Fantasy Fiction Telegram, v. 1, issue 4, January 1937
Page 15
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THE READER GABS Dear Editor: Received the December FFT today, want to congratulate you on an all around good issue. The illustrations in particular are swell the exception of the heading for "The Reader Gabs" column; it's bad. Good also is Bert's column. Missed M. A. Rothman's column very much. Am glad to see that it will appear next month. Sincerely, CLON F. WIGGINS ----------------------- Dear Mr. Madle: Third FFT has arrived, and its swell. This leads me to believe that you have finally agreed on an exchange. But I still haven't received a copy of the second issue. Please send it along as soon as possible, as I'm eager to see it. When will the fourth issue be ready for distribution? Best in the issue was Hahn's "Cluck Rogers in Astounding", but everything was excellent. Bert's column strikes a unique chord, and Bellen's art heading is very attractive. Let's have more of Morris' work, but don't drop Jack Baltadonis. Best Wishes, WILLIS CONOVER, JR. ----------------------- Dear Mr. Madle: I sure get a kick out of Cluck Rogers. If I remember right you will have something about Flash Gordon in the next issue. Or am I wrong? Anyway, I see no reason why Hahn can't write a long, continued episode(s) about Cluck and Wilma. I don't think it would get tiresome for 7 or 8 issues anyway. Of course you couldn't run it too long. Let Dollens do a few more illustrations. IF his actual drawings are as good as that one on page four, he must be great! Of course, there is really nothing there to judge upon, but it's arranged excellently, drawn neatly, bubbles shaded correctly, and the lettering looks swell. JVB's work is good. His best in the third isse was the one for "Weird Whisperings". The cover was equally good. And four colors!!!! I had very little trouble reading the magazine. (Referring to your hektographing.) Very sincerely, ROY TEST -------------------------- Dear Editor: I thought absolutely the best thing in it was Hahn's little skit on Rogers, and the worst his story "The Illusion". I thot his little satire was perfect. A bit childish in places, but in very few places, and the thing as a whole had me rolling on the floor even at second reading. (Four stars.) ... Bert's thing was okay-not too interesting-but still ok. Train was not better, not much worse than before. I like his subject, but he seemed to have said very little than isn't commonly known. Your "Reader Gabs" is a bit superfluous. I like it very much, but I held that two pages of valuable space could have been put to a much better use. Issue as a whole your best, but missed Rothman's article. Let's hope he keeps monthly from now on. Sincerely yours, BILL MILLER
THE READER GABS Dear Editor: Received the December FFT today, want to congratulate you on an all around good issue. The illustrations in particular are swell the exception of the heading for "The Reader Gabs" column; it's bad. Good also is Bert's column. Missed M. A. Rothman's column very much. Am glad to see that it will appear next month. Sincerely, CLON F. WIGGINS ----------------------- Dear Mr. Madle: Third FFT has arrived, and its swell. This leads me to believe that you have finally agreed on an exchange. But I still haven't received a copy of the second issue. Please send it along as soon as possible, as I'm eager to see it. When will the fourth issue be ready for distribution? Best in the issue was Hahn's "Cluck Rogers in Astounding", but everything was excellent. Bert's column strikes a unique chord, and Bellen's art heading is very attractive. Let's have more of Morris' work, but don't drop Jack Baltadonis. Best Wishes, WILLIS CONOVER, JR. ----------------------- Dear Mr. Madle: I sure get a kick out of Cluck Rogers. If I remember right you will have something about Flash Gordon in the next issue. Or am I wrong? Anyway, I see no reason why Hahn can't write a long, continued episode(s) about Cluck and Wilma. I don't think it would get tiresome for 7 or 8 issues anyway. Of course you couldn't run it too long. Let Dollens do a few more illustrations. IF his actual drawings are as good as that one on page four, he must be great! Of course, there is really nothing there to judge upon, but it's arranged excellently, drawn neatly, bubbles shaded correctly, and the lettering looks swell. JVB's work is good. His best in the third isse was the one for "Weird Whisperings". The cover was equally good. And four colors!!!! I had very little trouble reading the magazine. (Referring to your hektographing.) Very sincerely, ROY TEST -------------------------- Dear Editor: I thought absolutely the best thing in it was Hahn's little skit on Rogers, and the worst his story "The Illusion". I thot his little satire was perfect. A bit childish in places, but in very few places, and the thing as a whole had me rolling on the floor even at second reading. (Four stars.) ... Bert's thing was okay-not too interesting-but still ok. Train was not better, not much worse than before. I like his subject, but he seemed to have said very little than isn't commonly known. Your "Reader Gabs" is a bit superfluous. I like it very much, but I held that two pages of valuable space could have been put to a much better use. Issue as a whole your best, but missed Rothman's article. Let's hope he keeps monthly from now on. Sincerely yours, BILL MILLER
Hevelin Fanzines