Fanfile, issue 1, February 1942
Page 4
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Forry and Corrine Ellsworth contributed material for the first SPECULA. Outside of them and Carlton J. Fassbeinder, we wrote everything else in the first issue. We are Norman Anthony, Carlton Greene, William Graham, and Mischa Jaroff. Altheda O'Brien did our illustrations for us. At this time, the only mimeographing equipment we had was a mimeograph - none of the fancy stuff that goes with one. So the 'scope work was done on the club equipment at Walt's on Sundays. Just about this time the club got in disfavor with Walt's landlady, so the equipment was moved to our house. Not long before or after, we acquired the library from Morojo's and our room was a trifle crowded for a time, until we got organized. Having done quite a bit of mimeographing recently, we had 2 reams of blue mimeo paper on hand to use in SPECULA. But when we went to buy more, the stock was exhausted! The only color left was yellow. And it was then that the idea hit us of using a different color of paper for each story. Born out of necessity, and no other reason. So two reams of yellow paper and some cover stock were purchased. We planned to have the mag out by the first of January, but not long after the first of December - horrors! - we got a job. This slowed things down considerably even after we started taking our portable typewriter to work and cutting three stencils during lunch hours. And it wasn't until nearly the end of January, 1941, that Morojo, "Butch" (our mother) and ourselves, in a hectic session lasting almost to midnight, finally ran off the last page and assembled the first copy. We were all worn out, but there it was - SPECULA - my magazine! Next day we finished assembling, stapling, and putting on the covers; and that night we trimmed the edges at night school. SPECULA was ready, at last. And into reconditioned envelopes went the copies to be to be mailed. In case no one has noticed, every copy was numbered, and a record kept of the person to which each copy was given or mailed. For the record, we give the numbers and the names, Gaps are copies given to non-fan friends or retained for the files. 3. John Campbell; 5. Dorothy McIlwraith; 6. Sun Spots; 7. Mort Weisinger; 8. J. Teurasi; 9. Mary Gnaedinger; 10. Orlin Tremaine, returned. Franklin Brady. 11. Don Wollheim; 12. Malcolm Reiss; 13. Dick Crain; 14. Bob Erisman; 15. Doc Lowndes; 16. Fred Pohl; 18. Van Hooten; 19. Charlie Hornig; 20. Ted Dikty; 21. E.E. Smith; 22. Jack Donovan; 23. R.D. Swisher; 24. The Alchemist; 25. H. A. Ackermann; 29. 4e; 30. Pogo; 32. TB Yerke; 33. Lnr O'Brien; 34. Morojo; 35. 4e; 37. Hodgkins; 38. 4e; 39. Jack Williamson; 40. Thos. Hoguet; 41. Cleve Cartmill; 42. Library of Amateur Journalism (via 4e); 43. Ray Palmer; 44. Altheda O'Brien; 46. Heinlien; 47. Paul Freehafer; 48. M.W. Wellman; 49. Bill Crawford; 50. Walt Daugherty; 51. N.K. Johnson; 52. Chas Hidley; 54. Julius Unger; 55. Bob Tucker; 56. Donn Breizier; 57. Harry Warner Jr.; 59. Tom Wright; 60. Fanfare; 61. Paul Klingbiel; 62. Pluto; 63. Wiggins; 64. Singleton; 65. J.J. Fortier; 66. XXXXX (mark out) 67. Widner Jr. 68. Southern Star; 69. LRChauvenet: 70. R.A.Madle; 71. Henry Hasse; 72 L. Farholt (?); 73. Earle Korshak; 74. Bizarre; 75. I. Asimov; 76. Phil Bronson; 77. R.M. Farley; 78. Lou Goldstone; 79. The Kuslans; 80. Marconnette; 81 Leslie Perri; 82. Melvin Schmit; 83. Damon Knight; 85 & 86. J. Michel Rosenblum; 87. Veney; 88. Dave McIlwain; 89. Ted Carnell; 90. Vol Molesworth; 92. Dr. Keller; 93. Corrine Ellsworth; 93. Bradbury; 95. Tremaine; 97. Roy Burse; 98. Earle Barr Hanson; 100. Don Ford; 101. CABeling. (Last minute note: #66 went to Ed Chamberlain.) We weren't exactly overwhelmed by letters pouring in. 4e got his in first of course. We drove him all around on Sunday afternoon looking for a mailbox that would be picked up that evening, as he said he had some things that had to get out right away. When the postman delivered his special delivery letter to us at 2 a.m. the next morning, we fully appreciated his statement.
Forry and Corrine Ellsworth contributed material for the first SPECULA. Outside of them and Carlton J. Fassbeinder, we wrote everything else in the first issue. We are Norman Anthony, Carlton Greene, William Graham, and Mischa Jaroff. Altheda O'Brien did our illustrations for us. At this time, the only mimeographing equipment we had was a mimeograph - none of the fancy stuff that goes with one. So the 'scope work was done on the club equipment at Walt's on Sundays. Just about this time the club got in disfavor with Walt's landlady, so the equipment was moved to our house. Not long before or after, we acquired the library from Morojo's and our room was a trifle crowded for a time, until we got organized. Having done quite a bit of mimeographing recently, we had 2 reams of blue mimeo paper on hand to use in SPECULA. But when we went to buy more, the stock was exhausted! The only color left was yellow. And it was then that the idea hit us of using a different color of paper for each story. Born out of necessity, and no other reason. So two reams of yellow paper and some cover stock were purchased. We planned to have the mag out by the first of January, but not long after the first of December - horrors! - we got a job. This slowed things down considerably even after we started taking our portable typewriter to work and cutting three stencils during lunch hours. And it wasn't until nearly the end of January, 1941, that Morojo, "Butch" (our mother) and ourselves, in a hectic session lasting almost to midnight, finally ran off the last page and assembled the first copy. We were all worn out, but there it was - SPECULA - my magazine! Next day we finished assembling, stapling, and putting on the covers; and that night we trimmed the edges at night school. SPECULA was ready, at last. And into reconditioned envelopes went the copies to be to be mailed. In case no one has noticed, every copy was numbered, and a record kept of the person to which each copy was given or mailed. For the record, we give the numbers and the names, Gaps are copies given to non-fan friends or retained for the files. 3. John Campbell; 5. Dorothy McIlwraith; 6. Sun Spots; 7. Mort Weisinger; 8. J. Teurasi; 9. Mary Gnaedinger; 10. Orlin Tremaine, returned. Franklin Brady. 11. Don Wollheim; 12. Malcolm Reiss; 13. Dick Crain; 14. Bob Erisman; 15. Doc Lowndes; 16. Fred Pohl; 18. Van Hooten; 19. Charlie Hornig; 20. Ted Dikty; 21. E.E. Smith; 22. Jack Donovan; 23. R.D. Swisher; 24. The Alchemist; 25. H. A. Ackermann; 29. 4e; 30. Pogo; 32. TB Yerke; 33. Lnr O'Brien; 34. Morojo; 35. 4e; 37. Hodgkins; 38. 4e; 39. Jack Williamson; 40. Thos. Hoguet; 41. Cleve Cartmill; 42. Library of Amateur Journalism (via 4e); 43. Ray Palmer; 44. Altheda O'Brien; 46. Heinlien; 47. Paul Freehafer; 48. M.W. Wellman; 49. Bill Crawford; 50. Walt Daugherty; 51. N.K. Johnson; 52. Chas Hidley; 54. Julius Unger; 55. Bob Tucker; 56. Donn Breizier; 57. Harry Warner Jr.; 59. Tom Wright; 60. Fanfare; 61. Paul Klingbiel; 62. Pluto; 63. Wiggins; 64. Singleton; 65. J.J. Fortier; 66. XXXXX (mark out) 67. Widner Jr. 68. Southern Star; 69. LRChauvenet: 70. R.A.Madle; 71. Henry Hasse; 72 L. Farholt (?); 73. Earle Korshak; 74. Bizarre; 75. I. Asimov; 76. Phil Bronson; 77. R.M. Farley; 78. Lou Goldstone; 79. The Kuslans; 80. Marconnette; 81 Leslie Perri; 82. Melvin Schmit; 83. Damon Knight; 85 & 86. J. Michel Rosenblum; 87. Veney; 88. Dave McIlwain; 89. Ted Carnell; 90. Vol Molesworth; 92. Dr. Keller; 93. Corrine Ellsworth; 93. Bradbury; 95. Tremaine; 97. Roy Burse; 98. Earle Barr Hanson; 100. Don Ford; 101. CABeling. (Last minute note: #66 went to Ed Chamberlain.) We weren't exactly overwhelmed by letters pouring in. 4e got his in first of course. We drove him all around on Sunday afternoon looking for a mailbox that would be picked up that evening, as he said he had some things that had to get out right away. When the postman delivered his special delivery letter to us at 2 a.m. the next morning, we fully appreciated his statement.
Hevelin Fanzines