Fantaseer, v. 2, issue 4, August 1940
Page 4
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(cont.) dread his face. I have windered how I can kill him, but it is useless. One cannot kill the dead. With my own hands I killed him, twenty years ago... "The Blarney Stone" --- By Wilson Sheperd (Note: Here is another story we could not use last fall in FANTASEER & so it was printed in BY HECK, a non-fan publication. We received this story through the courtesy of the New Fandom Manuscript Bureau. A copy of BY HECK will be sent any fan sending us 5c. The rope parted. the man fell. With the sharp, nevem edges of the stone biting into him as his body sped downward. The rope curled and twisted about his body. The fastened end swished downward for a time against the stones and then was still. All was still. The Blarney Stone. A name to cause thinking --- black thoughts, perhaps. The man who had fell found it so. For he was a fanatic. At first the talks around the stone had only caused him amusement; then consideration; then speculation --- and --- then thoughts. Black thoughts. The Stone caused black thoughts. And thinking beyound a limit is bad for any man. So, as are many fanatics created, he was created into one --- on the Stone. Every available bit and tatter of myth --- tale --- writing that could be foundlent its aid to his wild brain. The thoughts. Came and went. But the will remained to find the Stone. His calculations grw from mere disconnected scribbles to a mass of well connected fact --- and fantasy. The "Blarney Stone," that was for the public! Faugh. Only another rock... the calculations mounted... at last, the Stone was found. The Rope. With high frenzied hopes and the power of a mad-man he mounted, in the dark of the night and with the rope. A fine new rope, with a wire core. A mighty rope that would not break. There came early one morning a party to see the Stone, and perhaps hang by their heels and kiss it. *And the first found tied to the grating a fine new rope. A mighty rope with a wire core and it went over the edge and down the wall and there it stopped. Curious speculation came up for the rope only went so far and stopped, and where it stopped there was a part, not a cut, for the rope was parted so cleanly by something that could not have been the work of man. The party wondered and descended and looked up at the rope and at the earth beneath, but there was nothing. And they looked upward again; where the rope seemed to point and where it pointed there was a Stone of wonderous shape and feature and as they looked Stone changed shape and the features grew ordinary and the party wondered again and departed for there was nothing more to see. And peace settled on the castle and on the Stone. And the man who had dared to think thoughts, dark thoughts, that were not good, was gone, and was not missed, and never returned. For he had looked beyond the vail of human thoughts, and those that do can never return. *A custom, where started no one knows, but the person who kisses the Stone is supposed to become very smooth of speech. Notes... Readers will have to pardon the variety of mimeograph paper we have used this time, but we wanted to use it up... Please write in and let us know how you like the new FANTASEER. We'll ad a readers column next time. And send in those manuscripts! We can't make this mag any larger if we have to write so much of it ourself, so stories of up to 2,000 words are welcome... Last minute card arrived from Marvis Manning to say he's sending us some back issues of PLUTO and will exchange with us. Thanks!... Don't let the size this month get you, we'll enlarge next time!!!
(cont.) dread his face. I have windered how I can kill him, but it is useless. One cannot kill the dead. With my own hands I killed him, twenty years ago... "The Blarney Stone" --- By Wilson Sheperd (Note: Here is another story we could not use last fall in FANTASEER & so it was printed in BY HECK, a non-fan publication. We received this story through the courtesy of the New Fandom Manuscript Bureau. A copy of BY HECK will be sent any fan sending us 5c. The rope parted. the man fell. With the sharp, nevem edges of the stone biting into him as his body sped downward. The rope curled and twisted about his body. The fastened end swished downward for a time against the stones and then was still. All was still. The Blarney Stone. A name to cause thinking --- black thoughts, perhaps. The man who had fell found it so. For he was a fanatic. At first the talks around the stone had only caused him amusement; then consideration; then speculation --- and --- then thoughts. Black thoughts. The Stone caused black thoughts. And thinking beyound a limit is bad for any man. So, as are many fanatics created, he was created into one --- on the Stone. Every available bit and tatter of myth --- tale --- writing that could be foundlent its aid to his wild brain. The thoughts. Came and went. But the will remained to find the Stone. His calculations grw from mere disconnected scribbles to a mass of well connected fact --- and fantasy. The "Blarney Stone," that was for the public! Faugh. Only another rock... the calculations mounted... at last, the Stone was found. The Rope. With high frenzied hopes and the power of a mad-man he mounted, in the dark of the night and with the rope. A fine new rope, with a wire core. A mighty rope that would not break. There came early one morning a party to see the Stone, and perhaps hang by their heels and kiss it. *And the first found tied to the grating a fine new rope. A mighty rope with a wire core and it went over the edge and down the wall and there it stopped. Curious speculation came up for the rope only went so far and stopped, and where it stopped there was a part, not a cut, for the rope was parted so cleanly by something that could not have been the work of man. The party wondered and descended and looked up at the rope and at the earth beneath, but there was nothing. And they looked upward again; where the rope seemed to point and where it pointed there was a Stone of wonderous shape and feature and as they looked Stone changed shape and the features grew ordinary and the party wondered again and departed for there was nothing more to see. And peace settled on the castle and on the Stone. And the man who had dared to think thoughts, dark thoughts, that were not good, was gone, and was not missed, and never returned. For he had looked beyond the vail of human thoughts, and those that do can never return. *A custom, where started no one knows, but the person who kisses the Stone is supposed to become very smooth of speech. Notes... Readers will have to pardon the variety of mimeograph paper we have used this time, but we wanted to use it up... Please write in and let us know how you like the new FANTASEER. We'll ad a readers column next time. And send in those manuscripts! We can't make this mag any larger if we have to write so much of it ourself, so stories of up to 2,000 words are welcome... Last minute card arrived from Marvis Manning to say he's sending us some back issues of PLUTO and will exchange with us. Thanks!... Don't let the size this month get you, we'll enlarge next time!!!
Hevelin Fanzines