 44 copies went to fans. We doubt those issues must be quite rare by now. What material was on hand fortthe never published FANTASEER we destroyed last spring when it had become out of date. So, escept for a poem we'll use in the next issue, we are entirely devoid os material.Unless the fans like our comment so much that they want the papers be solely scripts be sent to us in a hurry. Who possesses the largest collection of fan magazines in the world and how many of these (approximately) have there been published? How about it, Swisher? Taurasi has over a thousand, my collection now contains about 200 different fan mags. By the way, we have 2 duplicates we would like to sell. They are HISTORY OF THE NECRONOMICON By H.P.Love craft and VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION #3 for Sept.,1939. Our price is 10 cents for the former and 15 c for the latter. Ad a stamp (11/2c) if you order either so we can mail it to you. Fans will have to pardon any poor mimeographing in this issue as it is one of our first tries at working the machine and naturally we
This is Volume 2, Number k of FANTASEER, an amateurmagazine of science fiction, published monthly by William H. Groveman, 18 Maryland Avenue. Hempstead, N.Y. Subscriptions taken at 60c per year, 5c per copy. Mss.of an imaginative nature are welcome, provided they are accompanied by a stamped envelope. We shall exchange subscriptions with any other amateur fantasy publications. Advertising rates on request. WE ARE BACK AGAIN!!! In August, 1939, 50 unlucky fans found an undecipherable mess of hectographig in their mail-boxes. For two months more they had to bear us in silence, but then the gods conspired and FANTASEER bit the dust for various reasons. But we are now the possessor of a mimeograph and so FANTASEER is again published. We ate not gyps! We wonder how many fans trustingly subscribed to FANTASEER and hearing no more about it thought that way. We intend to fill out every subscrition we get. Although 11 months have passed since the last issue we have still kept our subscription ussue. No doubt many fans that sent us money have by now forgotten how many issues they paid for. However, we intend to give them their , worth and so give here the number os issues each subscriber remaining after this. That is, they have that no. if our price stays at 5c: Forrest J. Ackerman, l issue; Jack Speer, 3 issues; Russ Hodgkins. 4 issues; Pauluel Russel, 4 issues; Marvis Manning, 1 issue; Ray Pauley, 1 issue. The following subscriptions expire with this issue and WG Urge these readers to renew immediately. Walteer Sullivan , H.S. Greenberg, L. Swinburne, and Chris Mulrains, Jr. Our exchange list is nearly a year old however, we are sending copies of this issue os FANTASEER to all on it and hopethey will iprocate with nither the latest issue of their paper, or if they have ceased publication, to letus know a post card. We naturally welcome of the more recent fan mags to exchange with also, copies os this number are being mailed as exchange copies to Tucker, Roberds, Warren, Rosenblum, Youd, Taurasi, McPhail, Wiggins, Wilson, Baltadonis, Madle, Dixty, Marconette, Litz, Reinsberg, Carnell, Burke, Fortien, Paro, Held, Castenhari, Lowndes, Hansen and de la Ree. FANTASEER will hereafer be published as near as possible to the 1st of each month as we can issue it. Any of our exchanges that do not respond before October 1st will be dropped from our list. We wonder how many fans kept copies of the first three issues of FANTASEER. we only hectoed 50 of each and as we kept 3 for ourself and gave 3 more to non-fans that means only 44 copies went to fans. We doubt those issues must be quite rare by now. What material was on hand fortthe never published FANTASEER we destroyed last spring when it had become out of date. So, escept for a poem we'll use in the next issue, we are entirely devoid os material.Unless the fans like our comment so much that they want the papers be solely scripts be sent to us in a hurry. Who possesses the largest collection of fan magazines in the world and how many of these (approximately) have there been published? How about it, Swisher? Taurasi has over a thousand, my collection now contains about 200 different fan mags. By the way, we have 2 duplicates we would like to sell. They are HISTORY OF THE NECRONOMICON By H.P.Love craft and VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION #3 for Sept.,1939. Our price is 10 cents for the former and 15 c for the latter. Ad a stamp (11/2c) if you order either so we can mail it to you. Fans will have to pardon any poor mimeographing in this issue as it is one of our first tries at working the machine and naturally we
Hevelin Fanzines