Fanfile, issue 1, February 1942
Page 15
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FANFILE Page 15 Naming offhand a few individuals rejected in the draft as emblematic of the physical condition of all fans, is absurd to say the least. For every one you put in your "wheel chair army" I'll advance two who could make kindling wood of it with their bare hands...As for girl fans--there are few enough of them anyhow, but of those, nearly all are uniformly good-looking and healthy... (Yeah--any brains? No. or they wouldn't be fans--hey, Morojo, don't throw that!!!) Heh. I notice in Closed Shop...that you put forth the very argument that makes your position untenable on the morality question. I quote: "If fans are to be regimented in any way whatsoever, then fandom is indeed lost. Not that I agree withat either. I think you have emphasized induly the worst points of Tucker's plan. And your opposition to organization of any type for fans is rather foolish. There are innumerable gains to be made with co-operation and very little to lose. (But just what are fans trying to gain--outside of a good time?). There is no necessity (underline mine-ALJII) for oppression or dictator tactics of any sort. I'm surprised to see you an advocate of anarchy. As knight said at Denver: "Fandom is in much the same position as the original thirteen colonies of these United States." But to get back to Tucker's plan. There's no reason at all why it shouldn't work. It is essentially a copy of the NAPA set-up which has been doing rather nicely for the past 66 years. They have had a minimum of trouble with dictators, oppression of minorities and the like. The whole thing is, to do away with the petty commercialism now affecting fnz because of the "subscription" tradition" that has grown up. Why not make fan publication amateur, entirely in fact as well as in name?...If anyone wanted to publish outside (the enlarged FAPA) he would probably be doing it out of sheer cussedness or because he had been kicked out as undesirable and would certainly deserve the epithet of "outlaw." The rest of your mag was OK, but did not excite comment... Anyhow, here's more power to your cranking arm and long may your mimeo wave! Britain again, this time from J. E. Rennison, an air mail card on Nov. 11; Firstly must sincerely thank you for sending Sun Trails No. 2 & FMZ Digest No. 5 to Mike (Rosenblum) for distribution over here. I got a copy of each, & thoroughly enjoyed both. It's guys like you that are showing us over here that some fellows are still decent and civilized. It's guys like you that deserve the best in life, but always seem to get the worst! So thanks for 'em. This card is mainly an appeal to you. The BSFWRS is doing swell work in the prozine field, but it is mostly fmz's that I want, & as far as I know they don't send those... From what I've seen of your mags, they're tops. Would like to see stuff reprinted complete in the Digest though, you give us the meat, but we miss the gravy! Appearance, format, etc are swell though. Please excuse writing, but I have to crush a lot in. Best of luck. Another furious burst of energy on our part completed the last FMZ DIGEST, #6, SUN T(r)AILS, a bunch of stuff left over from SUN TRAILS #2; and SPECTRA, the publication of the chain letter which started way back in March, and returned to us in June. We tried to do it in hecto, but after ruining a lot of sheets finally gave that up. Before we got them mailed out came a note from Joe Gilbert, dated 11/[illegible]. ... By the by, where are the Joquel publications?... if you're so tied up with work you can't get around to producing SPECULA, SPECTRA, and FMZ, well, suh, I humbly point out that "Dixie Press" is at your service. If y'all'll ship us the stencils or just the dummy, even, for any and all these mags, we'll be most happy to run 'em off, staple 'em,and mail 'em out for whatever price it costs us to do it; nothing more, of course. If we can help you by putting our publishing facilities at your beck and call, why just holler. What about it, huh? Let's hear from you, old boy, when you have time.
FANFILE Page 15 Naming offhand a few individuals rejected in the draft as emblematic of the physical condition of all fans, is absurd to say the least. For every one you put in your "wheel chair army" I'll advance two who could make kindling wood of it with their bare hands...As for girl fans--there are few enough of them anyhow, but of those, nearly all are uniformly good-looking and healthy... (Yeah--any brains? No. or they wouldn't be fans--hey, Morojo, don't throw that!!!) Heh. I notice in Closed Shop...that you put forth the very argument that makes your position untenable on the morality question. I quote: "If fans are to be regimented in any way whatsoever, then fandom is indeed lost. Not that I agree withat either. I think you have emphasized induly the worst points of Tucker's plan. And your opposition to organization of any type for fans is rather foolish. There are innumerable gains to be made with co-operation and very little to lose. (But just what are fans trying to gain--outside of a good time?). There is no necessity (underline mine-ALJII) for oppression or dictator tactics of any sort. I'm surprised to see you an advocate of anarchy. As knight said at Denver: "Fandom is in much the same position as the original thirteen colonies of these United States." But to get back to Tucker's plan. There's no reason at all why it shouldn't work. It is essentially a copy of the NAPA set-up which has been doing rather nicely for the past 66 years. They have had a minimum of trouble with dictators, oppression of minorities and the like. The whole thing is, to do away with the petty commercialism now affecting fnz because of the "subscription" tradition" that has grown up. Why not make fan publication amateur, entirely in fact as well as in name?...If anyone wanted to publish outside (the enlarged FAPA) he would probably be doing it out of sheer cussedness or because he had been kicked out as undesirable and would certainly deserve the epithet of "outlaw." The rest of your mag was OK, but did not excite comment... Anyhow, here's more power to your cranking arm and long may your mimeo wave! Britain again, this time from J. E. Rennison, an air mail card on Nov. 11; Firstly must sincerely thank you for sending Sun Trails No. 2 & FMZ Digest No. 5 to Mike (Rosenblum) for distribution over here. I got a copy of each, & thoroughly enjoyed both. It's guys like you that are showing us over here that some fellows are still decent and civilized. It's guys like you that deserve the best in life, but always seem to get the worst! So thanks for 'em. This card is mainly an appeal to you. The BSFWRS is doing swell work in the prozine field, but it is mostly fmz's that I want, & as far as I know they don't send those... From what I've seen of your mags, they're tops. Would like to see stuff reprinted complete in the Digest though, you give us the meat, but we miss the gravy! Appearance, format, etc are swell though. Please excuse writing, but I have to crush a lot in. Best of luck. Another furious burst of energy on our part completed the last FMZ DIGEST, #6, SUN T(r)AILS, a bunch of stuff left over from SUN TRAILS #2; and SPECTRA, the publication of the chain letter which started way back in March, and returned to us in June. We tried to do it in hecto, but after ruining a lot of sheets finally gave that up. Before we got them mailed out came a note from Joe Gilbert, dated 11/[illegible]. ... By the by, where are the Joquel publications?... if you're so tied up with work you can't get around to producing SPECULA, SPECTRA, and FMZ, well, suh, I humbly point out that "Dixie Press" is at your service. If y'all'll ship us the stencils or just the dummy, even, for any and all these mags, we'll be most happy to run 'em off, staple 'em,and mail 'em out for whatever price it costs us to do it; nothing more, of course. If we can help you by putting our publishing facilities at your beck and call, why just holler. What about it, huh? Let's hear from you, old boy, when you have time.
Hevelin Fanzines