Fanfile, issue 1, February 1942
Page 12
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FANFILE Page 12 Denvention time, and we watched Forry, Morojo, Yerke and Freehafer leave town while we stuck home and worked for filthy lucre. But Lee Eastman broke up the monotony with his letter of July 3: I owe you a nickel for one copy of FMZ Digest but I hate to send a nickel through the mails since as and because the blessed thing weighs too damned much. Therefore, I am enclosing a dime and please send the latest copy for the other $5 divided by 100. I buy fan mags for two reasons -- the alleged Poetry contained therein and the pretty black ink which I collect. Your black ink seems to be as black as any, but the verse -- Oh! skip it. I liked the mag well enough. The (Columbia) Camp is in session though and it is very difficult to be sane and nice or to refrain from being insane and very nasty. And of course the material is not your fault. It seems to be good choices on the whole considering what you have to chose from. Joe likes you. He says so. However, don't take it too seriously. He likes me too and yet I seem in a fair way to become a successful publisher... Card from Bill Evans, dated the 4th: "Got FMZ #4 yesterday and today my hat won't fit. Two references from Snide in one ish! The cover, too; that was my idea, believe it or not. Best in ish -- it was all swell -- were LRC & DRS. Jacobi was very good & the back cover, of course. Good job of reproducing, too. Really wish you hadn't cut Blish, but on second thought it did make his piece more readable. All in all -- the issue was excellent." Then an airmail from 4e at Denver, July 7: Sorry impossible secure any originals. Brady bought Finlay interior $9.50; only other Finlay (a cover) auctioned at $20. All prices for pix unprecedentedly hi. No Boks under $2.50. Tell Hoffman. Daugherty took 2nd costume prize; I was awarded 3d, thanx to Harryhousen. My estimate of attendance: 75. Wonderful time being had by all. Philly has entered picture for 42con. "Cheerio and stuff" old stuff. Your pal 4e. Then a card from Morojo on the 7th: "We're it for 1942. See you at next LASFS meeting Thurs." And Los Angeles, through the mechanicians of Walter J. Daugherty, was stuck with the Pacificon (or should we stay stung). Across the pond again, from Don Doughty, dated July 12th: "A few words of thanks from a 'zine-starved British fan. Thanks for the copies of FMZ Digest...I must say the obvious, it really is one of the best ideas that have hit fandom for a long time...By the way, thanks for considering my first semi-fiction attempt of sufficiently high merits to warrant its inclusion in FMZ 2 (They). Regards." And from Larry Shaw, also on the 14th: "I got FMZ Digest O.K....It's swell. Your choice of material was perfect, mimeoing likewise." And Larry again, on July 17: The Digest is really fine. A digest of fan magazines that did not come up to your high standards would very likely have succeeded on the idea alone. FMZ, thus, should be doubly successful, because its quality is unapproachable. It will be extremely valuable to a fan in my position. As much as I'd like to, I can't possibly afford all the fanmags. No use trying to list the best items; they are all "bests". The choice of material, condensations, mimeoing and format are nothing short of perfect. In other words, I like FMZ Digest... Dlaine Dunmore, on July 28th: "This is the first opportunity I've had to offer my thanks for those copies of your various fan efforts. They were all very good, and you deserve plenty of credit...I wonder if you would possibly comment to [illegible] yarn for my...fanmags? (Blaine, we haven't written a thing since SPECULA #2. Sorry.)
FANFILE Page 12 Denvention time, and we watched Forry, Morojo, Yerke and Freehafer leave town while we stuck home and worked for filthy lucre. But Lee Eastman broke up the monotony with his letter of July 3: I owe you a nickel for one copy of FMZ Digest but I hate to send a nickel through the mails since as and because the blessed thing weighs too damned much. Therefore, I am enclosing a dime and please send the latest copy for the other $5 divided by 100. I buy fan mags for two reasons -- the alleged Poetry contained therein and the pretty black ink which I collect. Your black ink seems to be as black as any, but the verse -- Oh! skip it. I liked the mag well enough. The (Columbia) Camp is in session though and it is very difficult to be sane and nice or to refrain from being insane and very nasty. And of course the material is not your fault. It seems to be good choices on the whole considering what you have to chose from. Joe likes you. He says so. However, don't take it too seriously. He likes me too and yet I seem in a fair way to become a successful publisher... Card from Bill Evans, dated the 4th: "Got FMZ #4 yesterday and today my hat won't fit. Two references from Snide in one ish! The cover, too; that was my idea, believe it or not. Best in ish -- it was all swell -- were LRC & DRS. Jacobi was very good & the back cover, of course. Good job of reproducing, too. Really wish you hadn't cut Blish, but on second thought it did make his piece more readable. All in all -- the issue was excellent." Then an airmail from 4e at Denver, July 7: Sorry impossible secure any originals. Brady bought Finlay interior $9.50; only other Finlay (a cover) auctioned at $20. All prices for pix unprecedentedly hi. No Boks under $2.50. Tell Hoffman. Daugherty took 2nd costume prize; I was awarded 3d, thanx to Harryhousen. My estimate of attendance: 75. Wonderful time being had by all. Philly has entered picture for 42con. "Cheerio and stuff" old stuff. Your pal 4e. Then a card from Morojo on the 7th: "We're it for 1942. See you at next LASFS meeting Thurs." And Los Angeles, through the mechanicians of Walter J. Daugherty, was stuck with the Pacificon (or should we stay stung). Across the pond again, from Don Doughty, dated July 12th: "A few words of thanks from a 'zine-starved British fan. Thanks for the copies of FMZ Digest...I must say the obvious, it really is one of the best ideas that have hit fandom for a long time...By the way, thanks for considering my first semi-fiction attempt of sufficiently high merits to warrant its inclusion in FMZ 2 (They). Regards." And from Larry Shaw, also on the 14th: "I got FMZ Digest O.K....It's swell. Your choice of material was perfect, mimeoing likewise." And Larry again, on July 17: The Digest is really fine. A digest of fan magazines that did not come up to your high standards would very likely have succeeded on the idea alone. FMZ, thus, should be doubly successful, because its quality is unapproachable. It will be extremely valuable to a fan in my position. As much as I'd like to, I can't possibly afford all the fanmags. No use trying to list the best items; they are all "bests". The choice of material, condensations, mimeoing and format are nothing short of perfect. In other words, I like FMZ Digest... Dlaine Dunmore, on July 28th: "This is the first opportunity I've had to offer my thanks for those copies of your various fan efforts. They were all very good, and you deserve plenty of credit...I wonder if you would possibly comment to [illegible] yarn for my...fanmags? (Blaine, we haven't written a thing since SPECULA #2. Sorry.)
Hevelin Fanzines