Fantaseer, v. 2, issue 4, August 1940
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are not experts. We are so eager to get out another FANTASEER now that we have rather pushed into the thing. Althoug inactive since the October, '39 FANTASEER we have yet managed to keep up some contacts with fandom in the form of an occasional letter, card, or fan-mag. We wish to thank Robert G(enius) Thompson and Ron Holmes for Christmas cards, Marion Racic for patiently continling to notify us of the QSEL meetings, and also to Paul Freehafer & Gereaux de la Ree, Jr., for their letters and cards. We also wish to thank our long suffering subscribers for not all jumping on us for not producing FANTASEER for so long. Mr.H.A.Perkings, Associate Editor of WEIRD TALES Club. We take portions of his letter: "The club was started in order that WEIRD TALES readers might have a congenial source of interest and information, about fantasy and science-fiction be very glad to enroll them. Those wishing to join should notify the WEIRD TALES CLUB, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y." A few weeks back we joined the Fantasy Amateur Press Assin., sending Mr. Madle our dues. And while we have no word from him yet, we will most likely issue a special FAPA paper here after. Since the QSFL meetings last fall we have not seen very many fans In March we saw Julius Unger just as he was preparing to move. (How about that dollar-five you owe me, Juile?) In August we called on Jimmy Taurasi, but unfortunately he was not home. We talked with his sister Millie an hour and a half and then left for home. On August 15th we agains visited the Taurasi abode, this time making sure Jimmy would be there by an exchange of postals. For about 4 hours we stayed and in that time swapped for some fan-mags and I generally looked through his collection. I visited Jimmy several times before in 1939 when he was so active in fandom gernally and with FANTASY NEWS. The comparisons with the present shows an amazing change by just looking at his room. Once so disorderly with everything imaginable in so, today he has everything in neat piles. Taurasi sure has gone back pretty far on the road of fandom since he gave up FANTASY NEWS. Last year we sold quite a few fans those small gummed stickers so useful to stick on letters. We repeat the offer. Send us 25c coin and four lines of copy, totalling not more than tweety words, and within 2 weeks or so you will receive 500 neatly printed gummed stickers. The other day a packet containing five of the long over-due issues of SCIENCE FICTION FAN arrived from Denver. That Wiggins sure gets about! His address is now 3214 Champa St., Denver, Colorado. These issues of the FAN are for August thru December, 1939, and frankly are not so hot! Say, Olon, what's that November cover supposed to represent? A modernistic spider and fly? Freehafer continues to amaze fandom with his gem of a POLARIS. TheJune issue is as neat and good as its predecessors. More power to it! We notice that the Woolworth 5 and 10c store in Hempstead is carying items of a scientifictional nature for juvenile readers. In addition to the "Big Little Books" featuring Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, etc we also have noticed 25c editions of the Tom Swift and Roy Rockwell series. On August 17th a neatly mimeoed sheet arrived in our mail. Mr. V, Le Young Ardiff is selling a collection of fantasy books that includes a hundred items which look pretty good to us. Some books over 225 years old are included at prices rarging from 75c to $10. Drop Mr. Ardhff a line at 4037 Roscoe Street, Chicago, Illinois, if you're interested. We've found a place in Hempstead that sells used science - fiction magazines at 2c a copy. Recently we bought the current issues of TWS and STARTLING STORIES at that price. Some bargain!!!
are not experts. We are so eager to get out another FANTASEER now that we have rather pushed into the thing. Althoug inactive since the October, '39 FANTASEER we have yet managed to keep up some contacts with fandom in the form of an occasional letter, card, or fan-mag. We wish to thank Robert G(enius) Thompson and Ron Holmes for Christmas cards, Marion Racic for patiently continling to notify us of the QSEL meetings, and also to Paul Freehafer & Gereaux de la Ree, Jr., for their letters and cards. We also wish to thank our long suffering subscribers for not all jumping on us for not producing FANTASEER for so long. Mr.H.A.Perkings, Associate Editor of WEIRD TALES Club. We take portions of his letter: "The club was started in order that WEIRD TALES readers might have a congenial source of interest and information, about fantasy and science-fiction be very glad to enroll them. Those wishing to join should notify the WEIRD TALES CLUB, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y." A few weeks back we joined the Fantasy Amateur Press Assin., sending Mr. Madle our dues. And while we have no word from him yet, we will most likely issue a special FAPA paper here after. Since the QSFL meetings last fall we have not seen very many fans In March we saw Julius Unger just as he was preparing to move. (How about that dollar-five you owe me, Juile?) In August we called on Jimmy Taurasi, but unfortunately he was not home. We talked with his sister Millie an hour and a half and then left for home. On August 15th we agains visited the Taurasi abode, this time making sure Jimmy would be there by an exchange of postals. For about 4 hours we stayed and in that time swapped for some fan-mags and I generally looked through his collection. I visited Jimmy several times before in 1939 when he was so active in fandom gernally and with FANTASY NEWS. The comparisons with the present shows an amazing change by just looking at his room. Once so disorderly with everything imaginable in so, today he has everything in neat piles. Taurasi sure has gone back pretty far on the road of fandom since he gave up FANTASY NEWS. Last year we sold quite a few fans those small gummed stickers so useful to stick on letters. We repeat the offer. Send us 25c coin and four lines of copy, totalling not more than tweety words, and within 2 weeks or so you will receive 500 neatly printed gummed stickers. The other day a packet containing five of the long over-due issues of SCIENCE FICTION FAN arrived from Denver. That Wiggins sure gets about! His address is now 3214 Champa St., Denver, Colorado. These issues of the FAN are for August thru December, 1939, and frankly are not so hot! Say, Olon, what's that November cover supposed to represent? A modernistic spider and fly? Freehafer continues to amaze fandom with his gem of a POLARIS. TheJune issue is as neat and good as its predecessors. More power to it! We notice that the Woolworth 5 and 10c store in Hempstead is carying items of a scientifictional nature for juvenile readers. In addition to the "Big Little Books" featuring Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, etc we also have noticed 25c editions of the Tom Swift and Roy Rockwell series. On August 17th a neatly mimeoed sheet arrived in our mail. Mr. V, Le Young Ardiff is selling a collection of fantasy books that includes a hundred items which look pretty good to us. Some books over 225 years old are included at prices rarging from 75c to $10. Drop Mr. Ardhff a line at 4037 Roscoe Street, Chicago, Illinois, if you're interested. We've found a place in Hempstead that sells used science - fiction magazines at 2c a copy. Recently we bought the current issues of TWS and STARTLING STORIES at that price. Some bargain!!!
Hevelin Fanzines